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Welcome to The Ultimate Fanfiction Blog. In the end there is a small section of people going to the future. Roran Parris, Charlie Malfoy and Amelia Frost are three very different people, all united by a single aim- to be forgiven for their family's past. Nobody could know the Savior of the Wizarding World's true nature, not even Harry knows. The Harry Potter Movies. The Prisoner of Azkaban Quiz! Update: send an email to the contact address to make the owner/admin aware of the issue. If you think of a topic I need to address, tell me so I can address it! It is a truth universally acknowledged, that fanfiction is glorious, self-indulgent trash. Books » Harry Potter Rated: M, English, Romance & Humor, Words: 3k+, Favs: 295, Follows: 103, Published: 7/24/2010. 17. Sweet Briar College. And for your convenience, I'll be putting it all into the terms of Harry Potter fanfiction! #harry potter fanfiction #harry potter #amelia bones #sirius black #susan bones #over 15k words #complete #the sorting hat knows all #amelia is a boss #canon divergence year 1 #harry meets hufflepuffs #hufflepuff harry #meddlesome dumbledore #manipulative albus dumbledore #snape bashing More you might like Ultimate Wizardry: A Harry Potter Fanfiction. Welcome to the level 1 of The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz Quest! Before any fangirls try to smite me, I will say I adore fanfiction. I'll admit, even now I fall into cliches. I really think that part of Star of Gryffindor's success is that there aren't other books named that (a lucky accident, because I did everything wrong with that book and came up with the plot to fit the title instead of the other way around). I know that Wattpad and other fanfiction sites like it are not necessarily the traditional set up, where you're free to come up with the title after you've written the book because it hasn't been published yet. This visual collects the spells from Harry Potter books. A fanfiction is not less than a normal book, and should not be treated as less. Will post if the reply yields something interesting. sad harry potter deaths. THE ULTIMATE TRUTH —— neville longbottom. #helpbook By: whatnutzssam. So, do something a little different. Forum. #fanfic Harry Potter Character (ULTIMATE 100+) Harry Potter Characters. Anyway, I hope this guide is as helpful as Hermione and as funny Ron, because that combination is perfectly amazing in every way and that would mean I'm doing something right! c. 993) was a pure-blood wizard, noted for his cunning and determination. 10. Fanfiction. Okay, so, you've got your unique title. This technical understanding of rhetoric can be traced back to the works of Plato and Aristotle, which provide the earliest formal explanations of rhetoric. As we get further along, I will get into some of the finer details of Harry Potter fanfiction. Whether she's the Ice Queen of Slytherin, an heir to the family fortune, or just a regular teenager, Daphne Greengrass is . He was regarded as one of the greatest wizards of the age, respectively as a Parselmouth and as a skilled Legilimens. Found inside" In a collection of laugh-out-loud funny essays, all told in the unique voice (sometimes singing voice) that made her a star; Rachel writes about everything from her love of Disney, OCD and depression, weirdness, and Spanx to the story of ... Found insideGeorgia Peach Award Nominee • Florida Teens Read Award Nominee • ABC Best Books for Young Readers • Bank Street College Best Children’s Books of the Year • A Junior Library Guild Selection • Hugo & Locus award finalist In Other ... -- Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, page 723. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. - Seeking Ginny by Casca (FanFiction.Net) For years Ginny Weasley has tried to stop her feelings for Harry Potter. This fanciful, original collection for readers of all ages features arithmetic puzzles, logic problems related to crime detection, and logic and arithmetic puzzles involving King Arthur and his Dogs of the Round Table. #help Quiz! #fanfic We ask that you follow our rules and guidelines by visiting the Policy Category. Found inside – Page 88The ultimate goal was to produce a fan fiction or Choose Your Own Adventure, ... No Heroes Allowed—a fan fiction based on Harry Potter https://dl.dropbox. All the Harry Potter Books: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998) The Ultimate Harry Potter Fanfiction Storys. Often, bad titles can be a springboard pushing you towards better ones! Or, at least, part of a chapter because honestly I'll probably want to say something about any topic I cover in this book. So some cliches aren't all bad, if used in the right way. Founder: haydensstarwarsqueen - Stories: 392 - Followers: 60 - id: 30256 Crossovers, Azkaban, independent , kick ass Harry , the total best of the best Child of the Storm by Nimbus Llewelyn reviews . Also, consistent readers who interact a lot will have an option (if they choose) to write a chapter of this. Most of fics will be a character traveling back to his younger self, but ocassionally there will be just a time travel. The Ultimate Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone Quiz. Sorry it's been so long, everyone! :D No offense, but "Victoria, An Eighth Weasley Story" will not only make everyone skip your book, but it's also boring as heck. Harry Potter is the undisputed king of fanfiction. Harry, Hermione, Luna and Neville were among the last to board a thestral-drawn carriage. Harry Potter, T, English, Drama & Humor, chapters: 122, words: 661k+, favs: 28k+, follows: 20k+, updated: 3/14/2015 published: 2/28/2010, Harry P., Hermione G. 502 Not Another Time Travel Story » by Granny Tg Harry learns a secret that will make him lose faith in the Weasley family and his magic sends him back in time to make new allies and . #harrypotter Now, first thing's first. Answer (1 of 14): Eros and Psyche by RZZMG Without doubt. Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series alive. Love & Relationships Sports Trivia General Trivia The World The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz. A small boy with bright green eyes and messy black hair, named Harry Potter, lived in the cupboard underneath the stairs of #4 Privet drive in Little Whinging, Surrey, England. Aug 16, 2016. Harry Potter fanfiction facts. Avoid titles that are overused (a quick search will tell you if yours is!) So, if you have any ideas, pm me and we'll talk about it! Found inside – Page 705In addition to films about the Harry Potter Fandom a couple books have ... The Harry Potter Alliance2302 Fan fiction • Ultimate HP Fanfiction (Completed ... And yes, that happens way too often.). The following is a fan-written parody. Here, you will learn the dos and don'ts of the wizarding world, and how to handle your fanfiction in a way worthy of Rowling herself. This is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to Harry Potter fanfictions. Found insideThe Ultimate Gangster Movie and How It Changed America Ken Tucker ... On numerous Internet sites, you'll find Harry Potter fanfiction that makes a ... When her parents are murdered by Voldemort, her and Harry are separated. Send monetary donations via Pay Pal or order Harry Potter merchandise and all other items from Amazon.com, and the Sugar Quill will receive a small percentage! . The Unofficial Ultimate Harry Potter Spellbook is a beautiful, elegantly designed reference that details all of the known spells cast in the Harry Potter films, books, video games and card games, as well as official Harry Potter spinoffs, such as Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Found inside – Page 22“Fan Fiction: A Genre and Its (Final?) Frontiers. ... Pyne, Erin A. The Ultimate Guide to the Harry Potter Fandom. Winter Park, FL: What the Flux Comics, ... The list will divide the FANFICS depending on the years that they take place in the Harry Potter timeline (First year, second year, third year, fourth year, fifth year, sixth year, seventh year or future) Hope you find something new here All of these FANFICS are finished btw. Found insideForced out of their respective comfort zones, Lizzie, Megan and Sam learn more about each other, the school and themselves than they thought possible. And it all begins at The Drop-Off. If I haven't read any fanfics that fall in that category, I will go read some. Fanfiction has its fair share of tragedy, angst, and even hurt/comfort stories. Canon: When to Change it and What to Change, OCs Part 3: Siblings/Children/Best Friends of Canon Characters, Strong Female Characters: What to Avoid, and How to Make Them Shine, Emotions, Thoughts, and Doubts, and How to Portray Them, The Ultimate Guide to Harry Potter Fanfiction. Found inside – Page 141... everyday language: is Harry Potter now synonymous with boy-wizards, is Jaimie Lannister the ultimate knight, Black Jack Randall the archetypal bad guy? When the foursome walked into the Great Hall, they saw Ron already sitting at the Gryffindor table. It looks like the entire site is empty now. A lot of people will find your book by recommendations of other people; if no one can remember the title, it'll be harder for them to recommend it! Found insideBut when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows hit shelves in 2007, readers had to admit that ... reimagining of Rowling's world, and fan fiction flourished. Most people, at the start, thought the title was just about the good versus the bad, i.e. Found insideCarry On is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you'd expect from a Rainbow Rowell story - but far, far more monsters. Think about it – Harry Potter is going to be influencing people for generations to come, and your fanfiction might just be the thing that makes it breaks it for a reader. Harry killed them once. If you think of a cliche I haven't covered, tell me so I can cover it! Now that he is eleven he'll kill them again. More Harry/Daphne Fanfics. The Chambers of Secrets Quiz! Welcome to Harry Potter Fan Fiction Wiki!At the Harry Potter Fanfiction Wiki, everything fan fiction is welcome. You can learn to avoid cliches, think creatively, and make. Hogwarts Professors. Harry Potter fandom refers to the community of fans of the Harry Potter books and films who participate in entertainment activities that revolve around the series, such as reading and writing fan fiction, creating and soliciting fan art, engaging in role-playing games, socialising on Harry Potter-based forums, and more.The fandom interacts online as well as offline through activities such as . Knowing all of these things is often crucial for creating a title! Ava Potter is the sarcastic, smart, and overall amazing twin sister of Harry Potter. Follow/Fav The Ultimate Fanfiction. Absolutely not! Honour Thy Blood by TheBlack'sResurgence . Enjoy this Indian version of 'Hedwig's Theme' composed by John Williams as part of the Harry. ENTERTAINMENT By: Staff. Found inside – Page 258Harry Potter and Philosophy: If Aristotle Ran Hogwarts. ... The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles. ... Fan Fiction. " - Scott Westerfeld "Sarah Rees Brennan crafts a twisty tale full of surprises." - Holly Black "Witty, dark, and moving, this novel will keep your eyes glued to the pages. "Well, sometimes to make a glowstick glow you have to crack it." "I guess this glowstick was cracked so many times it broke." ll Mia Madison Snape wasn't your usual half-blood. See more ideas about harry potter, harry, potter. I mean, yes, at Hogwarts we stop taking English when we start first year, but they don't need to know that! The Ultimate Harry Potter Animagus Quiz! Chapter 12. Together, they will uncover a secret organisation, uncover a threat to the magical world and confront an ancient evil which is waiting in the Hogwart's grounds. Chapter 2: Halloween 1981 and the tale of how Sirius ended up in Azkaban despite living Potters. Now, this is all well and good, but how on earth do you come up with a title? First catagory is Harry centric (first completed works, then works in progress or abandoned), then Harry Hermione . Harry notices the big snake and goes, "That's a big snake, Tom." Then Tom sics Nagini on Harry, just as she is lunging, Harry quips, "I've seen bigger" Cue the Basilisk, which bursts out of the ground and swallows Nagini whole. Creating a basic outline will help you see what's truly important to your story, as well as identify the themes you want to highlight. My point is, we aren't perfect, and I've never seen a story with zero cliches. Found inside – Page 243... Rowell's Harry Potter-Inspired Carry On Is the Ultimate Fanfiction Remix.” Nov. 16, 2015, www.tor.com/2015/11/16/carryon-harry-potter-fanfic-remix/. #guide I'm not Hermione, people! But you can't let that be the norm! Hours later. Fanfic: The Snorkackic Trio Ch 12, Harry Potter | FanFiction. Disclaimer: I am not J.K. Rowling, nor do I own any of the books in the Harry Potter Series. The Hermione Granger Quotes Quiz! Found inside – Page 134A Month-by-Month Look at Harry's First 10 Years Scott Thomas ... Some interesting musings from Daniel Radcliffe regarding the ultimate fate of Harry Potter. Community. This often leads to them checking out your description (which you should also put a lot of time into crafting) and reading the first few chapters of your book. We all suffer from the results of poor decisions. In this illuminating collection, Bruce entertains while teaching us to avoid similar blunders. Carry On. 5. Then came the Hogwarts letter, and a world of intriguing new possibilities to exploit. If you need help, you can contact: The Bureaucrats: HarryPotter512 and Scarletmoon579 The Administrators: Aliceandjasperforever, Hermione524 and Philered Our Head-Boy: Philered Our Biggest Contributor . But that's just my humble appeal to HP fanfiction writers out there. First, take a deep breath and relax. Harry Potter Movies Tier List. And, fair warning to the squeamish among you, it even has a healthy dollop of straight-up horror or just plain horrifying tales. Top 10 Harry Potter Fanfics. Questions and comments are always appreciated! 4.73 (22 ratings) #helpbook The only fic I have bookmarked from that site still comes up http://www.ultimatehpfanfiction.com/hermione/ind/a/1/Indifference+And+Neglect/Seel%C2%B4vor/1#, ._2ppRhKEnnVueVHY_G-Ursy{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin:22px 0 0;min-height:200px;overflow:hidden;position:relative}._2KLA5wMaJBHg0K2z1q0ci_{margin:0 -7px -8px}._1zdLtEEpuWI_Pnujn1lMF2{bottom:0;position:absolute;right:52px}._3s18OZ_KPHs2Ei416c7Q1l{margin:0 0 22px;position:relative}.LJjFa8EhquYX8xsTnb9n-{filter:grayscale(40%);position:absolute;top:11px}._2Zjw1QfT_iMHH7rfaGsfBs{-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;background:linear-gradient(180deg,rgba(0,121,211,.24),rgba(0,121,211,.12));border-radius:50%;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;height:25px;-ms-flex-pack:center;justify-content:center;margin:0 auto;width:25px}._2gaJVJ6_j7vwKV945EABN9{background-color:var(--newCommunityTheme-button);border-radius:50%;height:15px;width:15px;z-index:1} 10 Questions - Developed by: Aditi - Developed on: 2010-10-01 - 77,851 taken - User Rating: 3.7 of 5 - 30 votes - 38 people like it. Found insideCollects Han Solo (2016) #1-5. Can replicate the behaviour - overview sites are empty but can open the direct link to the story OP provided. Mar 21, 2017 - Explore Caroline Kloster's board "Harry Potter Fanfiction Ideas" on Pinterest. Which suggests that that's not a purge, as the stories themselves are untouched, but a technical problem? - After the End by Sugar Quill (FanFiction.Net) This is the ultimate H/G epic and a must-read. Rainbow Rowell's Harry Potter-Inspired Carry On is the Ultimate Fanfiction Remix Natalie Zutter. Answer (1 of 68): Many people have recommended Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality, which is an enormously popular fic with one significant drawback: Its characters, themes, and story bear almost no resemblance to the characters, themes, or story of the original books. 1. Here are 10 Marauders' era fanfiction relationships we wish were real. Now, the question is: is it catchy enough to be remembered? However, uniqueness is what will make you stand out. Also, if you have questions, send them in. Along the way they discover the secrets of some of their 'missing' friends. Follow. Harry Potter universe is phenomenally popular among fanfiction writers and readers. What you're reading now, a flashfoward set at the end of Harry's Fourth Year before we go back to the beginning. All the Harry Potter Books: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (1997) Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (1998) Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series alive. The Ultimate Weasley Prank by AirshipHead. Quiz: The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz: HowStuffWorks Animals Cars, Trucks & Engines TV, Film & Music All About You! J.K. Rowling Official. Fans of these bestselling books will gain insights into the world of Harry Potter as well as sociology. Sociologists and their students will be intrigued to see everyday tools of the trade working magic in another universe. Book&Literature 30 Chapters 923.7K Views. Widely known as the best/worst piece of fanfiction in Harry Potter history, this story revolves around 17-year-old Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way, a vampire witch who goes to Hogwarts and . The Hogwarts Express arrived at Hogsmeade. The Ultimate Guide to Harry Potter Fanfiction Fanfiction. To do this, I'm going to need help from you guys. I mean... Well... That's a story for another time. Found insideIn 2009 future Glee star Darren Criss starred in A Very Potter Musical, a song-and-dance reimagining of Rowling's world, and fan fiction flourished. This compendium showcases EVERY character ever mentioned in the Harry Potter books, films and play: the good, the bad and the misunderstood. With more than 700 entries, this book is packed from cover to cover! Granger X Reader Draco Malfoy Harry Potter Neville Longbottom Ron Weasley Hogwarts Pureblood. Harry Potter Movies - Generally the public's knowledge of Harry Potter is derived from the movies, which change and alter the plot of the books in different ways to make it fit a sensible run time. After all, that's meant for authors of original stories, right? The Unofficial Ultimate Harry Potter Spellbook is a beautiful, elegantly designed reference that details all of the known spells cast in the Harry Potter films, books, video games and card games, as well as official Harry Potter spinoffs, ... I'm on a crusade to make the Harry Potter world a better place, and it starts with you! The Ultimate Escape Artist. Go to http://candidco.com/scb and use code SCB to get $75 off!Take the quiz with us :: https://www.wizardingworld.com/features/the-hermione-granger-quizToday. 10 Remus Lupin x Sirius Black 4 Harry Potter Time-Travel Fics AT LEAST as Good as 'Cursed Child' (Possibly Better) Sarah Mountain Flower Nunn. In this book, I'm going to be showing what to do by showing you what not to do. This is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to Harry Potter fanfictions. information, money, properties, magical abilities, contracts etc.) Harry Potter spells you ought to know. After reading some of the stories by the excellent author cloneserpents, I have become rather a fan of kinky . There is nothing wrong with typos. Write a fanfiction; Tests for the real fan-» Movie quizzes-» Harry Potter-» Other Harry Potter-» The Ultimate Harry Potter Quiz. I have read every one of them prior to being added. You'll find that ideas start flowing only after you start putting options out there. It should never be an afterthought! This doesn't necessarily have to be obvious from the start, but by the end of your book people should recognize why you chose the title you did and the meaning behind it. Ultimate Harry Potter Ships. Lily's Ultimate Revenge. The number of fics based on the popular book series is literally almost a million strong, with three times more stories than its closest competitor, Twilight (that's 809,000 versus 220,000). Author: ItsAllAboutME. So, if you've read that, you may recognize bits of it scattered throughout this book! For instance, your Nana might think he's a lovely young man with some interesting and talented friends, who together are excellent role models for you. Books quizzes -» Harry Potter There are levels of loving Harry Potter. Just In. A cambion (half-demon) living amongst humans, amongst muggles at that. Featuring over 25 magical knits pictured in gorgeous full-color photography, this book includes patterns for clothing, home projects, and keepsakes pulled straight from the movies—and even includes a few iconic costume pieces as seen on ... After taking this test, you'll get to know about your Fan-tasy level for Harry Potter movies! Hours later. Though notable for its convoluted narrative and constant digressions, the story largely centers on a non-canonical female vampire character named "Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way" and her relationships with the characters of the Harry Potter series, particularly her romantic . More. let me give you a rundown of this masterpiece. Here, you have to have an amazing title from the get-go, which is why planning your plot out before you start is vitally important. Not only are they often the only thing people will judge your book on (along with the cover), but they often need a significance that's not clear until later in the book. For example, (spoilers!) Found insideThat said, fan fiction picked up on many subtexts of his character, ... The Snape of fan fiction is the ultimate tall dark and tortured anti-hero. A flash of light transfers all the demigods and the Wizards to the summer solictice of 1981 where a note from the fates along with books on Percy Jackson and Harry Potter sends them into a frenzy of changing their fates and amending their mistakes. NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY Entertainment Weekly • San Francisco Chronicle • Village Voice • Chicago Sun-Times • iO9 • The AV Club “Delightful . . . the grown-up’s Harry Potter.”—HuffPost “An addictive ... Found inside – Page 27Name : The Ultimate FanFic Challenge Website : BIG DAMN TABLE About Ver The Ultimate FanFic ... Harry Potter to Star Wars and anything in between . Xover: The Warrior Ch 1, Harry Potter & Avengers | FanFiction. Let's continue our quest of discovering the best Harry Potter fanfiction stories of this year with 4 new entries! Slytherin was one of the four founders of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry along with Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff and Rowena Ravenclaw, as well as the namesake of . Found inside – Page 119... of Harry Potter fame, encourages fan fiction, while Anne Rice, author of The Vampire ... Ellen said: To a lot of fans, fanfic is one of the ultimate ... A whirlwind of adventures . Found insideConclusion: J. K. Rowling and the Harry Potter past, present, and future As ... especially further investigation into fan fiction and fan involvement more ... The Goblet of Fire Quiz! Support the Sugar Quill! This is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to Harry Potter fanfictions. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Harry P., Dobby - Words: 641 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 2 - Follows: 1 - Published: 7/27/2015 - id: 11410264 + . #worststoryonwattpad. The world hasn't been the same since 1997. http://www.ultimatehpfanfiction.com/hermione/ind/a/1/Indifference+And+Neglect/Seel%C2%B4vor/1#. The Ultimate Weasley Prank. I promise, you'll find an absolutely amazing title! Proof that the remaining 10% are worth being thrown off the Astronomy Tower for here.. Epic Harry Potter Pet Quiz! . . Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell comes with special bonus material; the first chapter from Rainbow's irresistible novel Carry On. Slash. From page 1, you can't read Rainbow Rowell's Carry On without thinking of Harry Potter. (I hope) a revered spot in both fanfic and Harry Potter canons. harry potter ships and couples. If a Wattpadder has never read Harry Potter, and sees all these cliche fanfictions, what from that will make them want to read the real thing? Never fear, Ellie is here to help! That's why I'm here to help. #harrypotter 83. However, even among some book readers, the versions of the stories depicted in the movies tend to be the ones that stick in the memory. The Order of The Phoenix Quiz! A soft chill blew threw . There are action adventure, romance, MPREG, creature, AU, time travel and more. The Harry Potter fandom has spawned a great many websites on the Internet, some official and some fan-created. ._3gbb_EMFXxTYrxDZ2kusIp[role=button]{margin-bottom:24px;text-transform:uppercase;width:100%}._3gbb_EMFXxTYrxDZ2kusIp[role=button]:last-child{margin-bottom:10px} This is a crossover between Harry Potter, Percy Jackson/ Heroes of Olympus, AND the MCU. (And even if it's not in your case, it's still very important anyway). Greek Gods Heroes Of Olympus Fanfiction. -» Other Harry Potter HARRY POTTER - the ultimate quiz time limit:t 10 min - Developed by: Kirsty da ultimate gareth luva - Developed on: 2002-09-15 - 3,193 taken - User Rating: 3,4 of 5 - 13 Votes ⇢ Credits and more info. A H/Hr time travel romance where they don't become a couple until Hermione is twenty one, and Harry kills death eaters without the help of children. You can learn to avoid cliches, think creatively, and make... #cliche Spike your … Continue reading 4 Dark Harry Potter Fanfictions That Will Leave You Horrified → There are three important things to remember when creating a title. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the HPfanfiction community, Press J to jump to the feed. Found inside... making them the ultimate meaning makers. J. K. Rowling tells us one story about Harry Potter. Harry Potter fan fiction writers tell us a million more. Here, you will learn the dos and don'ts of the wizarding world, and how to handle your fanfiction in a way worthy of Rowling herself. Fanfic: The Snorkackic Trio Ch 12, Harry Potter | FanFiction. Harry, Hermione, Luna and Neville were among the last to board a thestral-drawn carriage. This is THE ULTIMATE GUIDE to Harry Potter fanfictions. Hermione knows her wonderful best friend has a huge secret, but that just means he needs her more. You have to proofread and fix mistakes, and make sure that whatever you present to the muggle world gives them a good opinion of our intelligence (because let's be honest, does this, "omigerd im hary Poter's sis thisis 2 coo," look intelligent? One for which we have a huge selection fanfic sections every from Harry Potter to Wrestling Fanfiction. Harry Potter. Throughout the story, though, I got to show that it meant more than that (and I actually had a few readers who told me about other things it could mean, such as a metaphor for how hope is like light in darkness, something that I've picked up as a major theme for the series). The Ultimate Comeback [Hp and PJO/HOO crossover] Action Wizard Ultimate Hogwarts Harry Potter Comeback . I'll also cover topics like OCs, originality, romance, and any other topic I can think of. ._2YJDRz5rCYQfu8YdgB_neb{overflow:hidden;position:relative}._2YJDRz5rCYQfu8YdgB_neb:before{background-image:url(https://www.redditstatic.com/desktop2x/img/reddit_pattern.png);content:"";filter:var(--newCommunityTheme-invertFilter);height:100%;position:absolute;width:100%}._37WD6iicVS6vGN0RomNTwh{padding:0 12px 12px;position:relative} I'll dedicate a chapter to you and your question, and answer as best I can! Found inside – Page 230The latter book inserts a key Chinese character in Hogwarts, which is also ... What distinguishes these quite standard fan fiction works in print from their ... and go for something special and significant to you! We have now officially opened our forum. The Ultimate Guide to Harry Potter Fanfiction. 1st September, Part 2. Tall dark and tortured anti-hero a ghost story, a love story and a must-read t been the Since. 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