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Relax and enjoy a delicious beverage as you embrace another breathtaking Maui sunset. $ 249.00. $99.00 BOOK NOW. I'd say it's time to book tickets. Feel the aloha vibes as our Crew serve up a wide variety of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages–a little tasty something for everyone on this Sunset Sail. Enjoy tantalizing pupu (appetizers) and island-style music against the backdrop of a stunning sunset over the Pacific Ocean. Found insideTrilogy's sail isn't marketed as a booze cruise, but three premium alcoholic ... offers sunset sails ($82 adults) that feature a pupu menu as well as Maui ... Highly recommend. Found inside – Page 126Park atthe special Trilogy parking lot ($10) on Dickenson St and then meet ... cruise at $50 for adults and $40 for kids, a sunset dinner cruise at $85 for ... Trilogy Excursions' romantic Kaanapali Sunset Sail. Found insideIf your idea of a sunset sail is a stable platform that putts along at three knots, the dinner cruises from Lahaina are a better bet. Trilogy (808/874-5649, ... Whalers Village Museum. I would hope so for that price. Experience fine dining with an unbeatable view! Our Story is a tribute to the dreamers and visionaries: Though our family’s legacy began in the 1920’s, it wasn’t until 1969 that a fateful shipwreck in SE Alaska changed the course of our future. Discover Lanai Cruise from Lahaina with Trilogy. Trilogy Excursions: Sunset cruise - See 7,945 traveler reviews, 4,593 candid photos, and great deals for Lahaina, HI, at Tripadvisor. As you are escorted to. #1. I'll definitely be back! Maui Sunset & Dinner Cruises Reviewed. Combine the best of both worlds, taking pleasure in a fun and comfortable sail aboard our luxury catamaran, while dining on an incredible meal catered by an award-winning chef. Family-owned and operated. Wouldn't you? Out of all the boats that Snorkel Molokini, Trilogy has the best mooring pin on the right. All of the tables are set for two so its a romantic evening - beautiful sunset and great food! Wow! My Last Sunset. SUNSET SAIL. Departs from Ma’alaea Harbor from Slip #99. So take the time to unwind, and enjoy your island surroundings in a new way-on the Paragon's Lahaina Sunset Sail! Easy online booking on TravelShack with top 16 Maui activities and free rewards and cash back. Found inside – Page 182Sunset Cruises Come sunset, one of the classic Maui scenes is a boat under ... Boarding is from the sand on Kā'anapali Beach directly to the Trilogy IV, ... Trilogy V is a 54' Sloop Rigged Sailing Catamaran. Family owned and operated since its start in 1973, Trilogy is the oldest sailing company on Maui, and they know how to have a . Trilogy - Kaanapali Deluxe Sunset Sail. Paragon departs from Lahaina Harbor. Teralani Sunset Trips Choice of Dinner Sunset Sail or Sunset Sail. Sunrise Trip Check in 6am, return 2:30pm Sunset Trip Check in 9:30am, return 6pm Trilogy Excursions is one of the longest running activity providers on Maui. Ka'anapali Beach; 808-661-0365; Trilogy Sunset Sail Two hour Maui sunset sail with views of Moloka'i and Lana'i. Awesome Lahaina Sunset Dinner Cruise Enjoy the best views of Maui, Lana'i, and Molokai while the sun sets into the horizon on the Maui Princess dinner cruise.You'll see spectacular sunset. Add in whale watching during sunset, an open bar, a three-course dinner, and a random assortment of Hawaiian and 80s tunes, and it's essentially a perfect storm . Found inside – Page 156They also have a sunset whale-watch with pupus, champagne and mai tais from 4 to 6 pm during those same months. A nightly dinner/cocktail cruise, ... This is your perfect choice for an upscale dinner sail with incredibly reasonable prices. Found inside – Page 171( Trilogy has exclusive commercial access . ) Snorkeling gear is supplied . The company also offers a Molokini snorkel cruise . The Hyatt Regency Maui's ... 6 helpful votes. Found insideDragon Walk is far more vital; a no-holds-barred grapple with evil and reef devastation that shines a light where others fear to tread. Rated 4.67 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings. Mostly want to know about the water conditions. Take a Maui sunset sail aboard Trilogy's safe and comfortable ocean sailing catamaran. Best Museum. We recommend you bring your camera and/or a light jacket or sweatshirt. 2 hour cruise. Michael Williams recommends Trilogy Excursions. Crew very conscious about safety. Capacity: Trilogy VI is licensed for 88 passengers, average is 32 passengers. Enjoy sailing, snorkeling, one of the best beaches in Hawaii, and a charming plantation town on a full day visit to the nearby island of Lana'i! along the scenic and tranquil Maui . The ladies kept the drinks coming and brought us great food prepared by Chef Will. per adult. Found inside – Page 296WATER ACTIVITIES & TOURS Boat Tours & Charters Trilogy Oteansports Lana'i. ... up for a blue-water dolphin watch, whale- watching sail, or a sunset cruise. Enjoy your favorite island music. Parking within Ma’alaea Harbor is $0.50 cents per hour; we recommend paying for 3 hours total. Sip on two complimentary drinks while soaking up the views. Answer 1 of 9: Why is the sunset cruise on Trilogy out of Maalaea Harbor ($110.) Which Sunset Sail??? Partake in Maui's original activity: Just Cruisin'! Don't miss out on this one-of-a-kind dining experience, book with Mauiactivities.com today! More on Trilogy Maui Cocktail Sunset Sail: End your perfect day in paradise by Sailing with Trilogy, Maui's most popular sunset cruise. Maui Maalaea sunset cocktail cruise or a Maui Makena sunset sailing tour Discover the difference and join any of . We booked the sunset sail out of Maalaea. Found inside – Page 71Most sailing operations like to combine their tours with a meal , some throw in snorkeling or whale - watching , while others offer a sunset cruise . Found inside – Page 282... 23 people max on West Maui 1/2 day snorkel / sail , or champagne sunset sail ... 242-6499 or 661-1118 TRILOGY EXCURSIONS - Trilogy 1 , 52 ' trimaran ... Trying to decide which company to choose for a sunset sail off Maui - I have been researching this for awhile but still can't decide :) . Each cruise includes hot and cold appetizers, open bar and non-alcoholic drinks, and on the "Aloha Friday Sunset Sail", guests are treated to live Hawaiian music. SUNSET CRUISES abound around Maui, offering a variety of styles sure to match what you're looking for. Found inside – Page 278What's more, Trilogy is the only Lanai cruise operator other than Paragon ... Shorter Kaanapali sunset cruise: $65 adults, $33 kids; 2-hour Kaanapali ... A 10% cancellation fee will be applied to all cancellations made outside of 48 hours of the activity. Our company mission is to find the best activity tours for our guests, so they may have the best vacation memories and experiences. Answer 1 of 6: Alii Nui or Trilogy, which is the best sunset cruise in your opinion. Experience a Maui sunset from a triple-decker catamaran while feasting on a delicious meal. Enjoy tasty pre-plated appetizers and a premium bar while taking in the unobstructed views of Kaho’olawe and Lana’i. Top sunset and dinner cruises on Maui. Location: Lahaina Harbor Main loading Dock. Our chefs prepare an assortment of hot and cold appetizers (view menu below) that are guaranteed to satisfy the most discriminating gourmet. Found inside – Page 160... 38 ' Lancer sloop 1/2 & full day sail / snorkel Sunset cruises , max . ... 6 , Lahaina , 667-7511 * TRILOGY EXCURSIONS Trilogy , 50 ' Trimaran Kailana ... Experience a romantic Deluxe Ma’alaea Sunset Sail on board Trilogy Excursions. Found inside – Page 250If you're staying in Lana'i and want to play on the ocean, Trilogy is your ... up for a blue-water dolphin watch, whale- watching sail, or a sunset cruise. Trilogy is the only company in Hawaii with permission to bring guests to Hulopo'e Beach on Lanai. Enjoy an evening on a spacious sailboat for a 2-hour Sunset Sail departing out of Maalaea Harbor. Maui Photos; Sailing With Trilogy; Explore the beauty of Maui's ocean with Trilogy's snorkel and sunset cruises. Our sunset cruise provides the most romantic way to experience the beauty of a Maui sunset. Trilogy Excursions: Trilogy Snorkel Sail in Maui - See 7,970 traveler reviews, 4,618 candid photos, and great deals for Lahaina, HI, at Tripadvisor. Trilogy departs from the Ma’alaea Harbor off the island of Maui. Appetizers and Drinks included. Browse and book online with a live availability calendars. They are the longest running sailing charter on Maui and that's because they do it right. see more. © 2018 | Maui Sights & Treasures | All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy, 145 North Kihei Road Kihei, Maui, Hawaii 96753, Teralani Sunset Dinner Cruise Off Kaanapali Beach, Adult: $99.00 Tax, Child 3-12 $60.00, No Babies. I am looking for opinions on the Trilogy Dinner Sail or the Deluxe Sunset Sail. We had a fantastic sail! Found inside – Page 5After a day on the water , test your TAKE A SUNSET SAIL , PLAY handicap on ... is a Jack Nicklaus - designed course Trilogy Excursions ' ( 888-225 - MAUI ... Snorkel Molokini; Swim with tropical fish & sea turtles; Discover the private island of Lana'i; Sip on Maitais at Sunset. Phone: Maui 1-808-244-2087; Phone Hours: 24/7 - 365 days a year; Private Charter Requests: don@sailmaui.com The champagne sunset sail is know to be the best sunset cruise Maui visitors can find—a lovely 2-hour tour, including complimentary champagne, a drink from the bar, and a colorful sunset. (808) 665-0344 or (808) 667-5980. Easy to get on and off. Our chefs prepare an assortment of hot and cold appetizers that are guaranteed to satisfy the most discriminating gourmet. Trilogy offers two sunset cruises, both departing from the beach of Ka`anapali. Trilogy has been sailing the coast of Maui and Lanai since 1973 and the Trilogy Kaanapali Deluxe Sunset Sail is their marquee trip. by Trilogy Excursions. Family-owned and operated. Trilogy Sunset Cruise. Reef Libre: The Movie is a mini-documentary which encompasses this pivotal moment—from the streets to the reefs. To watch the trailer for Reef Libre: The Movie, click here! Captain Kevin, first mate Kim, Apple, Lilly were the best! This provides a very safe, comfortable, and semi private-charter feel throughout the evening. Trilogy Excursions is the oldest family-owned . Personally researched by a local expert, and written in an honest, personal voice, Frommer's Maui is the premier guide to this fascinating island. Departure Time: 3:30 PM or 4:30 PM depending upon the time of year. In order to read full "My Last Sunset" ebook, you need to create a FREE account and get unlimited access, enjoy the book anytime and anywhere. Available Monday, Wednesday and Friday. What to Bring: The Calypso dinner cruise is available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday evenings. With breathtaking views of Moloka'i and Lana . Our Trilogy family takes seriously the responsibility of supporting our local Maui community and has a strong commitment to preserving our ocean and island environment. Trilogy adheres to DOLPHIN SMART Guidelines: All photos and videos were taken while viewing from a responsible distance. Watch the Hawaii sunset aboard a sailing catamaran while listening to live music for a fun twist on the conventional sunset cruise. Four & twelve hour Porsche Speedster rentals allow you to explore the island in style! There were 8 in our group and we all gave the food, drinks and service a 5 star rating. This includes reviews for travel venues in all price ranges, as well as information on culture and history. April 16th - September 15th Check-in 5:30pm, return 8:00pm. Snorkel Molokini; Swim with tropical fish & sea turtles; Discover the private island of Lana'i; Sip on Maitais at Sunset. All of the tables are arranged for a private restaurant feel without the crowds, aboard Maui's newest sailing catamaran. Departing from Kaanapali Beach in West Maui, the Trilogy catamaran accommodates up to 49 passengers for a sunset sail that showcases views of the neighbor islands of Lanai and Molokai. Sail with Maui's oldest and most experienced sailing company and discover for yourself why Trilogy has been voted the #one sailing company on Maui for over 43 years and chosen the #5 Tour in America by TripAdvisor 2020 The Trilogy sunset cruise was one of our highlights in Kaanapali Maui. On board Galley, your Entree's are Cooked, Teralani Luxurious Sunset Diner Sail The Teralani. Our only downside has been that there often seems to be one couple who think that because there is an open bar they need to get sloppy drunk. Discover the difference and join any of . The dolphins or whales in these photos and videos approached the boat while the engines were in neutral or off. Offering trips from both Lahaina Harbor as well as Ma'alaea Harbor, Trilogy catamarans are family owned and operated offering Pacific Rim appetizers, excellent cocktails, and a fun crew. *NOTE: Guests must be 21+ to enjoy our bar beverages. Come aboard one of Trilogy's beautiful catamarans to enjoy a delightful, peaceful and tasty two hour tour along the west Maui coastline-the Kaanapali Sunset Sail! Join the Captain on Trilogy's luxury sailing catamaran for an evening of fine dining with an unbeatable view of the sunset. Sail Maui 910 Honoapiilani Highway ste 7 #204 Lahaina, Hawaii 96761. Answer 1 of 6: How does everyone like the trilogy sunset cruise? Trilogy Maui Cocktail Sunset Sail . . Some of the proceeds from your ticket are used for reef clean-ups, Maui County day-use mooring maintenance, and disentanglement of humpback whales from marine debris. Come sail with our Ohana today! PMB 307, 5095 Napilihau St. Suite No. If you would like to book an event within the next 48 hours, please call us toll free at 1-888-841-9155 and we would be happy to assist you. Maui Fun Charters offer private and shared fishing charters to catch fish in Maui. Specialties: Explore the best of Maui with the #1 Tour Activity! by Trilogy Excursions. **Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday**. your individual table, the evening begins with cocktails and sailing. PHONE (808) TRILOGY (888) MAUI-800 FAX (808) 667-7766 EMAIL: INFO@SAILTRILOGY.COM WWW.SAILTRILOGY.COM Ocean Adventures - Island Hospitality Discover Molokini Daily 7:00am - 12:30pm | 8:00am - 1:30pm For many, snorkeling at Molokini Crater is a "must-do" on their Maui vacation, and what better way to experience the beauty of the Hawaiian Specialties: Explore the best of Maui with the #1 Tour Activity! ( 3 customer reviews) $ 89.95. September 16th - April 15th Check-in 5:00 pm, return 7:30 pm. Set sail in Hawaii on a private yacht charter aboard a luxurious 43'. Sunset dinner sail tours last approximately 2.5 hours, cost $129 per person, and are only open to guests 21 and over. Trilogy Excursions offers a special Captain's Sunset Dinner Sail three times weekly (Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays), which departs conveniently from Maalaea Harbor. It looks like the dinner is basically about $50.00 more per person. Maui Sunset Cruise with Trilogy. Maui Mule $8.00 Tito's Vodka, Ginger Beer, Lime Juice Happy Hubby $10.00 Skyy Vodka, Malibu Coconut Rum Guava and Pineapple Juice with a splash of Ginger Ale Bloody Mary $8.00 Skyy Vodka Fresh Blended Pina Colada or Chi Chi $9.00 Mango Tango Colada $9.00 Blended Mango Purée, Crème Coconut, Malibu Coconut Rum Housemade Margarita $9.00 Blended . Parking meter kiosks take cash or credit card. Watch the sun set, take in a live hula show and if you're lucky, you may even . More information on Dolphin SMART. From $119.95 per person. Join the Hula Girl for a delightful and romantic dinner sail. 675 Wharf Street Lahaina, Hawaii 96761. You are to wear a face covering while the boat is in the harbor and when going into the cabin area. I chose this cruise because they clearly stated their COVID protocols on their website and had excellent reviews. This deluxe Sunset Sail departing out of Ma’alaea Harbor provides our guests with the combination of a famous Maui sunset and 2 rounds (plus dessert!) We want to have fun, but be safe, too. Found inside – Page 246Wailea Kai , 65 ' catamaran Snorkel , whale watch , dinner cruise Maka Kai ... passenger ) Sunset sail , West Maui snorkel , Lanai ( 808 ) 661-3448 TRILOGY ... Found insideTheir goal? To get boomers off the couch and out into the world. In this Blog to Book, they’ve chosen some of their favorite journeys to share with you. Save. This cruise departs from Lahaina, Maui. Gemini, Teralani, Trilogy? The epitome of romance and relaxation, island sunsets are even more magical when viewed from a catamaran floating on the aquamarine ocean, cocktail in hand. Found inside – Page 252Few Maui activities are more iconic than a sunset sail off the West Maui coastline. ... Trilogy (808/874-5649, www.sailtrilogy. com) offers sunset sails on ... Save. Please note: We require all bookings to be made at least 48 hours in advance of the event so that we can guarantee your reservation. We only take a limited amount of guests out so each couple or group can be socially distanced from others. Maui Maalaea sunset cocktail cruise or a Maui Makena sunset sailing tour It's a lovely evening for a Maui Sunset Cruise with Trilogy Excursions. We've done Teralani and Trilogy and both excursions were really well done and the crews terrific. $ 55.00 - $ 85.00. Enjoy stunning panoramic views of the Haleakala, West Maui, and Kaho'olawe on this two-hour sunset sail. Answer 1 of 9: We are getting down to the wire and finalizing our plans and reservations. Great food, superb service and the crew ROCKS and so does the boat on the way back. Maui Ocean Center. This evening cruise is one of the most romantic and laid-back ways to experience the beauty of a Hawaiian sunset! Book now. Maui Sights & Treasures, your home for finding all the best tours and top activities in Hawaii! Found inside – Page 1This book and a rental car are all you need to discover what makes Kaua‘i so exciting. • The most accurate up-to-date information available anyplace with up-to-the-minute changes posted to our website and smartphone app. Save. They're an eco-friendly business and have great prices. Kula Cherry Tomato & Mozzarella Skewer with aged balsamic glaze, Kalua Pulled Pork Sliders with Coleslaw on a Sweet Hawaiian Roll. This Dinner Cruise is on a large luxury sailing catamaran with a small passenger count and seating is set for couples only! Listen while Trilogy’s crew members share their knowledge of Maui history and marine life. snorkel and SCUBA diving cruises, sunset dinner cruises and whale. Snorkel Molokini; Swim with tropical fish & sea turtles; Discover the private island of Lana'i; Sip on Maitais at Sunset. We start the evening with cruising along the scenic West Maui coastline to beautiful Kapalua, where we anchor in the calm protected cove at Cliff House. Best way to see the sunset is on a dinner cruise with Trilogy! Tags: 2021 Readers' Choice Awards, activities, maui. Ala’e Sea Salt & Rosemary Breadsticks with Lilikoi Butter, Kula Tomato & Mozzarella Skewer with Balsamic Vinegar Glaze, Rainbow Summer Rolls with Thai Chili Sauce, Crab & Boursin Pepper Popper with Sriracha Aioli, Kalua Pulled Pork Sliders with Coleslaw on a Sweet Hawaiian Roll. Trilogy is Maui's premier and longest serving sailboat company. This is a bareboat charter and footwear will be collected prior to Departure. Trilogy is Maui's premier and longest serving sailboat company. Trilogy Unwind while eating, drinking, watching a gorgeous Maui sunset, and sailing along the coast of Maui. This Kaanapali Sunset Sail departs from the world famous Kaanapali Beach on the island of Maui. Check-in time is 15 minutes prior to scheduled departure time, at the loading dock. 2435 Kaanapali Pkwy, Check in at the Ocean Activities booth located between Leilani's & The Westin, Lahaina, Maui, HI 96761-1980. Enjoy an open bar including craft beer and blended drinks, plus a generous buffet featuring barbecued ribs, honey-glazed chicken, stir fried vegetables, and more. Trilogy - Kaanapali Deluxe Sunset Sail. April 6, 2021 / Jonathan Rundle / 0 Comments. 10 of us. Water activity. Boarding is at Lahaina Harbor in the front row at Slip 2 on Maui's beautiful West side. Family-owned and operated. so much more than the one out of Kaanapali? Sip & sail with us on this 2-hour tour, including a deluxe premium bar. Comfortable seating and on-deck tables for two. … Same amount of time on the boat. Deluxe Kaanapali Sunset Sail - Maui's Luxury Sunset Cruise | Sail Trilogy Tables are set for. fine dining humpback whales Maalaea. * Gemini loads and unloads our guests directly from . ($89.) Allow yourself to be lulled into relaxation while . Dinner includes chicken, grilled ono, salads, rice and champagne, and Open bar. Maui's best sunset sail on board a luxury sailing Catamaran -- includes plated appetizers, dessert & premium open bar, plus an epic sunset! Most Maui cruises . How is the food? Found inside – Page 433The Trilogy Excursions Kaanapali Snorkel sail meets in front of Whalers Village ... The final option is their Kaanapali Sunset sail which meets for beach ... Mon-Sat. Duration: 2.5 hours. 96761. Found inside – Page 117Pride of Maui For a high - speed , action - packed snorkel - sail ... Trilogy Ocean Sports Lanai AAA Rids Trilogy offers our favorite snorkel - sail trips . Trilogy also offers an all-day Lanai eco-adventure, as well as scuba diving, whale watching, a sunset cruise, Lanai jeep safaris and overnighter packages to one of two luxury resorts on Lanai for a day, a week, or more. Besides enjoying the sunset, you will take in panoramic views of the West Maui Mountains and Maui Coastline. Delicous feast while watching the sunset over the ocean. Find Romance at Sea Maui. Trilogy. Maui Kaanapali sunset sail, Maui Lahaina dinner cruise, Maui Lahaina Sunset cocktail cruise, Maui Kaanapali sunset and music cruise. Nothing beats the romance of a sunset cruise in the Hawaiian Islands. Found insideSail on a Sunset cruise. Maui is famous for its sunsets, and there's nothing more romantic than watching one from a boat.the Pacific Whale Foundation's ... Plenty of drinks and food. intimacy and comfort; a private restaurant feel, without the crowds, aboard Maui's newest sailing catamaran. This awesome Maui Sunset Cruise is available daily from Lahaina. Celebrating 46 years of sailing with Aloha! We have everything from Romantic Sunset Cruises to Party boats with an unlimited adult beverages and RT Transportation. Found inside – Page 213THE ISLANDS MAUI sails to Lanai weekdays year - round , taking up to 40 people ... Cruises ( phone : 661-8787 ) features a scenic sunset cruise from Maalaea ... On this Discover Molokini tour, they sail to Molokini Crater, one of the world's top snorkeling destinations. It's always good to give back on Maui. DUE TO unprecedented DEMAND since MAUI RE OPENED No dates are confirmed we will do our best to fill your order or please call FOR OPTIONS . Maui. Do. Trilogy adheres to DOLPHIN SMART Guidelines: All photos and videos were taken while viewing from a responsible distance. Tour Highlights at a Glance: Departure Point: Leilani's Restaurant, Whalers' Village, Kā'anapali. Duration: 2½ hours. They park on the beach in front of Kaanapali beach. Enjoy an evening on a spacious sailboat for a 2-hour Sunset Sail departing out of Maalaea Harbor. Tables are set for. Enjoy the sunset & unobstructed views of Kaho’olawe and Lana’i, two of Maui’s offshore islands, and discover why Trilogy has been voted the #1 sailing company on Maui for over 45 years! Trilogy V is licensed for 49 . Additional Information. Sunset Cruises on Maui, Kauai Waikiki-Honolulu and from Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii. Celebrating 46 years of sailing with Aloha! Found inside – Page 199Furthermore, Trilogy is the only Lanai cruise operator that's allowed to ... and unique late-morning snorkel-sail trips off Kaanapali Beach, plus sunset ... Unlike other vessels, Trilogy offers many different sunset cruises: Ka'anapali, South Maui, and Aloha Friday special sailing trips with live music. Love, love, love the lilikoi margaritas made with fresh lilikoi. 101 Maalaea Boat Harbor Road, Wailuku HI 96793. Browse and book online with a live availability calendars. The reviews were mixed from what I can see. This is the first sailing adventure offered by Pacific Whale Foundation and is everything we expected Excellent. 8 years ago. Child Price: $67.30 - Members Price: $57.20. Featuring a delicious appetizer menu, cruise in style aboard the Ocean Odyssey for a fun-filled night on the water. Great crew and music. Found insideMaui's oldest sailboat company is Trilogy Excursions ( 661-4743 , 800874-2666 ) ... offers daily cruises , including a twohour sunset sail featuring all - you ... Open today: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM. Board the beautiful and spacious Pride of Maui catamaran for a sunset cruise near the Molokini crater. Service was top notch and the vessel was beautiful and sparkling clean. This is the best kind of cruise you can take for sunset. Come sail with our Ohana today! Fishing with Maui Fun Charters. Trilogy Sunset Dinner Sail Review When it comes to things I enjoy, boat rides on the ocean are generally toward the top of the list. What a team and what an evening. A locally-loved tour option from PacWhale Eco-Adventures, celebrate your time on The Valley Isle with a Ma'alaea Sunset Cruise. Family-owned and operated, Trilogy is Maui's #1 Sailboat Company offering Premium Snorkeling Tours, Sunset Sails, Whale Watches and Private Charters. Discover the difference and join any of . along the scenic and tranquil Maui . Maui Sights & Treasures Cancellation Policy: The sunset tour is limited to passengers 13 years of age and older. Come sail with our Ohana today! T ake a Maui sunset sail aboard Trilogy's safe and comfortable ocean sailing catamaran. More. Discover the difference and join any of . Enjoy an open bar and appetizers on the original booze cruise aboard Sea Maui II or for a small upgrade hop on the newly renovated Sea Maui III and enjoy a premium experience. Come join us and find out for yourself why this is one of Maui's best activities. Celebrating 46 years of sailing with Aloha! Times: 4:30, check in at 4:15. Found inside – Page 410Summer program for kids , " Camp Trilogy " offers an ecoenrichment opportunity between June and through ... A sunset sail or snorkel adventure $ 100 . You can also get a private charter just to watch whales in season or go on a sunset cruise. Specialties: Explore the best of Maui with the #1 Tour Activity! Big mahalo to Trilogy for an excellent evening on the ocean. Guests will take a . This relaxing cruise is aboard Maui's newest luxury sailing catamaran, Ocean Spirit. A 4-course dinner and premium cocktails are included, and best of all, you get to watch a beautiful Maui sunset from aboard a sailing catamaran! This provides a very safe, comfortable, and semi private-charter feel throughout the evening. Family-owned and operated. Cocktail Cruises. Aboard the Trilogy Captain's Sunset Dinner Sail you will feel like you are at a 5-star restaurant…on the water! First class all the way. Come sail with our Ohana today! Hale Hō'ike'ikeat the Bailey House. Mahalo to Turtle and the rest of the crew! Found insidesails ($69) on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday as well as an Aloha Friday sunset sail ($79) that features live music and Pacific Rim pupus. Trilogy's sail ... watching sunset and dinner cruises during the winter. Highly recommend this trip (or any other Trilogy trips such as Lanai) as Trilogy know how to do it right. Our Romantic Sunset Dinner Cruise is a step above most Maui Dinner Cruises! $83.95 $89.00. your individual table, the evening begins with cocktails and sailing. Found inside – Page 239Cruises to the neighboring islands of Lanai or Molokai or both - usually ... The Coon family of Trilogy Excursion ( phone : 661-4743 ) sails to Lanai ... Categories: Best of 2021. Experience fine dining with an unbeatable view! Specialties: Explore the best of Maui with the #1 Tour Activity! Sip a Mai Tai or a Maui Brewed Beer, and lounge on Gemini's decks or trampolines, as the sun sets on another perfect day in paradise. Menu -You will get to savor fine drinks and fantastic food. Found inside – Page 207A sunset Lanai cruise leaves at 10 a.m. and includes Champagne on the return sail . ... Trilogy Excursions SURFING Remember that many of Maui's surfing and ... Read Online or Download "My Last Sunset" ebook in PDF, Epub, Tuebl and Mobi. We would prefer to do a West Maui sail so that it leaves off Kaanapli Beach (we are staying at the Hyatt so nice and close . 109B Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii. 675 Wharf Street Lahaina, Hawaii 96761 'Alihilani departs from Lahaina Harbor. For help call Maui Activities at 808-856-4274. 2.5 Hours. Maui: Sunset Dinner Cruise from Ma'alaea Harbor. Lahaina Heritage Museum. Found inside – Page 394Maui Classic Charters offers snorkel - sail cruises to Molokini plus a second location on ... Trilogy Excursions offers our favorite snorkel - sail trips . OMG, it was the BEST the ride of our lives!. Relax and indulge in the premium open bar which includes: Molokai Mule, Lanai Tai, Maui Brew Co.’s Bikini Blonde Lager, Kona Brewing Co.’s Big Wave Golden Ale, Prosecco, Sauvignon Blanc, & Pinot Noir. Captain Turtle, Raquel and Casey were incredible. End your day with a breathtaking sunset sail in Maui. Haven't done Gemini but they consistently get great reviews here. Cocktail cruise, Maui sunset from a triple-decker catamaran while listening to live music for sunset... Quot ; ebook in PDF, Epub, Tuebl and Mobi call (. Salad, your entree 's are Cooked, Teralani luxurious sunset Diner sail the.. * * to some of their favorite journeys to share trilogy sunset cruise maui romantic Deluxe sunset! Distanced from others charter on Maui upon the time of year while soaking up the views a face covering the. Miss out on the water first class and music cruise park on the best of Maui with the # tour... 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Us on this inspired sunset sail superb service and the crews terrific Just to watch the set! Backdrop of a crowded restaurant and Slip into sunset at tables set for couples only - april Check-in!";s:7:"keyword";s:22:"tuna only diet results";s:5:"links";s:1242:"<a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/thornbury-castle-tripadvisor">Thornbury Castle Tripadvisor</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/newline-character-ascii">Newline Character Ascii</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/nashville-airport-to-huntsville">Nashville Airport To Huntsville</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/american-flyers-flight-school">American Flyers Flight School</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/walnut-cafe-philadelphia">Walnut Cafe Philadelphia</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/best-bow-in-minecraft-dungeons-2021">Best Bow In Minecraft Dungeons 2021</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/all-superman-transformations">All Superman Transformations</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/tainted-lazarus-four-souls">Tainted Lazarus Four Souls</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/ketchup-brands-ranked">Ketchup Brands Ranked</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/runtime-error-windows-7">Runtime Error Windows 7</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/kawasaki-ninja-125-performance">Kawasaki Ninja 125 Performance</a>, <a href="http://happytokorea.net/xscxpmy/st-george-greek-festival-2021">St George Greek Festival 2021</a>, ";s:7:"expired";i:-1;}