Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.net/public_html/test/components/com_k2/helpers/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.net/public_html/test/components/com_k2/helpers/route.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: route.php 1740 2012-10-22 15:27:52Z lefteris.kavadas $ * @package K2 * @author JoomlaWorks http://www.joomlaworks.net * @copyright Copyright (c) 2006 - 2012 JoomlaWorks Ltd. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL license: http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html */ // no direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die ; jimport('joomla.application.component.helper'); class K2HelperRoute { public static function getItemRoute($id, $catid = 0) { $needles = array('item' => (int)$id, 'category' => (int)$catid, ); $link = 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id='.$id; if ($item = K2HelperRoute::_findItem($needles)) { $link .= '&Itemid='.$item->id; } return $link; } public static function getCategoryRoute($catid) { $needles = array('category' => (int)$catid); $link = 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=category&id='.$catid; if ($item = K2HelperRoute::_findItem($needles)) { $link .= '&Itemid='.$item->id; } return $link; } public static function getUserRoute($userID) { if (K2_CB) { global $_CB_framework; return $_CB_framework->userProfileUrl((int)$userID); } $needles = array('user' => (int)$userID); $user = JFactory::getUser($userID); if (K2_JVERSION != '15' && JFactory::getConfig()->get('unicodeslugs') == 1) { $alias = JApplication::stringURLSafe($user->name); } else if (JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'unicodeslug') || JPluginHelper::isEnabled('system', 'jw_unicodeSlugsExtended')) { $alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe($user->name); } else { mb_internal_encoding("UTF-8"); mb_regex_encoding("UTF-8"); $alias = trim(mb_strtolower($user->name)); $alias = str_replace('-', ' ', $alias); $alias = mb_ereg_replace('[[:space:]]+', ' ', $alias); $alias = trim(str_replace(' ', '', $alias)); $alias = str_replace('.', '', $alias); $stripthese = ',|~|!|@|%|^|(|)|<|>|:|;|{|}|[|]|&|`|„|‹|’|‘|“|â€�|•|›|«|´|»|°|«|»|…'; $strips = explode('|', $stripthese); foreach ($strips as $strip) { $alias = str_replace($strip, '', $alias); } $params = K2HelperUtilities::getParams('com_k2'); $SEFReplacements = array(); $items = explode(',', $params->get('SEFReplacements', NULL)); foreach ($items as $item) { if (!empty($item)) { @list($src, $dst) = explode('|', trim($item)); $SEFReplacements[trim($src)] = trim($dst); } } foreach ($SEFReplacements as $key => $value) { $alias = str_replace($key, $value, $alias); } $alias = trim($alias, '-.'); if (trim(str_replace('-', '', $alias)) == '') { $datenow = JFactory::getDate(); $alias = K2_JVERSION == '15' ? $datenow->toFormat("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S") : $datenow->format("Y-m-d-H-i-s"); } } $link = 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=user&id='.$userID.':'.$alias; if ($item = K2HelperRoute::_findItem($needles)) { $link .= '&Itemid='.$item->id; } else if (K2_USERS_ITEMID) { $link .= '&Itemid='.K2_USERS_ITEMID; } return $link; } public static function getTagRoute($tag) { $needles = array('tag' => $tag); $link = 'index.php?option=com_k2&view=itemlist&task=tag&tag='.urlencode($tag); if ($item = K2HelperRoute::_findItem($needles)) { $link .= '&Itemid='.$item->id; } else if (K2_TAGS_ITEMID) { $link .= '&Itemid='.K2_TAGS_ITEMID; } return $link; } public static function _findItem($needles) { $component = JComponentHelper::getComponent('com_k2'); $application = JFactory::getApplication(); $menus = $application->getMenu('site', array()); if (K2_JVERSION != '15') { $items = $menus->getItems('component_id', $component->id); } else { $items = $menus->getItems('componentid', $component->id); } $match = null; foreach ($needles as $needle => $id) { if (count($items)) { foreach ($items as $item) { if ($needle == 'user' || $needle == 'category') { if ((@$item->query['task'] == $needle) && (@$item->query['id'] == $id)) { $match = $item; break; } } else if ($needle == 'tag') { if ((@$item->query['task'] == $needle) && (@$item->query['tag'] == $id)) { $match = $item; break; } } else { if ((@$item->query['view'] == $needle) && (@$item->query['id'] == $id)) { $match = $item; break; } } if (!is_null($match)) { break; } } // Second pass [START] // Only for multiple categories links. Triggered only if we do not have find any match (link to direct category) if (is_null($match)) { foreach ($items as $item) { if ($needle == 'category') { if (!isset($item->K2Categories)) { if (K2_JVERSION == '15') { $menuparams = explode("\n", $item->params); foreach ($menuparams as $param) { if (strpos($param, 'categories=') === 0) { $array = explode('categories=', $param); $item->K2Categories = explode('|', $array[1]); } } } else { $menuparams = json_decode($item->params); $item->K2Categories = isset($menuparams->categories) ? $menuparams->categories : array(); } } if (isset($item->K2Categories) && is_array($item->K2Categories)) { foreach ($item->K2Categories as $catid) { if ((@$item->query['view'] == 'itemlist') && (@$item->query['task'] == '') && (@(int)$catid == $id)) { $match = $item; break; } } } } if (!is_null($match)) { break; } } } // Second pass [END] } if (!is_null($match)) { break; } } return $match; } }