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</html>";s:4:"text";s:4710:"The official Half Life 3 announcement and release date could be a whole lot sooner than we originally thought, if a certain pdf from Gamescom is to be believed DanTDM 3,423,098 views It's one of gaming's most elusive titles, and to this day, Half-Life 2: Episode 3, or a proper sequel remains unreleased. Loading ... Is It Time To Stop Caring About Half-Life 3? At this point, every gamer on the face of the earth is tired of the fake Half-Life 3 CONFIRMED! A circlejerk dedicated to the conspiracies relating to the release of Half Life 3. Until now, there have been no official announcements made for the "Half Life 3" game. 2010 was 3 years ago last year! This subreddit is mainly for comedic purposes.  pranks and memes. I have 30! Dearest Playa, I hope this letter finds you well. Whatever happened to Half-Life 3? Confirmed? Half-Life 3 confirmed by Valve developer By Luke Johnson May 23, 2014 Half-Life 3 is real and its in the works right now, a former Valve developer has confirmed. Trailers that tell you the TRUTH about your favorite Video Games: Honest Game Trailers. wrote: Half-life 2 Episode 3 Is on the PC Release List for Gametop EU set the 24th of April 2016 I Users could see various internal development groups currently on the Valve roster, including one marked "Half-Life 3" Believe me! Half Life 3 confirmed! Half Life 3 confirmed. @+[292198034213053:] Remove the plus sign and post. 10:48. Valve might be afraid Half Life 3 will not sell well because most people who play games these days never even played Half Life 1 (Released in 19fudging98). HL3 confirmed? Half-Life is the closest thing to a revolutionary step the genre has ever taken. This feature is not available right now. I can hear your complaint already, Gertie Fremont, we have not heard from you in ages! Will Gabe ever stop tormenting us with hats and just tell us if Half-Life 3 will see the light of day? Until now, there have been no official announcements made for the "Half Life 3" game. - Duration: 10:48. gameranx 467,889 views. Half-Life 3 Confirmed is a catchphrase associated with the rumored announcement of the fifth installment in the popular Half-Life franchise developed by Valve. Browse the best of our 'Half-Life 3 Confirmed' image gallery and vote for your favorite! IGN is the Half-Life 3 resource with reviews, wikis, videos, trailers, screenshots, cheats, walkthroughs, previews, news and release dates The last edition to the Half Life series was in 2007, and it ended without an end to the story. That's 10 times 3! Half-Life 3 is the greatest mystery in PC gaming. Half-Life 3! But is it actually happening? Half-Life 3 Confirmed is a catchphrase associated with the rumored announcement of the fifth installment in the popular Half-Life franchise developed by Valve. I curently have 3 cents in my Steam account. A test of faith  Half-Life 3 totally, absolutely confirmed by hidden Dota 2 update file It's really happening for real this time, honest. Half-Life 3 is the game fans are eagerly waiting for but it has not yet been announced or confirmed by the series creator, Valve. Half-Life 3 is the mythical unicorn of the gaming world. It's the news headline we all want to read. Minecraft | HALF LIFE MOD! Newell said he considered the trilogy to be the first part of Half-Life 3. Half Life 3 Confirmed Peladophobian. Half life 3 confirmed. This week in games: Half-Life 3 un-confirmed, Oculus braces for a fight with Bethesda Gaming news for January 9 through 13 HALF LIFE 3 rumours are rife, as Valve boss Gabe Newell agrees to a Steam subreddit Q&A, just a week after an employee suggested the game would never launch. (Super Awesome Weapons & Half Life 3 Confirmed?!) Minecraft Server IP: mc.officialduckstudios.com:25574 Also http://officialduckstudios.com/ is back up! Half-Life (stylized as HLF-LIFE) is a science fiction first-person shooter video game developed by Valve and published by Sierra Studios for Microsoft Windows in 1998. And there will be a forum very soon! By PCGamesN. Half-Life 3 is the game fans are eagerly waiting for but it has not yet been announced or confirmed by the series creator, Valve. 226 likes. What happened? Will Gabe ever stop tormenting us with hats and just tell us if Half-Life 3 will see the light of day? Please try again later. | Mod Showcase - Duration: 20:40. It's been rumoured for years. Half-Life 3 unconfirmed: every rumor, hoax, and leak in one place By Andy Chalk 2017-09-11T21:32:51.253Z A look back at ten years of not playing the most essential sequel in videogame history. The complete saga so far. If you were holding out hope of ever playing Half-Life 3, weve got some bad news for you. Ah, Half Life 3 confirmed. ";s:7:"keyword";s:21:"half life 3 confirmed";s:5:"links";s:9478:"<a href='http://happytokorea.net/docs/xl6kmt.php?46a013=dplay-chromecast-problem'>Dplay Chromecast Problem</a>,
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