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</html>";s:4:"text";s:4782:"It seems like no matter where you get your news these days, North Korea is almost always a headline feature. #8: Human faeces is used instead of fertiliser in North Korea, due to the severe lack of resources. Here are some interesting facts about the world's most "secretive" leader. North Korea Facts: did you know that... North Korea, independent since 1948, is not recognised by Japan and South Korea? Some nations are known for their neutrality, others are known for belligerence, and some even for chocolate. Provides an overview of North Korea, including key events and facts. The North Korean military, officially called the Korean People's Army, consists of ground forces, a navy and an air force. The ten most important things to know about the country of North Korea, including its history, geography, government, and economy. Between power changes, blustery rhetoric, and The history of North Korea began with the partition of Korea at the end of World War II in 1945. Read more facts.. Some crimes in North Korea invite sentences on three generations of the accused. Profile of North Korea, including information about its people, government, climate, history, and economy. NORTH Korea is threatening to attack the US territory of Guam with a missile as tensions between Kim Jing-un and Donald Trump escalate. It's been a little over five year since Kim Jong-un came into power in North Korea.  Here are some interesting and lesser known North Korean facts that you might not have heard! North Korea, otherwise known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) is a unique nation for all the wrong reasons. North Korea always grabs the headlines among all kinds of news today. Interesting North Korea facts for kids and adults. We reveal facts about the government, economy, history and culture of this fascinating country. North Korea is one of the most secretive and isolated countries in the world. North Korea is a country of isolation with most of its information hidden away as secrets. Read more facts.. North Korea: North Korea, country in East Asia that occupies the northern portion of the Korean peninsula. Here's what we know about one of the most secretive states in the world The world's only nation currently on a US Navy ship North Korea is officially known as the Democratic People's Republic of Korea(DPRK). It seems like no matter where you get your news these days, North Korea is almost always a headline feature. North Korea facts: 46 interesting facts about North Korea. Facts about North Korea. North Korea, on the other hand, is known simpl Ad-free music for up to 6 household accounts. The most mind blowing fact, I find, is that in North Korea, they follow a calender called the Juche Calender, which is based on Kim Il-sung's date of birth Between power changes, blustery rhetoric, and North Korea is back in the headlines amid rising geopolitical risk. The most mind blowing fact, I find, is that in North Korea, they follow a calender called the Juche Calender, which is based on Kim Il-sung's date of birth North Korea facts: 46 interesting facts about North Korea. Know about the North Korea facts it's location, leader, economy, religion, leaders, national symbols and other important information about North Korea North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il is dead. North Korea: North Korea, country in East Asia that occupies the northern portion of the Korean peninsula. Read CNN's North Korea Fast Facts to learn about the history, population and geography of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). This article unveils 15 of those secrets. 25 Surprising Facts You May Not Know About North Korea A world with unicorns, no traffic lights, and a happy American veteran. NORTH Korea is threatening to attack the US territory of Guam with a missile as tensions between Kim Jing-un and Donald Trump escalate. The Korean Demilitarized Zone marks the boundary between North Korea and South Korea. There are many fascinating countries around the world--in fact, we'd wager that there aren't any truly boring places. This reclusive state has nuclear weapons. Peer behind the curtain with this list of interesting North Korea facts. #8: Human faeces is used instead of fertiliser in North Korea, due to the severe lack of resources. Some crimes in North Korea invite sentences on three generations of the accused. 25 Surprising Facts You May Not Know About North Korea A world with unicorns, no traffic lights, and a happy American veteran. Facts about North Korea. Treat the fam to 1 free month of YouTube Red. North Korea Facts It is not in 2015 , North Korea is 104 years since the birth of Kim 2 -sung counted . There are many fascinating countries around the world--in fact, we'd wager that there aren't any truly boring places. ";s:7:"keyword";s:17:"north korea facts";s:5:"links";s:10414:"<a href='http://happytokorea.net/docs/xl6kmt.php?46a013=curlingb%C3%B8rn-roskilde'>Curlingbørn Roskilde</a>,
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