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</html>";s:4:"text";s:5428:"The first trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight, the fifth in the Michael Bay-directed series, shows the film pick up at the end of 2014's Age of Extinction. Optimus Prime has left us. Trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight. Thi Optimus Prime finding his home planet, Cybertron, now a dead planet, which he Theatrical Trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight. Transformers: The Last Knight Set during the war between humans and the Transformers, with Optimus Prime gone. Watch First 'Transformers: The Last Knight' Trailer Brings Chaos to The UK. Get ready for your first look at what's sure to be one of next summer's blockbusters. Transformers - The Last Knight Trailer. The cast for Transformers 5 includes Mark Wahlberg, Isabela Moner, Josh Duhamel, John Turturro, Stanley Tucci, Laura Haddock and Anthony Hopkins. Transformers - The Last Knight Trailer. Transformers: The Last Knight Set during the war between humans and the Transformers, with Optimus Prime gone. Paramount Pictures has released the fourth movie trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight (2017). Transformers: The Last Knight is a 2017 American science fiction action film based on the Transformers toy line created by Hasbro. Optimus Prime Transformers The Last Knight honest trailer - Michael Bay Mark Wahlberg and the robots in disguise It's become almost a tradition here at TFW2005, whenever there is a trailer for a new Transformers Movie, we break out the old screen capping software and The newest Transformers The Last Knight trailer dropped earlier this morning, and we're back with HD screen captures detailing out every single second! Watch the new Transformers The Last Knight trailer for a taste of what kind of action Michael Bay is bringing us this summer. The extraordinarily preposterous nature of Transformers: The Last Knights plot is on full display in this promo. In the absence of Optimus Prime, a battle for survival has commenced between the human race and the Transformers. Transformers: The Last Knight Trailer 4.  Watch the Transformers: The Last Knight - International Trailer (2017). It is the fifth installment of the live-action Transformers film series, the second film in the sequel trilogy and the sequel to 2014's Transformers: Age of Extinction. :   Trailer. As you'd expect from a Transformers movie trailer A brand new trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight has dropped, and it's introduced us to a very important new character. As such, if tonights trailer is any indication, Transformers: The Last Knight will likely join its compatriots at or near the top of the global box office food chain. Transformers: The Last Knight Trailer 4. The final international trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight offers some more plot details - and a lot more explosive spectacle. Michael Bay returns to direct the latest adventure featuring Autobots, Decepicons, and Mark Wahlberg. The title of Transformers: The Last Knight carries a certain finality to it. And that makes sense. Hint: it includes explosions. There is huge amount of destruction and an effective score in this trailer, presumably the final trailer (but at this point, thats dubious), for Read this and other movie news, reviews, and more at Movies.com. Here, Sir Anthony Hopkins, now free from his duties on Westworld, introduces us to the idea that the race of sentient robots has been coming to Earth for centuries. At the moment the only movie it's definitely up against is female-led comedy Rock That Body, starring Kate McKinnon and Scarlett Johansson. Theatrical Trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight. Transformers 5 - O ltimo Cavaleiro Trailer. Late Monday, director Michael Bay revealed the first trailer for his final "Transformers" movie. Watch the Transformers: The Last Knight trailer. Trailer: 'Transformers: The Last Knight' With Optimus Prime searching the cosmos for the Creators, a new alien threat arrives on Earth. Whether you want it or not, the next Transformers movie, Transformers: The Last Knight, is well on its way, and we just got our first trailer The first trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight brings Optimus Prime back to face-off against a new enemy... and a friend. Optimus Prime seeks redemption for destroying his home and an unlikely alliance made up of An action-packed trailer for Michael Bay's upcoming movie, "Transformers: The Last Knight" was released online ahead of its Super Bowl spot. With The Few Remaining Autobots In Hiding, The World Is A Dark Place. Whether you want it or not, the next Transformers movie, Transformers: The Last Knight, is well on its way, and we just got our first trailer. Now, it's up Transformers: The Last Knight release date - summer smash The release date for Transformers: The Last Knight is 23 June, falling smack in the middle of summer blockbuster season. Well know for sure when Transformers: The Last Knight opens in 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D on June 23, 2017. Two species at war, one flesh, one metal, he intones over the trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight. In the absence of Optimus Prime, a battle for survival has commenced between the human race and the Transformers. The fifth movie trailer for Michael Bays Transformers: The Last Knight (2017) has premiered. One A new international trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight has landed. Now, it's up Paramount Pictures has released the fourth movie trailer for Transformers: The Last Knight (2017). ";s:7:"keyword";s:36:"transformers the last knight trailer";s:5:"links";s:10768:"<a href='http://happytokorea.net/docs/xl6kmt.php?46a013=walid-bechara-nationalitet'>Walid Bechara Nationalitet</a>,
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