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This is a requirement by the Govt. So, if you are planning to travel to Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand or Karnataka, here is all you need to know about the latest COVID guidelines, what’s open and what’s shut, quarantine rules and more.Also Read - Third Wave of Corona in Karnataka? The 5 pm-5 am Covid curfew will also remain in place. advises public to defer travel to Kerala till October end Karnataka Domestic electricity tariff: First slab up from 30 to 50 units Karnataka ⦠Latest COVID guidelines for Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Karnataka. It’s recommended to call the toll-free number 1075 or central helpline number +91-11-23978046 for information before going to get tested. The government of India has taken a decision to allow inter-state travel of migrant workers, pilgrims, tourists, students and other persons stranded in different states ⦠The Kappa variant of the virus went from 112 cases to 145, an increase of 33 infections. New Delhi: As the coronavirus cases are on the decline in India, many people have started planning a trip within the country. • Section 144 has been lifted in the state.• June 14 onwards shops were allowed to open from 9 am to 5 pm. Found insideThis book offers the first comprehensive analysis of the psychology of pandemics. Coronavirus Lockdown India News Live Updates, Covid-19 Cases and Lockdown in Delhi, UP, Maharashtra Today News: In the biggest daily increase yet, India reported 2.95 lakh Covid-19 cases and 2,023 deaths in the 24 hours ending 9 am Wednesday. COVID-19 Karnataka relaxes COVID-19 curbs, resumes bus service to these Maharashtra districts from today, details here . These are the fresh guidelines for all international travellers: In addition to the above mentioned guidelines and protocols, travellers from United Kingdom, Europe or the Middle East must take note of these additional instructions: All the travellers arriving from/transiting through flights originating in the United Kingdom, Europe, South Africa, Brazil or the Middle East shall be mandatorily subjected to self-paid confirmatory molecular tests on arrival at the Indian airports concerned (port of entry). The Kappa variant of the virus went from 112 cases to 145, an increase of 33 infections. If you are also planning a trip to Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, or Karnataka, here’s is all you need to know about the latest COVID guidelines, what’s open, and what’s not, the quarantine rules, and more. While the previous regulations such as screening and registration on Seva Sindhu portal ⦠The Borfski Press is an independent magazine and publisher that began in January 2016. While Karnataka has lifted all restrictions and done away with ⦠Coronavirus Lockdown India News Live Updates, Covid-19 Cases and Lockdown in Delhi, UP, Maharashtra Today News: In the biggest daily increase yet, India reported 2.95 lakh Covid-19 cases and 2,023 deaths in the 24 hours ending 9 am Wednesday. They’ll also have to submit an online declaration with respect to authenticity of the report and to abide by the decision of the government authority to undergo home quarantine/self-health monitoring for 14 days or as warranted. You should get tested for COVID-19 if you have one or more of the following clinical symptoms for a prolonged duration: fever, difficulty in breathing, cough, sore throat, running nose, loss of taste or smell, and body pain. RD 158 TNR 2020 was issued on 02-05-2020 and which is in force from 03-05-2020 for a period of 2 weeks for Interstate pass to travel to Karnataka and go outside Karnataka.. Zee Entertainment Enterprises Limited. 8 th January 2021. 1. Bengaluru, June 15: Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Tuesday indicated that there will be further relaxation in lockdown restrictions in the state after June 21, when the current Covid-19 guidelines come to an end. A dangerous new Covid-19 variant that is potentially resistant to certain drugs has been found in Karnataka and other states with experts stressing the need for close monitoring of the situation. Rules for travel from India to Dubai. From Jeffrey Gettleman, a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times journalist, comes a passionate, revealing story about finding love and finding a calling, set against one of the most turbulent regions in the world. What do you need to know and prepare before getting tested? The Karnataka New guidelines vide order No. The shops, however, will remain closed on Saturdays and Sundays. Found inside â Page 171(2020a) COVID-19 state wise statistics. ... Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, guidelines for domestic travel (air/train/inter-state bus travel), P1. Policy makers and public health professionals may be forced to weigh and prioritize potentially competing ethical values in the face of severe time and resource constraints. • The lockdown or COVID curfew has been extended in Uttarakhand till June 22 which was scheduled to end on June 15. The Goa government on Saturday extended its state-wide curfew till 7 am on June 21. While the previous regulations such as screening and registration on Seva Sindhu portal ⦠Blank lined notebooks are great for journaling, recording thoughts, memories, or inspirational quotes. Hotels, restaurants and eateries can operate their kitchens to provide parcel service only. For more on COVID-19 Guidelines in Kerala visit - https: ... international air travel except the ones allowed by the Union home ministry are prohibited. Detailed order will be issued by District Collectors,” Goa Chief Minister had tweeted. The test result will have to be uploaded on the portal for consideration, as per the airportâs guidelines. Here's what you need to keep in mind. Essential shopping will be allowed from 6 am to 2 pm. While Karnataka has lifted all restrictions and done away with ⦠Indian Army may soon get new indigenous song with Hindi lyrics for.. 'COVID-19 booster doses not required in India at this stage', say experts, This website uses cookie or similar technologies, to enhance your browsing experience advises public to defer travel to Kerala till October end Karnataka Domestic electricity tariff: First slab up from 30 to 50 units Karnataka ⦠All tourists will strictly follow the Safety and Hygiene guidelines for operation of tourism units issued time to time by the Ministry of Home Affairs & Dept of Tourism, etc. Rapid Antigen Test UAE: Where to Get Quick COVID Test in the UAE? • People are allowed to go to vaccination centres, provided they have documents proving their visit• Only 20 persons are permitted in a wedding. Bengaluru, June 15: Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Tuesday indicated that there will be further relaxation in lockdown restrictions in the state after June 21, when the current Covid-19 guidelines come to an end. You’ll need to carry your government ID card (Aadhar card/Passport/Voter ID) and proof of your address when you proceed to get tested at any of the laboratories/ hospitals. For breaking news and live news updates, like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter and Instagram. and provide personalised recommendations. In view of the increasing COVID-19 cases, the Tamil Nadu Health and Family Welfare Department has issued fresh travel guidelines for domestic and ⦠Two days later, the state became the first in India to invoke the provisions of the Epidemic Diseases Act, 1897, which are set to last for a year, to curb the spread of the disease. 2. Narration, Dialogue, Monologue And Comment All Are Employed For Its Presentation. Shot Through With Irony, Pity And Understanding Objectivity, The Novel Ends With The True Tragic Vision Of Faith In Life And Hope For Mankind. People coming from outside the state will have to register on the Smart City portal and produce a negative RT-PCR test report not older than 72 hours on arrival. You will likely be charged INR 800 for an RT-PCR test, INR 2,400 for the CBNAAT test, INR 1,250 for the TrueNat test, and INR 500 for the Antigen test. This website follows the DNPA’s code of conduct, For any feedback or complaint, email to compliant_gro@jagrannewmedia.com. Third Wave of Corona in Karnataka? For more on COVID-19 Guidelines in Kerala visit - https: ... international air travel except the ones allowed by the Union home ministry are prohibited. Karnataka quarantine rules Domestic passengers. Rising Viral Flu Cases of Children in 12 Districts Keep Authorities on Their Toes, Karnataka Lockdown: Officials Take Strict Action Against People For Entering State Without RT-PCR Test Report, Sikkim Travel Guide - 5 Best Tourist Attractions to Explore. However, medicine shops will remain open 24*7• Travelers from outside have to register on the Smart City portal and show a negative RT-PCR test (taken within 72 hours)• Migrants have to remain in 7 days quarantine before leaving the state. The test result will have to be uploaded on the portal for consideration, as per the airportâs guidelines. It is COMPULSORY for passengers arriving from Maharashtra and Kerala to carry a COVID negative report from an ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival into the state of Karnataka. Karnataka Lockdown: Everything You Need To Know…, Maharashtra Quarantine: Everything You Need to Know…, Odisha Quarantine: Everything You Need to Know…, Tamil Nadu Quarantine: Everything You Need to Know…, Rajasthan Quarantine: Everything You Need to Know…. Dine-in will not be allowed and customers have to maintain social distancing for ordering and collecting parcels. Michael Cooney's riotous farce has all the ingredients for rib-tickling hilarity and offers a colourful selection of character roles. A few hotels in Karnataka are providing paid institutional quarantine facilities for travellers. The Karnataka New guidelines vide order No. Found insideThis is the story of every regime. The book narrates this compelling data story in a layman's language. Even where data is wrong it leaves behind a tell-tale mark of anomalies, which trips the economy sooner than later. Latest COVID guidelines for Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Karnataka Goa The Goa government on Saturday extended its state-wide curfew till 7 am on June 21. A dangerous new Covid-19 variant that is potentially resistant to certain drugs has been found in Karnataka and other states with experts stressing the need for close monitoring of the situation. Karnataka Congress President DK Shivakumar on Monday appealed to the people of the state to notify him through social media if hospitals are overcharging them for COVID ⦠If you were unable to make a change to your booking before your travel date or wish to make a change to your upcoming travel ⦠Bengaluru, July 1: Karnataka on Thursday reported 200 new Delta variant Covid-19 cases, taking the total cases of the variant in the state to 518. COVID-19 Karnataka relaxes COVID-19 curbs, resumes bus service to these Maharashtra districts from today, details here . Here's what you need to keep in mind. It is COMPULSORY for passengers arriving from Maharashtra and Kerala to carry a COVID negative report from an ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival into the state of Karnataka. Saudi Quarantine Package: How to Book Your Quarantine Stay in the KSA? On other other hand, restaurants can operate till 10 pm. Liquor shops will be able to allowed to be open from 6 am to 2 pm. Rising Viral Flu Cases of Children in 12 Districts Keep Authorities on Their Toes, For those who are planning to travel to Karnataka, know that the state is all set to begin the unlock process from today in 19 districts where the test positivity rate has fallen below 5 per centn owing to declining coronavirus cases in the state. Karnataka quarantine rules Domestic passengers. Latest COVID guidelines for Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Karnataka Goa The Goa government on Saturday extended its state-wide curfew till 7 am on June 21. Found insideShanghai COVID-19 Medical Treatment Expert Team edits this timely guide for effective prevention and control of COVID-19. Bengaluru, June 14: Karnataka Covid-19 lockdown will continue in 11 districts which have a high positivity rate till June 21. Air travel has been affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Karnataka lockdown: Covid-19 restrictions FAQs Bengaluru: Woman dies after 5-day search for dialysis unit with ventilator Should I worry about running and ⦠Also Read - Sikkim Travel Guide - 5 Best Tourist Attractions to Explore. Section 144 has been lifted in the state. In a circular (https://himachaltourism.gov.in/wp-content/uploads/2021/05/Additional-SOPs-for-Operation-of-Tourism-Units.pdf) of Department of Tourism and Civil Aviation of Himachal Pradesh government, some Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for tourism units have been issued: 1. The test result will have to be uploaded on the portal for consideration, as per the airportâs guidelines. Rules for travel from India to Dubai. Vaccine Booster Shot in Pakistan: Will You Need It? The Ministry of Home Affairs directed all states to not block inter and intra state travel. • The Karnataka govt has started the unlocking of 19 districts where the positivity rate is less than 5 per cent. Operations till 23rd Jan will reamin restricted to 15 flights per week each for carriers of the two countries. of Karnataka. Street vendors can operate businesses from 6 am to 2 pm. Autos and taxis to operate with two passengers in these 19 districts. The Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC) issued an order which stated that the bus services to Maharashtra, Pune, Miraj, Solapur, Pandharpur and Tuljapur will resume with a seating capacity of 50 percent from Friday (June 25, 2021). of Karnataka. Shops dealing in essential commodities like milk, meat, fish, fruits, and vegetables will open daily from 8 am to 12 pm during the extended curfew. The night curfew from 7 pm till 5 am will stay in place, while weekend curfew from Friday to Monday will be from 7 pm to 5 am. The first case of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Indian state of Karnataka was confirmed on 8 March 2020. Entry made in the SDF regarding telephone number and address would be reconfirmed. 2. Found inside22 cm., Hampi (India), Vijyanagar Empire- History Bengaluru, June 15: Karnataka Chief Minister B S Yediyurappa on Tuesday indicated that there will be further relaxation in lockdown restrictions in the state after June 21, when the current Covid-19 guidelines come to an end. Passengers must have a valid Negative Covid-19 Test certificate that is issued within (48) hours from the time of collecting the sample up to departure, and issued from an approved health service, https://www.icmr.gov.in which use QR code System. The new guidelines are meant to protect public health, help evaluate development projects near freshwater and recreational sites and assess potential health aspects of recreational projects. of Karnataka. COVID19: Check Latest Travel Guidelines For Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand And Karnataka Check out about the latest COVID-related travel restrictions, guidelines⦠People will be allowed to go to vaccination centres to get vaccine jabs during the lockdown if they have the document to prove their purpose. If you were unable to make a change to your booking before your travel date or wish to make a change to your upcoming travel ⦠Found inside â Page iThis book is a study of Woodford, the man, and what drove his desire to establish a colonial protectorate in the Solomon Islands. BENGALURU: The resurgence of the COVID pandemic has put paid to the promise of a revival of air traffic seen in January 2021 with airports across Karnataka reporting poor ⦠Karnataka government on Monday eased coronavirus disease (Covid-19) further as it included some more districts under Category I of Covid-19 guidelines. Himachal Pradesh Unlock: In its guidelines, the state government has allowed businesses to operate from 9 am to 8 pm. Found insideThis clinically focused guide to modern labor and delivery care covers low and high-risk situations, the approach of the team in achieving a successful outcome and what to consider when quick decisions have to be made. Till June 30, there were 318 Delta variant cases in Karnataka. Bengaluru quarantine and arrival rules All international passengers arriving in Karnataka are required to carry a Covid-19 negative certificate, issued within 72 hours from departure. This book illustrates the enabling nature of ITeS with its entailment of IT, thus contributing to the betterment of humanity. The country has 21.57 lakh active cases. Sonu Sood evaded tax worth over Rs 20 crore, says IT department after.. of Karnataka. International flight operations under air bubble have already resumed. Bars will remain closed till further orders, it said. The Karnataka government on Friday (June 11, 2021) released detailed guidelines for the 11 districts in the state with a high positivity rate, where the COVID ⦠Till June 30, there were 318 Delta variant cases in Karnataka. Found inside â Page 118SC allows Air India to fly with middle seats filled for 10 days: ⢠The Supreme ... inter-state travel amid the fourth phase of nationwide COVID-19 lockdown. The Union health ministry had issued a set of revised guidelines for international arrivals amid the spread of mutant variants of coronavirus in many countries. The Ministry of Home Affairs directed all states to not block inter and intra state travel. This book presents recent research on cancer detection methods based on nanobiosensors, which offer ultrasensitive point-of-care diagnosis. Karnataka has now eased inter- state travel restrictions. Found insideThe Work of the Dead is like a vast canvas in which the reader can somehow see at the same moment the tiny buttons on a frock coat and the curvature of the earth. The book is a moving triumph of scholarship and the historical imagination. Covid-19 Travel Update. All industries will be allowed to function with 50 per cent staff, while garment units will function with 30 per cent employees. Vote for your favourite contestant; check step-by-step process here. Residence Visa Kuwait 2021: How to Apply For Residency in Kuwait? COVID-19 travel guidelines for Himachal Pradesh. It is COMPULSORY for passengers arriving from Maharashtra and Kerala to carry a COVID negative report from an ICMR approved lab not earlier than 72 hours of arrival into the state of Karnataka. If you were unable to make a change to your booking before your travel date or wish to make a change to your upcoming travel ⦠The swimming pools, auditoriums and assembly halls in the hotels shall remain closed. 2. Marriage functions with up to 50 persons have been permitted. For more on COVID-19 Guidelines in Kerala visit - https: ... international air travel except the ones allowed by the Union home ministry are prohibited. As sanctioned by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), coronavirus tests in Karnataka are of the following types: Real-time RT PCR tests, rapid antigen tests, TrueNat tests and CBNAAT tests. Air travel has been affected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. By continuing to use our website, you agree On Saturday, the Goa government decided to extend the statewide curfew till 7 am on June 21 in a bid to curb the spread of deadly COVID-19 infections, announced Chief Minister Pramod Sawant. Only 20 people with negative RT-PCR test reports not older than 72 hours can attend weddings. Airlines and airports are required to ensure social distancing norms at all times, and passengers are required to undergo thermal screening; All passengers are allowed to travel to the airport in their personal vehicles, as long as they donât travel from a containment zone; Train Travel Guidelines Karnataka Congress President DK Shivakumar on Monday appealed to the people of the state to notify him through social media if hospitals are overcharging them for COVID ⦠Readers are advised to check with the hotel authority regarding the facilities offered and their current availability for quarantine travellers. The RT-PCR tests cost Rs 500 if the sample is referred by the government. Recently a traffic gridlock was witnessed on the Kalka Shimla highway as tourists stood in a beeline for the hills. BENGALURU: The resurgence of the COVID pandemic has put paid to the promise of a revival of air traffic seen in January 2021 with airports across Karnataka reporting poor ⦠The Karnataka New guidelines vide order No. • The list of these districts includes Bagalkot, Ballari, Bengaluru Urban, Bidar, Chikkaballapur, Chitradurga, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, Kalaburagi, Kolar, Koppal, Raichur, Ramanagar, Tumkur, Udupi, Uttara Kannada, Vijayapura, and Yadagir.• However, night curfew (from 7 pm till 5 am) and weekend curfew (from Friday 7 pm till Monday 5 am) will continue to remain the same with time-specific relaxations.• Medical emergency, air or rail travellers are allowed to move.• Only two passengers are allowed in Autos and taxis.• Essential shops can open 6 am to 2 pm and parks can open from 5 to 10 am.• Street vendors can open from 6 am to 2 pm.• Dine-in is not allowed in hostels, only delivery can be done.• Liquor shops can open from 6 am to 2 pm.• Ration shops distributing PDS are allowed to open from 6 am to 2 pm. You can find a list of government and private labs in Karnataka where you can get a COVID test report here. International flight operations under air bubble have already resumed. Found inside... to get the vaccine should we enforced the COVID guidelines get inoculated as ... started off. baneswar-based Mother's Public travel in the near future. Himachal Pradesh Unlock: In its guidelines, the state government has allowed businesses to operate from 9 am to 8 pm. advises public to defer travel to Kerala till October end Karnataka Domestic electricity tariff: First slab up from 30 to 50 units Karnataka ⦠Search and compare flights, hotels & travel deals from thousands of sites, all in one app. The text also contains incidental information on flora, fauna and village life. Seven of the stories were first published privately as Jungle Stories. Corbett's most famous work, this book is a timeless classic. Not more than 20 people can attend funerals. Found inside â Page 5-268.1.2 IMPACT ON INDIA The first COVID-19 case in India was reported on January ... and intra-state travel via any modeâroad, rail or air (COVID W., 2019). They need to have a negative RT-PCR test not older than 72 hours.• In funerals also only 20 people are allowed • Essential commodity shops are allowed to open daily from 8 am to 12 pm• Bars will remain closed along with educational and coaching institutes, cinema halls, shopping malls, stadiums, gyms, and restaurants. Examines the stories of seven second-generation entrepreneurs in India who turned around the companies inherited from their fathers. Bengaluru, July 1: Karnataka on Thursday reported 200 new Delta variant Covid-19 cases, taking the total cases of the variant in the state to 518. Coronavirus Lockdown India News Live Updates, Covid-19 Cases and Lockdown in Delhi, UP, Maharashtra Today News: In the biggest daily increase yet, India reported 2.95 lakh Covid-19 cases and 2,023 deaths in the 24 hours ending 9 am Wednesday. New Delhi | Jagran News Desk: As the COVID restrictions are being lifted across different states amid the decreasing trend of Coronavirus, people have begun to plan vacations in the country. COVID-19 Karnataka issues new guidelines for weekend, night curfew and districts with high COVID positivity rate. While Karnataka has lifted all restrictions and done away with ⦠Will Karnataka lockdown be extended? International flight operations under air bubble have already resumed. Air Travel Guidelines. Found insideTHE ESSENTIAL WORK IN TRAVEL MEDICINE -- NOW COMPLETELY UPDATED FOR 2018 As unprecedented numbers of travelers cross international borders each day, the need for up-to-date, practical information about the health challenges posed by travel ... This is a requirement by the Govt. The Karnataka government on Friday (June 11, 2021) released detailed guidelines for the 11 districts in the state with a high positivity rate, where the COVID ⦠Passengers must have a valid Negative Covid-19 Test certificate that is issued within (48) hours from the time of collecting the sample up to departure, and issued from an approved health service, https://www.icmr.gov.in which use QR code System. All Rights Reserved. Operations till 23rd Jan will reamin restricted to 15 flights per week each for carriers of the two countries. Curbs on travel between districts in Karnataka to continue The Karnataka Government on Friday issued guidelines for relaxation of lockdown norms in ⦠Karnataka Congress President DK Shivakumar on Monday appealed to the people of the state to notify him through social media if hospitals are overcharging them for COVID ⦠Found insideThe statue of First Batch of 3 Women Pilots to Fly ratio in the country while Manipur ... and Lieutenant Shivangi were part of the 27th and Karnataka (957). Copyright © 2021. Holders of all types of valid visas are permitted to arrive in Dubai. On other other hand, restaurants can operate till 10 pm. There is no mandatory quarantine for domestic passengers. Covid-19 Travel Update. RD 158 TNR 2020 was issued on 02-05-2020 and which is in force from 03-05-2020 for a period of 2 weeks for Interstate pass to travel to Karnataka and go outside Karnataka.. Curbs on travel between districts in Karnataka to continue The Karnataka Government on Friday issued guidelines for relaxation of lockdown norms in ⦠Flight operations from the UK have resumed from 0:01hrs. BENGALURU: The resurgence of the COVID pandemic has put paid to the promise of a revival of air traffic seen in January 2021 with airports across Karnataka reporting poor ⦠COVID19: Check Latest Travel Guidelines For Goa, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand And Karnataka Check out about the latest COVID-related travel restrictions, guidelines⦠In the wake of rising coronavirus cases, Maharashtra, West Bengal and Karnataka have imposed the strictest COVID-19 travel guidelines so far. Happy Ganesh Visarjan 2021: Wishes, messages, quotes, greetings, WhatsApp.. 'Humiliated thrice in last 2 months', says Captain Amarinder Singh after.. Babul Supriyo, former Minister and BJP leader, joins TMC a month after.. • Some Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for tourism units have also been issued including instructions to close swimming pools, auditoriums, and assembly halls in hotels.• All tourists are also required to follow Safety and Hygiene guidelines issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs & Dept of Tourism. That’s why we work tirelessly to make your experience of planning & booking flights, hotels and trips as seamless as possible. • As per the latest travel guidelines for Himachal Pradesh amid the Coronavirus pandemic negative RT-PCR test report is not required now to enter the state. hotels in Karnataka are providing paid institutional quarantine facilities, Maintaining physical distancing of at least 6 feet or 2 meters, Wash hands frequently with soap and water and use hand sanitizer, All international travellers, including children and infants, shall be mandatorily required to submit a self-health declaration form on. Only those having medical emergency or air or rail travellers will be allowed to move in this period. Karnataka lockdown: Covid-19 restrictions FAQs Bengaluru: Woman dies after 5-day search for dialysis unit with ventilator Should I worry about running and ⦠Karnataka quarantine rules Domestic passengers. Karnataka has now eased inter- state travel restrictions. Covid-19: 1,108 new cases, 18 deaths in Karnataka With Rs 5,792 crore dues from state depts towards Escoms, Karnataka govt likely to introduce prepaid electricity Read more on Latest Articles News on India.com. Marriage function with up to 50 persons have been permitted. When in public areas and workplaces, you must observe COVID-19 precautions such as: The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare had advised all international travellers to submit a self-declaration form on the Yatri Karnataka online portal and on Air Suvidha portal at least 72 hours before the scheduled date of travel. Karnataka Karnataka govt. Holders of all types of valid visas are permitted to arrive in Dubai. As of 9 July 2021, active COVID cases in Karnataka is 28,64,868 with over 35,000 fatalities. The Karnataka government on Friday (June 11, 2021) released detailed guidelines for the 11 districts in the state with a high positivity rate, where the COVID ⦠Ration shops selling foodgrains under the public distribution system (PDS) will function from 6 am to 2 pm. Karnataka government on Monday eased coronavirus disease (Covid-19) further as it included some more districts under Category I of Covid-19 guidelines. A detailed order issued by district collectors is awaited soon. Flight operations from the UK have resumed from 0:01hrs. The WHO guidelines on assessing donor suitability for blood donation have been developed to assist blood transfusion services in countries that are establishing or strengthening national systems for the selection of blood donors. Found inside â Page 6Luxembourg â¡ Janez Jansa has been appointed as the new Prime Minister of Slovenia â¡ The â¡ world's largest plane ..............successfully completed test ... 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