Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/todo/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/todo/ajax.php |
<?php /* This file is part of myTinyTodo. (C) Copyright 2009-2010 Max Pozdeev <maxpozdeev@gmail.com> Licensed under the GNU GPL v2 license. See file COPYRIGHT for details. */ set_error_handler('myErrorHandler'); set_exception_handler('myExceptionHandler'); require_once('./init.php'); $db = DBConnection::instance(); if(isset($_GET['loadLists'])) { if($needAuth && !is_logged()) $sqlWhere = 'WHERE published=1'; else $sqlWhere = ''; $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $q = $db->dq("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}lists $sqlWhere ORDER BY ow ASC, id ASC"); while($r = $q->fetch_assoc($q)) { $t['total']++; $t['list'][] = prepareList($r); } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['loadTasks'])) { stop_gpc($_GET); $listId = (int)_get('list'); check_read_access($listId); $sqlWhere = $inner = ''; if($listId == -1) { $userLists = getUserListsSimple(); $sqlWhere .= " AND {$db->prefix}todolist.list_id IN (". implode(array_keys($userLists), ','). ") "; } else $sqlWhere .= " AND {$db->prefix}todolist.list_id=". $listId; if(_get('compl') == 0) $sqlWhere .= ' AND compl=0'; $tag = trim(_get('t')); if($tag != '') { $at = explode(',', $tag); $tagIds = array(); $tagExIds = array(); foreach($at as $i=>$atv) { $atv = trim($atv); if($atv == '' || $atv == '^') continue; if(substr($atv,0,1) == '^') { $tagExIds[] = getTagId(substr($atv,1)); } else { $tagIds[] = getTagId($atv); } } if(sizeof($tagIds) > 1) { $inner .= "INNER JOIN (SELECT task_id, COUNT(tag_id) AS c FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task WHERE list_id=$listId AND tag_id IN (". implode(',',$tagIds). ") GROUP BY task_id) AS t2t ON id=t2t.task_id"; $sqlWhere = " AND c=". sizeof($tagIds); //overwrite sqlWhere! } elseif($tagIds) { $inner .= "INNER JOIN {$db->prefix}tag2task ON id=task_id"; $sqlWhere .= " AND tag_id = ". $tagIds[0]; } if($tagExIds) { $sqlWhere .= " AND id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT task_id FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task WHERE list_id=$listId AND tag_id IN (". implode(',',$tagExIds). "))"; //DISTINCT ? } } $s = trim(_get('s')); if($s != '') $sqlWhere .= " AND (title LIKE ". $db->quoteForLike("%%%s%%",$s). " OR note LIKE ". $db->quoteForLike("%%%s%%",$s). ")"; $sort = (int)_get('sort'); $sqlSort = "ORDER BY compl ASC, "; if($sort == 1) $sqlSort .= "prio DESC, ddn ASC, duedate ASC, ow ASC"; // byPrio elseif($sort == 101) $sqlSort .= "prio ASC, ddn DESC, duedate DESC, ow DESC"; // byPrio (reverse) elseif($sort == 2) $sqlSort .= "ddn ASC, duedate ASC, prio DESC, ow ASC"; // byDueDate elseif($sort == 102) $sqlSort .= "ddn DESC, duedate DESC, prio ASC, ow DESC";// byDueDate (reverse) elseif($sort == 3) $sqlSort .= "d_created ASC, prio DESC, ow ASC"; // byDateCreated elseif($sort == 103) $sqlSort .= "d_created DESC, prio ASC, ow DESC"; // byDateCreated (reverse) elseif($sort == 4) $sqlSort .= "d_edited ASC, prio DESC, ow ASC"; // byDateModified elseif($sort == 104) $sqlSort .= "d_edited DESC, prio ASC, ow DESC"; // byDateModified (reverse) else $sqlSort .= "ow ASC"; $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $t['list'] = array(); $q = $db->dq("SELECT *, duedate IS NULL AS ddn FROM {$db->prefix}todolist $inner WHERE 1=1 $sqlWhere $sqlSort"); while($r = $q->fetch_assoc($q)) { $t['total']++; $t['list'][] = prepareTaskRow($r); } if(_get('setCompl') && have_write_access($listId)) { $bitwise = (_get('compl') == 0) ? 'taskview & ~1' : 'taskview | 1'; $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}lists SET taskview=$bitwise WHERE id=$listId"); } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['newTask'])) { stop_gpc($_POST); $listId = (int)_post('list'); check_write_access($listId); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $title = trim(_post('title')); $prio = 0; $tags = ''; if(Config::get('smartsyntax') != 0) { $a = parse_smartsyntax($title); if($a === false) { jsonExit($t); } $title = $a['title']; $prio = $a['prio']; $tags = $a['tags']; } if($title == '') { jsonExit($t); } if(Config::get('autotag')) $tags .= ','._post('tag'); $ow = 1 + (int)$db->sq("SELECT MAX(ow) FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=$listId AND compl=0"); $db->ex("BEGIN"); $db->dq("INSERT INTO {$db->prefix}todolist (uuid,list_id,title,d_created,d_edited,ow,prio) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array(generateUUID(), $listId, $title, time(), time(), $ow, $prio) ); $id = $db->last_insert_id(); if($tags != '') { $aTags = prepareTags($tags); if($aTags) { addTaskTags($id, $aTags['ids'], $listId); $db->ex("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET tags=?,tags_ids=? WHERE id=$id", array(implode(',',$aTags['tags']), implode(',',$aTags['ids']))); } } $db->ex("COMMIT"); $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id"); $t['list'][] = prepareTaskRow($r); $t['total'] = 1; jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['fullNewTask'])) { stop_gpc($_POST); $listId = (int)_post('list'); check_write_access($listId); $title = trim(_post('title')); $note = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim(_post('note'))); $prio = (int)_post('prio'); if($prio < -1) $prio = -1; elseif($prio > 2) $prio = 2; $duedate = parse_duedate(trim(_post('duedate'))); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; if($title == '') { jsonExit($t); } $tags = trim(_post('tags')); if(Config::get('autotag')) $tags .= ','._post('tag'); $ow = 1 + (int)$db->sq("SELECT MAX(ow) FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=$listId AND compl=0"); $db->ex("BEGIN"); $db->dq("INSERT INTO {$db->prefix}todolist (uuid,list_id,title,d_created,d_edited,ow,prio,note,duedate) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)", array(generateUUID(), $listId, $title, time(), time(), $ow, $prio, $note, $duedate) ); $id = $db->last_insert_id(); if($tags != '') { $aTags = prepareTags($tags); if($aTags) { addTaskTags($id, $aTags['ids'], $listId); $db->ex("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET tags=?,tags_ids=? WHERE id=$id", array(implode(',',$aTags['tags']), implode(',',$aTags['ids']))); } } $db->ex("COMMIT"); $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id"); $t['list'][] = prepareTaskRow($r); $t['total'] = 1; jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['deleteTask'])) { $id = (int)_post('id'); $deleted = deleteTask($id); $t = array(); $t['total'] = $deleted; $t['list'][] = array('id'=>$id); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['completeTask'])) { check_write_access(); $id = (int)_post('id'); $compl = _post('compl') ? 1 : 0; $listId = (int)$db->sq("SELECT list_id FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id"); if($compl) $ow = 1 + (int)$db->sq("SELECT MAX(ow) FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=$listId AND compl=1"); else $ow = 1 + (int)$db->sq("SELECT MAX(ow) FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=$listId AND compl=0"); $dateCompleted = $compl ? time() : 0; $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET compl=$compl,ow=$ow,d_completed=?,d_edited=? WHERE id=$id", array($dateCompleted, time()) ); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 1; $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id"); $t['list'][] = prepareTaskRow($r); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['editNote'])) { check_write_access(); $id = (int)_post('id'); stop_gpc($_POST); $note = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim(_post('note'))); $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET note=?,d_edited=? WHERE id=$id", array($note, time()) ); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 1; $t['list'][] = array('id'=>$id, 'note'=>nl2br(escapeTags($note)), 'noteText'=>(string)$note); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['editTask'])) { check_write_access(); $id = (int)_post('id'); stop_gpc($_POST); $title = trim(_post('title')); $note = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim(_post('note'))); $prio = (int)_post('prio'); if($prio < -1) $prio = -1; elseif($prio > 2) $prio = 2; $duedate = parse_duedate(trim(_post('duedate'))); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; if($title == '') { jsonExit($t); } $listId = $db->sq("SELECT list_id FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id"); $tags = trim(_post('tags')); $db->ex("BEGIN"); $db->ex("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task WHERE task_id=$id"); $aTags = prepareTags($tags); if($aTags) { $tags = implode(',', $aTags['tags']); $tags_ids = implode(',',$aTags['ids']); addTaskTags($id, $aTags['ids'], $listId); } $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET title=?,note=?,prio=?,tags=?,tags_ids=?,duedate=?,d_edited=? WHERE id=$id", array($title, $note, $prio, $tags, $tags_ids, $duedate, time()) ); $db->ex("COMMIT"); $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id"); if($r) { $t['list'][] = prepareTaskRow($r); $t['total'] = 1; } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['changeOrder'])) { check_write_access(); stop_gpc($_POST); $s = _post('order'); parse_str($s, $order); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; if($order) { $ad = array(); foreach($order as $id=>$diff) { $ad[(int)$diff][] = (int)$id; } $db->ex("BEGIN"); foreach($ad as $diff=>$ids) { if($diff >=0) $set = "ow=ow+".$diff; else $set = "ow=ow-".abs($diff); $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET $set,d_edited=? WHERE id IN (".implode(',',$ids).")", array(time()) ); } $db->ex("COMMIT"); $t['total'] = 1; } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_POST['login'])) { $t = array('logged' => 0); if(!$needAuth) { $t['disabled'] = 1; jsonExit($t); } stop_gpc($_POST); $password = _post('password'); if($password == Config::get('password')) { $t['logged'] = 1; session_regenerate_id(1); $_SESSION['logged'] = 1; } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_POST['logout'])) { unset($_SESSION['logged']); $t = array('logged' => 0); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['suggestTags'])) { $listId = (int)_get('list'); check_read_access($listId); $begin = trim(_get('q')); $limit = (int)_get('limit'); if($limit<1) $limit = 8; $q = $db->dq("SELECT name,id FROM {$db->prefix}tags INNER JOIN {$db->prefix}tag2task ON id=tag_id WHERE list_id=$listId AND name LIKE ". $db->quoteForLike('%s%%',$begin) ." GROUP BY tag_id ORDER BY name LIMIT $limit"); $s = ''; while($r = $q->fetch_row()) { $s .= "$r[0]|$r[1]\n"; } echo htmlarray($s); exit; } elseif(isset($_GET['setPrio'])) { check_write_access(); $id = (int)$_GET['setPrio']; $prio = (int)_get('prio'); if($prio < -1) $prio = -1; elseif($prio > 2) $prio = 2; $db->ex("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET prio=$prio,d_edited=? WHERE id=$id", array(time()) ); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 1; $t['list'][] = array('id'=>$id, 'prio'=>$prio); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['tagCloud'])) { $listId = (int)_get('list'); check_read_access($listId); $q = $db->dq("SELECT name,tag_id,COUNT(tag_id) AS tags_count FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task INNER JOIN {$db->prefix}tags ON tag_id=id ". "WHERE list_id=$listId GROUP BY (tag_id) ORDER BY tags_count ASC"); $at = array(); $ac = array(); while($r = $q->fetch_assoc()) { $at[] = array('name'=>$r['name'], 'id'=>$r['tag_id']); $ac[] = $r['tags_count']; } $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $count = sizeof($at); if(!$count) { jsonExit($t); } $qmax = max($ac); $qmin = min($ac); if($count >= 10) $grades = 10; else $grades = $count; $step = ($qmax - $qmin)/$grades; foreach($at as $i=>$tag) { $t['cloud'][] = array('tag'=>htmlarray($tag['name']), 'id'=>(int)$tag['id'], 'w'=> tag_size($qmin,$ac[$i],$step) ); } $t['total'] = $count; jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['addList'])) { check_write_access(); stop_gpc($_POST); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $name = str_replace(array('"',"'",'<','>','&'),array('','','','',''),trim(_post('name'))); $ow = 1 + (int)$db->sq("SELECT MAX(ow) FROM {$db->prefix}lists"); $db->dq("INSERT INTO {$db->prefix}lists (uuid,name,ow,d_created,d_edited) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", array(generateUUID(), $name, $ow, time(), time()) ); $id = $db->last_insert_id(); $t['total'] = 1; $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}lists WHERE id=$id"); $t['list'][] = prepareList($r); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['renameList'])) { check_write_access(); stop_gpc($_POST); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $id = (int)_post('list'); $name = str_replace(array('"',"'",'<','>','&'),array('','','','',''),trim(_post('name'))); $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}lists SET name=?,d_edited=? WHERE id=$id", array($name, time()) ); $t['total'] = $db->affected(); $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}lists WHERE id=$id"); $t['list'][] = prepareList($r); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['deleteList'])) { check_write_access(); stop_gpc($_POST); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $id = (int)_post('list'); $db->ex("BEGIN"); $db->ex("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}lists WHERE id=$id"); $t['total'] = $db->affected(); if($t['total']) { $db->ex("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task WHERE list_id=$id"); $db->ex("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=$id"); } $db->ex("COMMIT"); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['setSort'])) { check_write_access(); $listId = (int)_post('list'); $sort = (int)_post('sort'); if($sort < 0 || $sort > 104) $sort = 0; elseif($sort < 101 && $sort > 4) $sort = 0; $db->ex("UPDATE {$db->prefix}lists SET sorting=$sort,d_edited=? WHERE id=$listId", array(time())); jsonExit(array('total'=>1)); } elseif(isset($_GET['publishList'])) { check_write_access(); $listId = (int)_post('list'); $publish = (int)_post('publish'); $db->ex("UPDATE {$db->prefix}lists SET published=?,d_created=? WHERE id=$listId", array($publish ? 1 : 0, time())); jsonExit(array('total'=>1)); } elseif(isset($_GET['moveTask'])) { check_write_access(); $id = (int)_post('id'); $fromId = (int)_post('from'); $toId = (int)_post('to'); $result = moveTask($id, $toId); $t = array('total' => $result ? 1 : 0); if($fromId == -1 && $result && $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id")) { $t['list'][] = prepareTaskRow($r); } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['changeListOrder'])) { check_write_access(); stop_gpc($_POST); $order = (array)_post('order'); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; if($order) { $a = array(); $setCase = ''; foreach($order as $ow=>$id) { $id = (int)$id; $a[] = $id; $setCase .= "WHEN id=$id THEN $ow\n"; } $ids = implode($a, ','); $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}lists SET d_edited=?, ow = CASE\n $setCase END WHERE id IN ($ids)", array(time()) ); $t['total'] = 1; } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['parseTaskStr'])) { check_write_access(); stop_gpc($_POST); $t = array( 'title' => trim(_post('title')), 'prio' => 0, 'tags' => '' ); if(Config::get('smartsyntax') != 0 && (false !== $a = parse_smartsyntax($t['title']))) { $t['title'] = $a['title']; $t['prio'] = $a['prio']; $t['tags'] = $a['tags']; } jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['clearCompletedInList'])) { check_write_access(); stop_gpc($_POST); $t = array(); $t['total'] = 0; $listId = (int)_post('list'); $db->ex("BEGIN"); $db->ex("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task WHERE task_id IN (SELECT id FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=? and compl=1)", array($listId)); $db->ex("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=$listId and compl=1"); $t['total'] = $db->affected(); $db->ex("COMMIT"); jsonExit($t); } elseif(isset($_GET['setShowNotesInList'])) { check_write_access(); $listId = (int)_post('list'); $flag = (int)_post('shownotes'); $bitwise = ($flag == 0) ? 'taskview & ~2' : 'taskview | 2'; $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}lists SET taskview=$bitwise WHERE id=$listId"); jsonExit(array('total'=>1)); } elseif(isset($_GET['setHideList'])) { check_write_access(); $listId = (int)_post('list'); $flag = (int)_post('hide'); $bitwise = ($flag == 0) ? 'taskview & ~4' : 'taskview | 4'; $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}lists SET taskview=$bitwise WHERE id=$listId"); jsonExit(array('total'=>1)); } ################################################################################################### function prepareTaskRow($r) { $lang = Lang::instance(); $dueA = prepare_duedate($r['duedate']); $formatCreatedInline = $formatCompletedInline = Config::get('dateformatshort'); if(date('Y') != date('Y',$r['d_created'])) $formatCreatedInline = Config::get('dateformat2'); if($r['d_completed'] && date('Y') != date('Y',$r['d_completed'])) $formatCompletedInline = Config::get('dateformat2'); $dCreated = timestampToDatetime($r['d_created']); $dCompleted = $r['d_completed'] ? timestampToDatetime($r['d_completed']) : ''; return array( 'id' => $r['id'], 'title' => escapeTags($r['title']), 'listId' => $r['list_id'], 'date' => htmlarray($dCreated), 'dateInt' => (int)$r['d_created'], 'dateInline' => htmlarray(formatTime($formatCreatedInline, $r['d_created'])), 'dateInlineTitle' => htmlarray(sprintf($lang->get('taskdate_inline_created'), $dCreated)), 'dateEditedInt' => (int)$r['d_edited'], 'dateCompleted' => htmlarray($dCompleted), 'dateCompletedInline' => $r['d_completed'] ? htmlarray(formatTime($formatCompletedInline, $r['d_completed'])) : '', 'dateCompletedInlineTitle' => htmlarray(sprintf($lang->get('taskdate_inline_completed'), $dCompleted)), 'compl' => (int)$r['compl'], 'prio' => $r['prio'], 'note' => nl2br(escapeTags($r['note'])), 'noteText' => (string)$r['note'], 'ow' => (int)$r['ow'], 'tags' => htmlarray($r['tags']), 'tags_ids' => htmlarray($r['tags_ids']), 'duedate' => $dueA['formatted'], 'dueClass' => $dueA['class'], 'dueStr' => htmlarray($r['compl'] && $dueA['timestamp'] ? formatTime($formatCompletedInline, $dueA['timestamp']) : $dueA['str']), 'dueInt' => date2int($r['duedate']), 'dueTitle' => htmlarray(sprintf($lang->get('taskdate_inline_duedate'), $dueA['formatted'])), ); } function check_read_access($listId = null) { $db = DBConnection::instance(); if(Config::get('password') == '') return true; if(is_logged()) return true; if($listId !== null) { $id = $db->sq("SELECT id FROM {$db->prefix}lists WHERE id=? AND published=1", array($listId)); if($id) return; } jsonExit( array('total'=>0, 'list'=>array(), 'denied'=>1) ); } function have_write_access($listId = null) { if(is_readonly()) return false; // check list exist if($listId !== null) { $db = DBConnection::instance(); $count = $db->sq("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db->prefix}lists WHERE id=?", array($listId)); if(!$count) return false; } return true; } function check_write_access($listId = null) { if(have_write_access($listId)) return; jsonExit( array('total'=>0, 'list'=>array(), 'denied'=>1) ); } function inputTaskParams() { $a = array( 'id' => _post('id'), 'title'=> trim(_post('title')), 'note' => str_replace("\r\n", "\n", trim(_post('note'))), 'prio' => (int)_post('prio'), 'duedate' => '', 'tags' => trim(_post('tags')), 'listId' => (int)_post('list'), ); if($a['prio'] < -1) $a['prio'] = -1; elseif($a['prio'] > 2) $a['prio'] = 2; return $a; } function prepareTags($tagsStr) { $tags = explode(',', $tagsStr); if(!$tags) return 0; $aTags = array('tags'=>array(), 'ids'=>array()); foreach($tags as $tag) { $tag = str_replace(array('"',"'",'<','>','&','/','\\','^'),'',trim($tag)); if($tag == '') continue; $aTag = getOrCreateTag($tag); if($aTag && !in_array($aTag['id'], $aTags['ids'])) { $aTags['tags'][] = $aTag['name']; $aTags['ids'][] = $aTag['id']; } } return $aTags; } function getOrCreateTag($name) { $db = DBConnection::instance(); $tagId = $db->sq("SELECT id FROM {$db->prefix}tags WHERE name=?", array($name)); if($tagId) return array('id'=>$tagId, 'name'=>$name); $db->ex("INSERT INTO {$db->prefix}tags (name) VALUES (?)", array($name)); return array('id'=>$db->last_insert_id(), 'name'=>$name); } function getTagId($tag) { $db = DBConnection::instance(); $id = $db->sq("SELECT id FROM {$db->prefix}tags WHERE name=?", array($tag)); return $id ? $id : 0; } function get_task_tags($id) { $db = DBConnection::instance(); $q = $db->dq("SELECT tag_id FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task WHERE task_id=?", $id); $a = array(); while($r = $q->fetch_row()) { $a[] = $r[0]; } return $a; } function addTaskTags($taskId, $tagIds, $listId) { $db = DBConnection::instance(); if(!$tagIds) return; foreach($tagIds as $tagId) { $db->ex("INSERT INTO {$db->prefix}tag2task (task_id,tag_id,list_id) VALUES (?,?,?)", array($taskId,$tagId,$listId)); } } function parse_smartsyntax($title) { $a = array(); if(!preg_match("|^(/([+-]{0,1}\d+)?/)?(.*?)(\s+/([^/]*)/$)?$|", $title, $m)) return false; $a['prio'] = isset($m[2]) ? (int)$m[2] : 0; $a['title'] = isset($m[3]) ? trim($m[3]) : ''; $a['tags'] = isset($m[5]) ? trim($m[5]) : ''; if($a['prio'] < -1) $a['prio'] = -1; elseif($a['prio'] > 2) $a['prio'] = 2; return $a; } function tag_size($qmin, $q, $step) { if($step == 0) return 1; $v = ceil(($q - $qmin)/$step); if($v == 0) return 0; else return $v-1; } function parse_duedate($s) { $df2 = Config::get('dateformat2'); if(max((int)strpos($df2,'n'), (int)strpos($df2,'m')) > max((int)strpos($df2,'d'), (int)strpos($df2,'j'))) $formatDayFirst = true; else $formatDayFirst = false; $y = $m = $d = 0; if(preg_match("|^(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)\b|", $s, $ma)) { $y = (int)$ma[1]; $m = (int)$ma[2]; $d = (int)$ma[3]; } elseif(preg_match("|^(\d+)\/(\d+)\/(\d+)\b|", $s, $ma)) { if($formatDayFirst) { $d = (int)$ma[1]; $m = (int)$ma[2]; $y = (int)$ma[3]; } else { $m = (int)$ma[1]; $d = (int)$ma[2]; $y = (int)$ma[3]; } } elseif(preg_match("|^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\b|", $s, $ma)) { $d = (int)$ma[1]; $m = (int)$ma[2]; $y = (int)$ma[3]; } elseif(preg_match("|^(\d+)\.(\d+)\b|", $s, $ma)) { $d = (int)$ma[1]; $m = (int)$ma[2]; $a = explode(',', date('Y,m,d')); if( $m<(int)$a[1] || ($m==(int)$a[1] && $d<(int)$a[2]) ) $y = (int)$a[0]+1; else $y = (int)$a[0]; } elseif(preg_match("|^(\d+)\/(\d+)\b|", $s, $ma)) { if($formatDayFirst) { $d = (int)$ma[1]; $m = (int)$ma[2]; } else { $m = (int)$ma[1]; $d = (int)$ma[2]; } $a = explode(',', date('Y,m,d')); if( $m<(int)$a[1] || ($m==(int)$a[1] && $d<(int)$a[2]) ) $y = (int)$a[0]+1; else $y = (int)$a[0]; } else return null; if($y < 100) $y = 2000 + $y; elseif($y < 1000 || $y > 2099) $y = 2000 + (int)substr((string)$y, -2); if($m > 12) $m = 12; $maxdays = daysInMonth($m,$y); if($m < 10) $m = '0'.$m; if($d > $maxdays) $d = $maxdays; elseif($d < 10) $d = '0'.$d; return "$y-$m-$d"; } function prepare_duedate($duedate) { $lang = Lang::instance(); $a = array( 'class'=>'', 'str'=>'', 'formatted'=>'', 'timestamp'=>0 ); if($duedate == '') { return $a; } $ad = explode('-', $duedate); $at = explode('-', date('Y-m-d')); $a['timestamp'] = mktime(0,0,0,$ad[1],$ad[2],$ad[0]); $diff = mktime(0,0,0,$ad[1],$ad[2],$ad[0]) - mktime(0,0,0,$at[1],$at[2],$at[0]); if($diff < -604800 && $ad[0] == $at[0]) { $a['class'] = 'past'; $a['str'] = formatDate3(Config::get('dateformatshort'), (int)$ad[0], (int)$ad[1], (int)$ad[2], $lang); } elseif($diff < -604800) { $a['class'] = 'past'; $a['str'] = formatDate3(Config::get('dateformat2'), (int)$ad[0], (int)$ad[1], (int)$ad[2], $lang); } elseif($diff < -86400) { $a['class'] = 'past'; $a['str'] = sprintf($lang->get('daysago'),ceil(abs($diff)/86400)); } elseif($diff < 0) { $a['class'] = 'past'; $a['str'] = $lang->get('yesterday'); } elseif($diff < 86400) { $a['class'] = 'today'; $a['str'] = $lang->get('today'); } elseif($diff < 172800) { $a['class'] = 'today'; $a['str'] = $lang->get('tomorrow'); } elseif($diff < 691200) { $a['class'] = 'soon'; $a['str'] = sprintf($lang->get('indays'),ceil($diff/86400)); } elseif($ad[0] == $at[0]) { $a['class'] = 'future'; $a['str'] = formatDate3(Config::get('dateformatshort'), (int)$ad[0], (int)$ad[1], (int)$ad[2], $lang); } else { $a['class'] = 'future'; $a['str'] = formatDate3(Config::get('dateformat2'), (int)$ad[0], (int)$ad[1], (int)$ad[2], $lang); } $a['formatted'] = formatTime(Config::get('dateformat2'), $a['timestamp']); return $a; } function date2int($d) { if(!$d) return 33330000; $ad = explode('-', $d); $s = $ad[0]; if(strlen($ad[1]) < 2) $s .= "0$ad[1]"; else $s .= $ad[1]; if(strlen($ad[2]) < 2) $s .= "0$ad[2]"; else $s .= $ad[2]; return (int)$s; } function daysInMonth($m, $y=0) { if($y == 0) $y = (int)date('Y'); $a = array(1=>31,(($y-2000)%4?28:29),31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31); if(isset($a[$m])) return $a[$m]; else return 0; } function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline) { if($errno==E_ERROR || $errno==E_CORE_ERROR || $errno==E_COMPILE_ERROR || $errno==E_USER_ERROR || $errno==E_PARSE) $error = 'Error'; elseif($errno==E_WARNING || $errno==E_CORE_WARNING || $errno==E_COMPILE_WARNING || $errno==E_USER_WARNING || $errno==E_STRICT) { if(error_reporting() & $errno) $error = 'Warning'; else return; } elseif($errno==E_NOTICE || $errno==E_USER_NOTICE) { if(error_reporting() & $errno) $error = 'Notice'; else return; } elseif(defined('E_DEPRECATED') && ($errno==E_DEPRECATED || $errno==E_USER_DEPRECATED)) { # since 5.3.0 if(error_reporting() & $errno) $error = 'Notice'; else return; } else $error = "Error ($errno)"; # here may be E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR throw new Exception("$error: '$errstr' in $errfile:$errline", -1); } function myExceptionHandler($e) { try { // to avoid Exception thrown without a stack frame if(-1 == $e->getCode()) { echo $e->getMessage()."\n". $e->getTraceAsString(); exit; } echo 'Exception: \''. $e->getMessage() .'\' in '. $e->getFile() .':'. $e->getLine(); //."\n". $e->getTraceAsString(); } catch(Exception $e) { echo 'Exception in ExceptionHandler: \''. $e->getMessage() .'\' in '. $e->getFile() .':'. $e->getLine(); } exit; } function deleteTask($id) { check_write_access(); $db = DBConnection::instance(); $db->ex("BEGIN"); $db->ex("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}tag2task WHERE task_id=$id"); //TODO: delete unused tags? $db->dq("DELETE FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=$id"); $affected = $db->affected(); $db->ex("COMMIT"); return $affected; } function moveTask($id, $listId) { check_write_access(); $db = DBConnection::instance(); // Check task exists and not in target list $r = $db->sqa("SELECT * FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE id=?", array($id)); if(!$r || $listId == $r['list_id']) return false; // Check target list exists if(!$db->sq("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$db->prefix}lists WHERE id=?", $listId)) return false; $ow = 1 + (int)$db->sq("SELECT MAX(ow) FROM {$db->prefix}todolist WHERE list_id=? AND compl=?", array($listId, $r['compl']?1:0)); $db->ex("BEGIN"); $db->ex("UPDATE {$db->prefix}tag2task SET list_id=? WHERE task_id=?", array($listId, $id)); $db->dq("UPDATE {$db->prefix}todolist SET list_id=?, ow=?, d_edited=? WHERE id=?", array($listId, $ow, time(), $id)); $db->ex("COMMIT"); return true; } function prepareList($row) { $taskview = (int)$row['taskview']; return array( 'id' => $row['id'], 'name' => htmlarray($row['name']), 'sort' => (int)$row['sorting'], 'published' => $row['published'] ? 1 :0, 'showCompl' => $taskview & 1 ? 1 : 0, 'showNotes' => $taskview & 2 ? 1 : 0, 'hidden' => $taskview & 4 ? 1 : 0, ); } function getUserListsSimple() { $db = DBConnection::instance(); $a = array(); $q = $db->dq("SELECT id,name FROM {$db->prefix}lists ORDER BY id ASC"); while($r = $q->fetch_row()) { $a[$r[0]] = $r[1]; } return $a; } ?>