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</html>";s:4:"text";s:3481:"CONTRACTS is a new online mode which allows gamers to create and share their own custom hit challenges within HITMAN: ABSOLUTION. Showcasing Glacier 2™ technology: HITMAN: ABSOLUTION has been built from the ground up, boasting a cinematic story, distinctive art direction and highly original game and sound design. Rejs kloden rundt og spor dine mål på vej gennem eksotiske sandkasse-scenarier i HITMAN™ 2. Featuring entirely new hyper-detailed sandboxes full of living, breathing environments to explore, HITMAN™ 2 offers players the freedom to plan the ultimate assassination utilising an assortment of tools, weapons, disguises and a variety of stealth techniques to … http://www.playgames.dk/forest-p-1257... HVOR MANGE LIKES KAN DENNE HER NYE SERIE FÅ :D?! © Valve Corporation. Feb 11, 2015 · Du kan skaffe spillet lige her! Hakan Abrak fortæller til Finans, at virksomheden blandt andet har lavet en gratis prøveversion af Hitman-spillet, hvilket har fået brugerbasen til at eksplodere og samtidg skabt en stor indtjening fra brugere, der betaler for at låse nye dele af spillet op. From sun-drenched streets to dark and dangerous rainforests, nowhere is safe from the world's most creative assassin, Agent 47. HITMAN – Game of the Year Edition will be released digitally. Alle rettigheder forbeholdes. Alle varemærker tilhører deres respektive indehavere i USA og andre lande. HITMAN 2 takes players on a global adventure across … a mix of bustling international locations, including a vibrant Miami setting with the colorful ambience of an in-progress motorsport race bringing a new backdrop to the series. Fra solbeskinnede gader til mørke og farlige regnskove, er ingen steder sikre for verdens mest kreative snigmorder, Agent 47. Contracts Mode: Create your own custom hits by choosing the level, targets, weapons and the rules of assassination in an innovative new online mode. HITMAN 2 Gold Edition (PC) Travel the globe and track your targets across exotic sandbox locations in HITMAN 2. The New World of Data. The Hitman franchise is 20 years old and in April 2016 IOI released the latest version of Hitman in the form of the world's first episodic AAA game. Hitman er et action-adventure videospil, udviklet af IO Interactive og udgivet af Square Enix til Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 og Xbox One den 11. marts 2016. From sun-drenched streets to dark and dangerous rainforests, each intricate location provides multiple paths to discover and unparalleled game depth. Store arrangementer bringer publikum tæt på originalerne og appellerer både til de unge og de lidt ældre. Here’s a full rundown of what’s included: HITMAN The Complete First Season New: ‘Patient Zero’ Campaign New: Clown Suit and themed weapon New: Raven Suit and themed weapon New: Cowboy Suit and themed weapon New: 3 themed Escalation Contracts Become the master assassin in an intense spy-thriller story across a world of assassination. The Hitmen spiller både tidens største hits og tidløse klassikere.  Hitman, by Io-Interactive (in short IOI), published by Square Enix, is a game about Agent 47, the world's greatest assassin. Choose a level, targets, weapons and then set the rules for completing your contract as you play to create. Det er det sjette spil i Hitman videospil-serien. Hitman’s back, drawing you closer than ever into his deadly world where staying anonymous, being smart and totally ruthless are the key to a perfect execution. ";s:7:"keyword";s:17:"the newest hitman";s:5:"links";s:6844:"<a href='http://happytokorea.net/docs/xl6kmt.php?46a013=bek%C3%A6mpelse-af-l%C3%B8bebiller'>Bekæmpelse Af Løbebiller</a>,
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