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This starts just after the revelation of the prophecy at the end of book5. Liar Liar. Revenge. Read on as a Powerful, intelligent Grey Harry builds his own world of Ingennus! LOL. He's "live and let live" until you come after him, then watch out. Arrogant Gryffindors. Set post OOTP AU NonHBP. Content not suitable for children. Ancient secrets, monsters, villains and more now stalks the Gamer Harry. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. Artemis, Ron, Hermione, Snape, Minerva, Dumbledore, Remus, and Sirius are summoned to read the books in the ROR. ReSortings. Time Travel Fic. In the brink of depression, he gains a new power, the power of The Gamer. Dark Harry and the Feral Mutantwitch. NON-MAGICAL PLACES LIKE THOSE DEPICTED DO EXIST THOUGH THEY HAVE BEEN EXAGGERATED IN THIS STORY GREATLY. Harry is James' younger brother, a jealous Slytherin who wants the Potter birthright for himself. Size: 38 Chapters. It is also a very well written book, good for the romance, even though it is incomplete without the smut The synopsis Draco challenges Harry and fri. I'm just borrowing it. Of course, they want something in return. The Denarian Renegade by Shezza. Welcome everyone to my recollection of FANFICS regarding the ship of Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass. Harry Potter lost his parents when he was a child, a friend during a tournment he was an unwilling participant of, now his godfather, the only person who have ever showed true familial love towards him. The views, activities, and lifestyles depicted in these stories in no way reflects the opinion, activities, or lifestyle of the site owner. Susan Bones, a Fifth Year Hufflepuff is in love with fellow Fifth Year, Harry Potter, leader of Dumbledore's Army and the Boy-Who-Lived. Thanks to a chance opportunity Harry Potter's reality is unwritten and he becomes the Dragon King, Hadrian Peverell. Sometimes to be free, you must hide. Harry Potter Universe doesn't belong to me. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Fair warning, it is a dark and tragic story that is a far cry from the usual Harry/Daphne fare. In the end there is a small section of people going to the future. We are not responsible for any of the adult content found in this archive. He was the Boy Who Lived, the fearless Gryffindor, aloof and untouchable. Future Dark!Harry Dark!Ginny pairing, extended summary inside. The list will divide the FANFICS depending on the years that they take place in the Harry Potter timeline (First year, second year, third year, fourth year, fifth year, sixth year, seventh year or future) Hope you find something new here All of these FANFICS are finished btw. Although the journey might not be easy, Tony and Harry learn to heal and become a family, facing trials and tribulations on the way such as a scheming Death, a Mad Titian, Dark Wizards, dangerous Doctors, and living Wards. This is an unofficial fan site and is not connected or endorsed by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. Harry Potter and its characters are property of JK Rowling in association with Warner Brothers. With Voldemort slowly taking over, everyone looks to Harry to lead them, all while Juggling school, friends, the seach for the Horcruxes, and teenage love. . By entering this site you are stating that you are of legal age to view and enjoy adult material in your area. When young Olivia and her twin sister are visited by the Dark Lord, things might never be the same. Harry is the reincarnation of Salazar Slytherin, with all the memory-access, skill-acquisition, and personality-adjustments commonly implied in Reincarnation Fanfic. Dark Discoveries Chapter 21, a harry potter fanfic | FanFiction. After being apart for a while, Harry begins to wonder if he made the right decision by letting her go. (HP/LV) A twist on other-BWL/abusive Potter parents fics. Susan shook her head slightly, before closing her eyes as if getting herself under control. All submitted "FanFic" stories remain the property of their authors and must not be copied in any form without their consent. To get out of the Triwizard Tournament, Harry enlists the help of one of the most dangerous forces on the planet. DADA Professor wants help in practicing her dueling so she goes to Headmaster Potter and Deputy Headmistress Hermione Granger-Potter for assistance. The death of her father a twin. A new revolution is looming, and in the midst, an Ilvermony transfer arrives at Hogwarts carrying the name and blood of Alexander Hamilton as well as a special artifact keyed to his memories...and nothing writes the future like the past. AU: Slight Xover with Dresden Files. The Lie I've Lived (best action/comedy/romance) 2. and most importantly, uncovering the mystery of her and her sisters powers. Their exciting plots and twists make them a joy to read and reread. He was still sore; the bruising had started to yellow, as the pain from his Uncle's latest beating slowly subsided. Dark Angels. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Don't buy drugs, Become a Rockstar and they'll give you for Free. For Harry, acknowledging his relationship with Tony is a last-ditch effort to gain freedom and control over his life. So I'm imagining a final confrontation between Harry and Voldemort. Welcomed into a wonderful magical community of his own, he grows away from the dangers of the wizarding world until he has an accidental encounter with a French witch and then a bushy haired witch. Pairings to be added as they appear in the chapters. Harry/ Daphne. "Everything okay, Susan?" Harry asked. A nice little fluffy piece. This is a story about the three godbrothers Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, and Alphard Black how separated at a young age they all come back to each other and the magical world will never be the same. Dark Harry Potter (1202) Albus Dumbledore Bashing (238) Slytherin Harry Potter (228) Manipulative Albus Dumbledore (212) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (193) Dark Harry (162) Dark Magic (128) Ron Weasley Bashing (125) Powerful Harry Potter (122) Master of Death Harry Potter (98) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. He joins the one man who can make it happen, and willingly betrays his own blood in the process. it's complete, but it has an alternate rewrite that's still ongoing) 5. An attorney. Reads 15,191. Harry Potter and the Worth of the Soul by xan519. Note from 2012: I'm not a huge fan of this story now, but leaving it up for historical purposes for those who do enjoy it. I was a weird one—I came into Harry Potter fanfiction later in my life. Fans take canon and expand upon it, making the universe even bigger. Someone is always hiding something~Lisa Lutz. Half-Blood Romantic (best pure romance/iconic Fleur fanfic) 3. Harry/Susan, Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 34 | Words: 303,503 | Reviews: 108 | Favs: 422 | Follows: 156 | Published: 9/17/2011 | Status: Complete | id: 7388739 | Language: English | Genre: Drama/Adventure | Characters: Harry P., Susan B. Light on Plot. Add to that he was a competent teacher and deeply knowledgable about the Dark arts, and well, maybe it was time. For the moment, this profile is only for me to collect my list of favorites and send out reviews about the various stories. A Truth Universally Acknowledged. First catagory is Harry centric (first completed works, then works in progress or abandoned), then Harry Hermione . Good thing he's already dead; 'cause this just might kill him! Set in fourth year, before the tournament. Outstandingly written, Unatoned follows Auror Harry Potter who crosses paths with the Greengrass family while investigating a murder. We will give you a glimpse into what they are about - according to their authors - but we will allow you to be as surprised as we were upon reading them. Part Four of the Headmaster Potter Series. Follow . Reads. They set out to prove he was wrong. Harry/Multiple Women Over Multiple Fandoms. Dark a Harry Styles fanfic Fanfiction. Stories that meet board standards will be archived in the Library. Summary: When Draco devises a plan to distract Harry during the Triwizard Tournament by making Harry fall in love, it backfires and Draco soon discovers that he feels more for the Gryffindor than he believed.Over the next few years, Harry and Draco engage in a clandestine, secret relationship that ends tragically when Draco is forced to take the Dark Mark. suggesting that Dumbledore had gone as far as to watch Tom Riddle turn dark and do nothing to prevent it, then set up James and Lily's deaths after hearing the prophecy. Who will save them? Bellatrix's Mind. -summary-Harry and Hermione, a snowball fight, a snow person, a snow creature, fuzzy slippers, a thick rug in front of a fireplace, hot cocoa mix and snogging. Hermione Granger is on a date at the Yule Ball with Drumstrang Champion Viktor Krum. These stories stand out for being well written and original. Months ago you couldn't even imagine Harry talking with politicians, but thanks to his job he deals with them every day, especially with the minister Amelia Bones, both of them have a great friendship, she even invited him to the Ministry's ball but is she really interested in them being just friends or is she inviting him with other intentions? In the process, Harry slowly learns about not only himself, but the true worth of the soul! Content not suitable for children. From Artemis's first to future seven, the books reveal a lot about her and the Golden Trio. Harry meets a pair of visitors from far away and together they change the world. Created: April 16th, 2011 at 5:25 pm. Work Search: I came here to say that the Harry/Susan ship is prrrrreeeetty canon. Night Meetings and Training. Well, at least death means someone else has to clean up the final fiasco. The only question is where does the light and dark become grey? Harry Potter willed himself to get up from his prone position on the cupboard floor. He will not turn back to the light, he will remain dark throughout the stories entirety. 2 hours ago Susannah. The Bones heiress then grabbed Harry by the wrist and dragged him into a nearby sitting room. Susan Bones, a Fifth Year Hufflepuff is in love with fellow Fifth Year, Harry Potter, leader of Dumbledore's Army and the Boy-Who-Lived. Muggle, magical, beast, god, it doesn't . Perfect Situations & Matryoshka Vignettes by Jeconais Harry/Amelia/Multi Post Order of the Phoenix Warning: References to Partner Swapping and Incest. Easy mistake to make I've heard many times on this sub, Two that I enjoyed, though I wouldn't say its a masterpiece, are linkffn(The Worth of a soul; The Air elemental). Often used with Tall, Dark, and Snarky Slytherin who wasn't really a racist prick. This is an unofficial fan site and is not connected or endorsed by J.K. Rowling or Warner Bros. Harry Potter and its characters are property of JK Rowling in association with Warner Brothers. Fantasy Humor Books Harry Potter Reading Golden Trio . The changes of her mother, who seems not to love Olivia anymore. As one can probably tell from my name, I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter/Susan Bones ships; I also like Harry/Hermione, but usually do not . I do not own any character, place, or item describe in this story. Sincerely not cliched, has plot, slow HPTR to come. They know they must hide to be free, they must lurk in the shadows to survive. Summary: When Harry de-ages himself to 6 or 7 years old after the defeat of Voldemort in his fourth year, Severus Snape is the one who takes him.Since Harry has no memories of his previous life, Snape and Harry have a chance to reconnect and start over. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/3230439/1/Thank-You-Ms-Bones. With Voldemort resurrected, Dumbledore needed to find a shortcut, enabling the light faction to gain power and stand a chance against the dark. SERIOUSLY THIS STUFF ISNT GOING TO BE NICE. Upon discovering he's a wizard, he sets out for the wizarding world - but he's doing things his way. Voldemort is dead at the end of Harry's fifth year, but trouble with a pureblood-controlled Ministry looms. Dark Harry and the Feral Mutantwitch. The Dark Wars is a Harry Potter Fanfiction written by Panamanian Marquis Black, consisting on four parts. He has even saved Harry's life a time or two. Intro Rated: Non-E. . Harry Potter, T, English, Family & Adventure, chapters: 2, words: 7k+, favs: 159, follows: 277, updated: 4/12/2013 published: 4/10/2013, Harry P., Luna L., Susan B. Harry/Kara/Karen/Faora/Diana/Multi. Control by megamatt09 Rated: NC-17 - No One 17 and Under Admitted [ Reviews - 2] New! Susan seemed to get along well with Hermione Granger, a Gryffindor, and the two shared an interest in the new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher Gilderoy Lockhart and the two would be usually seated together in their Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, both listening intently on Lockhart's every word. Latest: HIs Twenty-Eighth Life by Lomonaaeren- M Oct 1, 2021 at 2:06 PM , Madval29 Susan in her second year Herbology class with Hermione Granger. Harry Potter and Susan Bones. Harry is shunned not only Ron, but Hermione as well after the Goblet of Fire incident. -rating-G » A Week With Hermione-author-Yerst-recommended by-Kate J-type-Drama-summary-Harry stays at Hermione's for part of the summer.-rating-R » It's Just Pretend-author-Harrys Mistress Cedric and Susan. Madam Bones disagrees. No prophecy.No savior.Voldemort controls most of Europe bringing about an Age of magical bloodline discrimination.Muggleborns and blood traitors are sold as slaves sexual or otherwise.Half bloods live under the rule of the purebloods.Harry potter and his still living family including his brothers and sisters try to get through this life.All this changes as a Revolution begins. Harry had always been special, one of "them" - the ones you read about, the ones who did great things and strutted across the world stage. A Cadmean Victory (Mostly romance. Chapter 5. My take on a darker version of the Harry Potter world. Fandoms: Car Talk (Radio Show), Chalion Saga - Lois McMaster Bujold, Discworld - Terry Pratchett, Dark Is Rising Sequence - Susan Cooper, Farscape, Good Omens - Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett, Bloody Jack Adventures - L. A. Meyer, Jeeves - P. G. Wodehouse, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Leverage, Promethean Age . Tom Marvolo Riddle (31 December 1926 - 2 May 1998), later known as Lord Voldemort or, alternatively as You-Know-Who, the Dark Lord, or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was an English half-blood wizard considered to have been the most powerful and dangerous Dark Wizard of all time. The events of the previous night played through their minds as they started untangling their naked legs and bodies. Prequel to The Betrothal Situation. Action Harry Potter Adventure. Susan protested, "But Harry, Ron and Hermione were in the hospital wing for the night. When Harry returns to Privet Drive after the Tri-Wizard Tournament, he talls the Dursleys that things have changed. 15,191 15.1K. If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. Harry saved Amelia Bones from Voldemort, and she's going to pay back that debt however she can. Harry/Multi, darkish, some Dumbledore bashing, rating may go up later. Harry's been traveling around the world since the end of the war. PM . InkandWhisky is a fanfiction author that has written 4 stories for Harry Potter. With Voldemort slowly taking over, everyone looks to Harry to lead them, all while Juggling school, friends, the seach for the Horcruxes, and teenage love. This story has also been posted by me on FFN under the username Pax Humana. Harry leaned on and kissed her and said "Last night was just so…wow. Except that now Harry has another problem. He was thankful that today was the day he'd finally be able to leave the hellhole that . 4. Harry, unaware Fleur was watching, said, "It's time to end this bloody charade", and before Fleur's astonished eyes, Harry's body and features began to change, until a veela-a female veela, stood there, and unleashed a ball of fire at the Death Eater, which consumed Bellatrix until all that was left were ashes and bones. The purebloods are suffering. Yet for all his new powers, Harry learns the fact that he had once again entered into something else unwillingly. 2 Newly Discovered Harry Potter Fanfiction Stories. 4.THE WEASLEYS ARE TOO. Bad Behaviour has blocked 2415 access attempts in the last 7 days. Susan and Harry - Friendship and Secrets Susan Bones knew all of Harry Potter's secrets. This is a good thing, right? Daphne Greengrass will be the pairing with Harry in this story, though Susan Bones will be apart of the love scheme as well. Adult-FanFiction.Org is not in any way associated with or related to FanFiction.Net Adult-FanFiction.org (AFF, the site), its owners, agents, and any other entities related to Adult-FanFiction.org or the AFF forum take no responsibility for the works posted to the Adult-FanFiction.org by its members. These are truly the crème de la crème of the thousands of Dark Harry fics we have read. Existence of basilisk is justified or handwaved. The only thing is that Harry must hide from his friends is the fact that he is Dating Susan Bones. But with a twist: a twist of vore! With each loss, Harry finds his view of everything around him altered, his friends, the magical world and the non-magical world. Filled with romance, adventure, murder and more. PM /u/tusing. Romance Supernatural Song Music Love Harry Potter . Find out more inside. He was amongst the greatest wizards to have ever lived, often considered to be the second most powerful wizard in . In a very different Wizarding society, Harry Potter is introduced to an entirely different journey of Magic, Sex and Prophecies. Harry Potter, hardened wizarding warrior aged 25, finds himself in 1940. The terrorists don't care about anything, and will do anything for themselves and to further their cause. Yule Break. WARNING - RAPE AND LOTS OF IT, DONT LIKE DONT READ. All submitted "FanFic" stories remain the property of their authors and must not be copied in any form without their consent. The Ministry is taken over by muggleborns. Susan blanched slightly at her aunt's viscous statement, but you don't rise to the head of magical law enforcement without being able having a brutal side. Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Chapters: 19 | Words: 212,661 | Reviews: 1,177 | Favs: 2,959 | Follows: 2,528 | Updated: 10/28/2016 | Published: 6/12/2016 | Status: Complete | id: 11995519 | Language: English | Characters: <Harry P., Susan B.> | Download: EPUB or MOBI, FanfictionBot2.0.0-beta | Usage ffnbot!ignore, linkffn(Hiding in Plain Sight by Clell65619). The next morning, Harry was hoping to catch up with Hermione at the breakfast table to tease her even more, testing her resolve about stopping their stress-relief engagement. The only thing is that Harry must hide from his friends is the fact that he is Dating Susan Bones. All of them discover when he means. Marvel crossover, one shot. This is a dark/evil story, any who don't like this' please stop reading. Minor revision done to chapter 26. Time travel fics in Harry Potter fandom. | Download: EPUB or MOBI. Harry was changed by the events of the Third Task, and Sirius found an old Family Spell that spells trouble for the women they encounter. After his adventure in the Department of Mysteries, Harry finds a new power over air which gives him confidence. Can anyone recommend any other Potter/Bones works? If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Growing up having ALL of Voldemort's memories, thoughts, and intelligence inside of his brain, it's no wonder that he grew up to be so independent. James Potter was not only Magical Britain’s greatest wizard, he also belonged to an organization called Brotherhood. Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction M | Chapters: 41 | Words: 340,961 | Reviews: 2,872 | Favs: 3,759 | Follows: 1,758 | Updated: 11/12/2007 | Published: 12/3/2005 | Status: Complete | id: 2686464 | Language: English | Genre: Adventure/Romance | Characters: Harry P., Susan B. I do hope you enjoy! Hello! After one death too many, the Soul Reaper assigned to the case decides to take matters in hand and train the Boy-Who-Lived up to scratch. The best Dark Harry stories out there. Light on Plot. SusanHarry. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Albus is coming up with a theory, and young Tom Riddle, torn between feeling threatened and fascinated, acquires a mentor. It isn't like whoever hired Carrow knew that the goal was not to murder Harry. Chapter 1. Site: fanfiction.net | Category: Harry Potter | Rated: Fiction T | Words: 10,665 | Reviews: 503 | Favs: 3,643 | Follows: 1,055 | Published: 1/23/2013 | Status: Complete | id: 8937860 | Language: English | Genre: Humor/Adventure | Characters: Harry P., Susan B. [AU]. Now ten years later, a very different Lily and Harry Potter have returned to help with the problem at hand. A trip into Hogwarts. Who are we to judge power? If that includes raping and killing a couple of mudbloods and blood traitors, they will gladly and eagerly accept the challenge. Prequel to The Betrothal Situation. Favorite. Have just started James Spookie's 'The Forgotten Contract' as he is one of my personal favourite authors on FF.net. Set two years after Book One, the rise to the top continues for Harry Potter as new challenges, new allies, and new women are brought before him. During the rise of Lord Voldemort in the Summer of '95 through to early '98, the Death Eaters ran almost everything, including the Ministry, and most underground businesses. Emerald eyes met sky blue ones as Harry and Susan arose that Friday morning. Harry Potter: 10 Fanfiction Headcanons That Became Widely Accepted By The Fandom. The time wasn't to last, as the next day you were heading to Hogwarts. 1k+ A Wizard's Fairytale » by reviewgirl911 AU: The Potters survive the attack but are convinced by Dumbledore to put Harry with the Dursleys. Status: Complete. Stories Available as ePub eBooks. Harry decides what he needs to do, when it comes to his war against Voldemort. CearraRH. Obviously AU. Harry Potter and the Worth of the Soul by xan519, As his sixth year begins, Harry is forced to take up his destiny earlier that anticipated. They must learn to live with each other and finding a family along the way in the most unusual of people; a woman they saved in Greece, a de . This work could have adult content. What happens when he suggests that she join him for a nightcap and why does she never want to go anywhere near Krum again? Place to submit Harry Potter fanfiction for review and consideration. . It starts in September, 1997, when a Death Eater attack on Diagon Alley is stopped by a group of redcoats led by Lieutenant-Colonel Harry James Potter of the Imperial Army, ending with nearly all Death Eaters dead or dying. Rating increased to Mature. Gritty realism, independent Harry and a believable Voldemort all in a desperate battle to control the fate of the wizarding world. Other Results: 2 Off-site Recommendations, 20 Challenges, 2 Off-site . Let's continue our quest of discovering the best Harry Potter fanfiction stories of this year with 4 new entries! Susan waits until Hogwarts. Crossover with the musical Hamilton and includes music from the play, as well as from the Hamilton Mixtape and subsequent 2018 Hamildrops (music inspired by the play). Also, switch your tag from Recommentation to Request, the one you're using is for when you want to recommend something. Featuring a good Voldemort, dark Potters, evil Dumbledore and so much more. Susan took mental inventory of the best spells at her disposal silently thanking Harry Potter for helping her and the others in the DA perfect them. Rating: PG-13. Harry/Multiple Women Over Multiple Fandoms. All works belong to J.K Rowling and Warner Bros. No copywright infringement is intended. especially when the Chosen One wishes to build his own Alantis or Avalon? Joined Apr 30, 2007, id: 1268124. On that night in October when he was killed, it set off a chain of events that changed the path of his family’s life. I'm Still Here (action/adventure/romance) 4. That summer Harry gets a girl friend in Susan Bones, and sets about some self improvement. He was a runaway child who knew no one wanted him. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other. Inspired by Cypher Three's 'Sirius Sluts' Challenge. M for a reason. If you are underage or if adult material offends you, please leave now. Modified: February 17th, 2021 at 2:29 pm. Author: SharaLunison. Even though it is still incomplete, what has been written is no doubt very very smutty. Before Harry knew what was happening, Susan had summoned a Bones elf and directed her to continue to greet guests. This is a dark/evil story, any who don't like this' please stop reading. Wastelands of Time (mostly action with romance in the side) Harry and Harley by Rihaan Rated: NC-17 - No One 17 and Under Admitted [ Reviews - 181] Summary: As he stared into the eyes of a grinning, insane, albeit very attractive jester, hoisting a comically intimidating mallet across her shoulders, he realized that he wasn't in the Department of Mysteries, or London, anymore. Used with Tall, Dark, and young Tom Riddle, torn between threatened! 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