Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/plugins/editors/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/plugins/editors/ckeditor.php |
<?php /* * @copyright Copyright (c) 2003 - 2010, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL * CKEditor extension is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. */ // no direct access defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); jimport( 'joomla.plugin.plugin' ); class plgEditorCKeditor extends JPlugin { /** * @access protected * @param object $subject The object to observe * @param array $config An array that holds the plugin configuration * @since 1.0 */ function plgEditorCKeditor( &$subject, $config ) { parent::__construct( $subject, $config ); } function onInit() { $document = & JFactory::getDocument(); if ($this->params->get( 'CKEditorJs', 0 ) == 1 && is_dir('../plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor/_source/') && file_exists('../plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js')) { //$document->addScript(JURI::root(true).'/plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js'); $load = "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".JURI::root(true).'/plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor_source.js'."\"></script>\n"; }else { // $document->addScript(JURI::root(true).'/plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); $load = "\t<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"".JURI::root(true).'/plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'."\"></script>\n"; return $load; } } function onGetContent( $editor ) { return " CKEDITOR.instances.$editor.getData(); "; } function onDisplay( $name, $content, $width, $height, $col, $row, $buttons = true ) { //getApplication $app = &JFactory::getApplication(); //set cookie for ckfinder setcookie('ckfinder_app',$app->getClientId(), time()+ 60 * 60 * 24, '/' ); //get frontend template name from database $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $db->setQuery('SELECT template FROM #__templates_menu WHERE client_id='.$app->getClientId()); $templateName = $db->loadResult(); $session =& JFactory::getSession(); $user = &JFactory::getUser(); JHTML::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal-button'); if ((int)$width) { $width .= 'px'; } if ((int)$height) { $height .= 'px'; } $editor = '<textarea name="'.$name.'" id="'.$name.'" cols="'.$col.'" rows="'.$row.'" style="width:'.$width.'; height:'.$height.'">' .$content. '</textarea>'; $frontend = ''; if(!strpos(JPATH_BASE,'administrator')) { $frontend = '_frontEnd'; } //check language autodetect $language = ''; if ($this->params->get( 'CKEditorAutoLang', 0 ) == 0) { //if autodetect is off set languege from language select $language = "language : '".$this->params->get( 'language', 'en' )."',"; }else { //if autodecetct is on set default language $language .= "defaultLanguage : '".$this->params->get( 'language', 'en' )."',"; } //set language direction if ($this->params->get( 'CKEditorLangDir', 0 ) == 1) { $txtDirection = "contentsLangDirection : 'rtl',"; }else { $txtDirection = "contentsLangDirection : 'ltr',"; } //scayt autostart if ($this->params->get( 'Scayt', 0 ) == 0) { $scayt = "scayt_autoStartup : false,"; }else { $scayt = "scayt_autoStartup : true,"; } if ($this->params->get( 'Entities', 1 ) == 0) { $entities = "entities : false,"; }else { $entities = "entities : true,"; } //set base href to works with default joomla editor $baseHref = "CKEDITOR.config.baseHref = '".JURI::root()."';"; //iterate in ckeditor/plugins directory and add add external to all plugins added by user $pluginsPath =''; $pluginsName = array(); foreach (glob(dirname(__FILE__)."/ckeditor/plugins/*",GLOB_ONLYDIR) AS $dir) { if ( $this->params->get( 'LinkBrowser', 1 ) == 0 && basename($dir) == "linkBrowser") continue; $pluginsName[] = basename($dir); $pluginsPath .= "CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('".basename($dir)."','../plugins/".basename($dir)."/');"; } if ($this->params->get( 'LinkBrowserUrl', 1 ) == 0 ) { $linkBrowserUrl = 'var linkBrowserUrl = "relative";'; }else { $linkBrowserUrl = 'var linkBrowserUrl = "absolute";'; } $editor .= "<script type='text/javascript'> $linkBrowserUrl CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = \"".implode(',',$pluginsName)."\"; $pluginsPath $baseHref CKEDITOR.config.customConfig = '../config.js'; var CKEDITORInstance = CKEDITOR.replace( '".$name."', { resize_minWidth : '200', skin : '".$this->params->get( 'skin', 'kama' )."', ".$language." ".$txtDirection." ".$scayt." ".$entities." enterMode : ".$this->params->get( 'enterMode','1').", shiftEnterMode : ".$this->params->get( 'shiftEnterMode','2')." "; if ($this->params->get( 'CKEditorWidth', '' ) > 0) { $editor .= ",width : '".$this->params->get( 'CKEditorWidth', '' )."'"; } if ($this->params->get( 'CKEditorHeight', '' ) > 0) { $editor .= ",height : '".$this->params->get( 'CKEditorHeight', '' )."'"; } if ($this->params->get( 'Color', '' ) != '') { $editor .= ",uiColor : '".$this->params->get( 'Color', '' )."'"; } //array with all elements added in toolbar $allElements = array(); if($this->params->get( 'toolbar'.$frontend,'Full') != 'Full') { $toolbar = $this->params->get($this->params->get( 'toolbar'.$frontend,'Full').'_ToolBar'," 'Bold', 'Italic', '-', 'NumberedList', 'BulletedList', '-', 'Link', 'Unlink'"); //check if config looks like standard CKeditor config if (strpos($toolbar,'[') !== false || strpos($toolbar,']') !== false) { //special parse for standard CKeditor config $toolbar = str_replace(array("[[","]]","[","]"),array("[","]","",";"),$toolbar); } //parse toolbar config $replace = array("'","`",'"',"\n"); $replacement = array('','','',''); $toolbar = str_replace($replace,$replacement,$toolbar); //preventing put empty toolSet line $tmp = ''; foreach (explode(',/,',$toolbar) AS $key => $line) { if ($line) { if ($key > 0) { $tmp .= ",/,".$line; }else { $tmp .= $line; } } } $toolbar = $tmp; $data = ''; $toolbar = str_replace(array('/,;,/', ',;,/'),array( '/', ',/'), $toolbar); foreach (explode(';',$toolbar) AS $menu) { if ($menu != '') { $data .="["; $tmpArray = array(); foreach (explode(',',$menu) AS $key => $value) { $allElements[] = trim($value); if ($value != '' && trim($value) != '/') { $tmpArray[] = "'".trim($value)."'"; }else if(trim($value) == '/') { //special case for "/" character //if "/" character is first in array -> move it before "[" character if ($data[strlen($data) -1] == "[" && $key < 2) { $data[strlen($data) - 1] = ']' ; $data .= ",'".trim($value)."',["; }else { $tmpArray[] = "],'".trim($value)."',["; } } } $data .= implode(',',$tmpArray); //correct data formating -> change ',]'' to ']' and '[,' to '[' $data = preg_replace(array("#,[^'\[]#","#\[,#"),array(']','['),$data); $data .="],"; } } //strip last ',' charcter $data[strlen($data ) - 1] = ' '; } $style = false; $style_file = trim($this->params->get('style','')); //set style if ($style_file != '') { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).DS.'ckeditor'.DS.'styles'.DS.$style_file)) { $editor .= ",stylesCombo_stylesSet : 'default:".JURI::root()."plugins/editors/ckeditor/styles/".$style_file."'"; // CKEditor 3.3 stylesCombo_stylesSet -> stylesSet $editor .= ",stylesSet : 'default:".JURI::root()."plugins/editors/ckeditor/styles/".$style_file."'"; $style = true; } } $template = false; $template_file = trim($this->params->get('template','')); //set template if ($template_file != '') { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).DS."ckeditor".DS."templates".DS.$template_file)) { $editor .= ",templates_files : ['".JURI::root()."/plugins/editors/ckeditor/templates/".$template_file."']"; $editor .= ",templates : 'default'"; $template = true; } } //add toolbar to editor //add Styles and Templates button only if they aren't defined in toolbar by user and required files exists if (isset($data)){ $editor .= ",toolbar :[{$data}]"; } //set css files $css = ''; $css_files = trim($this->params->get('css','')); if ($css_files != '') { foreach (explode(';', $css_files) AS $file) { if (file_exists(dirname(__FILE__).DS.'ckeditor'.DS.'css'.DS.trim($file))) { $css .= ", '".JURI::root()."plugins/editors/ckeditor/css/".trim($file)."'"; } } } if ($this->params->get('templateCss',0) == 1 && $templateName != null) { if ($app->getClientId() == 1) { if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE."/templates/$templateName/css/editor.css")) { $css .= ", '".JURI::root()."administrator/templates/$templateName/css/editor.css'"; }else { $css .= ", '".JURI::root()."administrator/templates/$templateName/css/template.css'"; } } else { if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE."/templates/$templateName/css/editor.css")) { $css .= ", '".JURI::root()."templates/$templateName/css/editor.css'"; }else { $css .= ", '".JURI::root()."templates/$templateName/css/template.css'"; } } } if ($css != '') { $editor .= ",contentsCss : [ '".JURI::root()."plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckeditor/contents.css' {$css} ]"; } if($this->params->get( 'ckfinder','1') == 1) { $gid = $user->get('gid'); $access = $this->params->get( 'usergroup_access',array('25')); $access_true = false; $sessionActive = false; $session->set('CKFinderAccess',false); //default false - user can't use CKFinder if ($this->params->get( 'CKFinderPathType',0) == 1) { $prefix = ''; } else { $prefix = JURI::root(); } if(is_array($access)) { if (array_search($gid,$access) !== false) { $access_true = true; } } else { if($gid == $access) { $access_true = true; } } if ($access_true) { if($session->getState() == 'active') { $sessionActive = true; $session->set('LicenseName',$this->params->get( 'CKFinderLicenseName','')); $session->set('LicenseKey',$this->params->get( 'CKFinderLicenseKey','')); $session->set('CKFinderAccess',true); //user can use CKFinder //set used sessions variables to default values $session->set('CKFinderMaxFilesSize',null); $session->set('CKFinderMaxFlashSize',null); $session->set('CKFinderMaxImagesSize',null); $session->set('CKFinderResourceFiles',null); $session->set('CKFinderResourceImages',null); $session->set('CKFinderResourceFlash',null); $session->set('CKFinderMaxImageWidth',null); $session->set('CKFinderMaxImageHeight',null); $session->set('CKFinderMaxThumbnailWidth',null); $session->set('CKFinderMaxThumbnailHeight',null); $session->set('CKFinderSettingsPlugins',null); } } if($access_true && $session->get('CKFinderAccess') && $this->params->get( 'ckfinder','0') != 0) // if user can use CKFinder display button { if (file_exists(JPATH_BASE.DS."..".DS."plugins".DS."editors".DS."ckeditor".DS."ckfinder".DS.'ckfinder'.DS."ckfinder.php")) { $ckfinder_path = "plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckfinder/ckfinder/"; }else{ $ckfinder_path = "plugins/editors/ckeditor/ckfinder/"; } $editor .= ",filebrowserBrowseUrl : '".JURI::root().$ckfinder_path."ckfinder.html', filebrowserImageBrowseUrl : '".JURI::root().$ckfinder_path."ckfinder.html?Type=Images', filebrowserFlashBrowseUrl : '".JURI::root().$ckfinder_path."ckfinder.html?Type=Flash', filebrowserUploadUrl : '".JURI::root().$ckfinder_path."core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Files', filebrowserImageUploadUrl : '".JURI::root().$ckfinder_path."core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Images', filebrowserFlashUploadUrl : '".JURI::root().$ckfinder_path."core/connector/php/connector.php?command=QuickUpload&type=Flash'"; define('CKFINDER_PATH_BASE',str_replace(DS.'administrator','',JPATH_BASE)); //configure save path for images //crete necessary folders if they don't exists $saveDir = $this->params->get( 'CKFinderSaveImages','media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'images'); $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); $saveDir = str_replace(array('$id','$username','$usertype','$group'),array($user->id,$user->username,$user->usertype,$user->gid),$saveDir); $session->set('CKFinderImagesPath',CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir).DS); $session->set('CKFinderImagesUrl', $prefix.str_replace('\\','/',trim($saveDir, '/')).'/'); $chmod = octdec(trim($this->params->get( 'CKFinderSettingsChmod', '0755'))); $old = umask(0); if ( $saveDir != 'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'images' && $saveDir != '') { $dirs = explode(DS,$saveDir); $path = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE; foreach ($dirs AS $dir) { $path = $path.DS.$dir; if (!is_dir($path)) { if (!mkdir($path, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$path.' failed' ); } } } }else{ $saveDir = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'images'; $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); if (!is_dir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder')) { if (!mkdir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder', $chmod) ) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder failed' ); } } if (!is_dir($saveDir)) { if (!mkdir($saveDir, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$saveDir.' failed' ); } } } //configure save path for flash files //crete necessary folders if they don't exists $saveDir = $this->params->get( 'CKFinderSaveFlash','media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'flash'); $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); $saveDir = str_replace(array('$id','$username','$usertype','$group'),array($user->id,$user->username,$user->usertype,$user->gid),$saveDir); $session->set('CKFinderFlashPath',CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir).DS); $session->set('CKFinderFlashUrl', $prefix.str_replace('\\','/',trim($saveDir, '/')).'/'); if ( $saveDir != 'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'flash' && $saveDir != '') { $dirs = explode(DS,$saveDir); $path = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE; foreach ($dirs AS $dir) { $path = $path.DS.$dir; if (!is_dir($path)) { if (!mkdir($path, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$path.' failed' ); } } } }else{ $saveDir = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'flash'; $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); if (!is_dir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder')) { if (!mkdir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder', $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder failed' ); } } if (!is_dir($saveDir)) { if (!mkdir($saveDir, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$saveDir.' failed' ); } } } //configure save path for files //crete necessary folders if they don't exists $saveDir = $this->params->get( 'CKFinderSaveFiles','media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'files'); $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); $saveDir = str_replace(array('$id','$username','$usertype','$group'),array($user->id,$user->username,$user->usertype,$user->gid),$saveDir); $session->set('CKFinderFilesPath',CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir).DS); $session->set('CKFinderFilesUrl', $prefix.str_replace('\\','/',trim($saveDir, '/')).'/'); if ( $saveDir != 'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'files' && $saveDir != '') { $dirs = explode(DS,$saveDir); $path = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE; foreach ($dirs AS $dir) { $path = $path.DS.$dir; if (!is_dir($path)) { if (!mkdir($path, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$path.' failed' ); } } } }else{ $saveDir = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'files'; $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); if (!is_dir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder')) { if (!mkdir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder', $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder failed' ); } } if (!is_dir($saveDir)) { if (!mkdir($saveDir, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$saveDir.' failed' ); } } } //configure save path for thumbnails //crete necessary folders if they don't exists $saveDir = $this->params->get( 'CKFinderSaveThumbs','media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'_thumbs'); $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); $saveDir = str_replace(array('$id','$username','$usertype','$group'),array($user->id,$user->username,$user->usertype,$user->gid),$saveDir); $session->set('CKFinderThumbsPath',CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir).DS); $session->set('CKFinderThumbsUrl', $prefix.str_replace('\\','/',trim($saveDir, '/')).'/'); if ( $saveDir != 'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'_thumbs' && $saveDir != '') { $dirs = explode(DS,$saveDir); $path = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE; foreach ($dirs AS $dir) { $path = $path.DS.$dir; if (!is_dir($path)) { if (!mkdir($path, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$path.' failed' ); } } } }else{ $saveDir = CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder'.DS.'_thumbs'; $saveDir = str_replace('/',DS,$saveDir); if (!is_dir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder')) { if (!mkdir(CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder', $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".CKFINDER_PATH_BASE.DS.'media'.DS.'ckfinder failed' ); } } if (!is_dir($saveDir)) { if (!mkdir($saveDir, $chmod)) { JError::raiseError(500, "Creating ".$saveDir.' failed' ); } } } //return old umask settings umask($old); //settings for Resource Files if ( $this->params->get( 'CKFinderResourceFiles', '')) { $extensions = explode(',' , $this->params->get( 'CKFinderResourceFiles', '')); $extensions = array_unique($extensions); $results = array(); foreach ($extensions AS $extension) { if ($extension) { $results[] = $extension; } } $session->set('CKFinderResourceFiles',implode(',',$results)); } //settings for Resource Images if ( $this->params->get( 'CKFinderResourceImages', '')) { $extensions = explode(',' , $this->params->get( 'CKFinderResourceImages', '')); $extensions = array_unique($extensions); $results = array(); foreach ($extensions AS $extension) { if ($extension) { $results[] = $extension; } } $session->set('CKFinderResourceImages',implode(',',$results)); } //settings for Resource Flash if ( $this->params->get( 'CKFinderResourceFlash', '')) { $extensions = explode(',' , $this->params->get( 'CKFinderResourceFlash', '')); $extensions = array_unique($extensions); $results = array(); foreach ($extensions AS $extension) { if ($extension) { $results[] = $extension; } } $session->set('CKFinderResourceFlash',implode(',',$results)); } //set max Flash files size if ( $this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxFlashSize', '')) { $session->set('CKFinderMaxFlashSize',$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxFlashSize')); } //set max Images files size if ( $this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxImagesSize', '')) { $session->set('CKFinderMaxImagesSize',$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxImagesSize')); } //set max Files files size if ( $this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxFilesSize', '')) { $session->set('CKFinderMaxFilesSize',$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxFilesSize')); } //set max image width if ( (int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxImageWidth', 0)) { $session->set('CKFinderMaxImageWidth',(int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxImageWidth', 0)); } //set max image height if ( (int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxImageHeight', 0)) { $session->set('CKFinderMaxImageHeight',(int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxImageHeight', 0)); } //set max thumbnail width if ( (int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxThumbnailWidth', 0)) { $session->set('CKFinderMaxThumbnailWidth',(int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxThumbnailWidth', 0)); } //set max thumbnail height if ( (int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxThumbnailHeight', 0)) { $session->set('CKFinderMaxThumbnailHeight',(int)$this->params->get( 'CKFinderMaxThumbnailHeight', 0)); } //plugins settings $plugins = array( 'imageresize' => $this->params->get( 'CKFinderImageResize', 1), 'fileedit' => $this->params->get( 'CKFinderFileEdit', 1), ); $session->set('CKFinderSettingsPlugins',$plugins); }//end CKFinder config } $editor .= "});"; //add custom javascript config from user, very danger option $string = $this->params->get( 'CKEditorCustomJs', '' ); $reg = "#/\*.+\*/#Us"; $string = preg_replace($reg,'',$string); $editor .= $string; $instanceReady = $this->CKEditorInstance(); $editor .= $instanceReady."</script>"; $editor .= $this->_displayButtons($name, $buttons); return $editor; } function onGetInsertMethod($name) { $document = & JFactory::getDocument(); $url = str_replace('administrator/', '', JURI::base() ); $js= "function jInsertEditorText( text,editor ) { text = text.replace( /<img src=\"/, '<img src=\"".$url."' ); CKEDITOR.instances.".$name.".insertHtml( text ); }"; $document->addScriptDeclaration($js); return true; } function _displayButtons($name, $buttons) { JHTML::_('behavior.modal', 'a.modal-button'); $args['name'] = $name; $args['event'] = 'onGetInsertMethod'; $return = ''; $results[] = $this->update($args); foreach ($results as $result) { if (is_string($result) && trim($result)) { $return .= $result; } } if(!empty($buttons)) { $results = $this->_subject->getButtons($name, $buttons); $return .= "\n<div id=\"editor-xtd-buttons\">\n"; foreach ($results as $button) { if ( $button->get('name') ) { $modal = ($button->get('modal')) ? 'class="modal-button"' : null; $href = ($button->get('link')) ? 'href="'.$button->get('link').'"' : null; $onclick = ($button->get('onclick')) ? 'onclick="'.$button->get('onclick').'"' : null; $return .= "<div class=\"button2-left\"><div class=\"".$button->get('name')."\"><a ".$modal." title=\"".$button->get('text')."\" ".$href." ".$onclick." rel=\"".$button->get('options')."\">".$button->get('text')."</a></div></div>\n"; } } $return .= "</div>\n"; } return $return; } /*function returns instanceReady event from CKEditor * @return variable with javascript code , define CKEDitor instanceReady event */ function CKEditorInstance() { $txt = " CKEDITOR.on( 'instanceReady', function( ev ) { var formater = []; formater['indent'] = ".$this->params->get('CKEditorIndent',1)."; formater['breakBeforeOpen'] = ".$this->params->get('CKEditorBreakBeforeOpener',1)."; formater['breakAfterOpen'] = ".$this->params->get('CKEditorBreakAfterOpener',1)."; formater['breakBeforeClose'] = ".$this->params->get('CKEditorBreakBeforeCloser',0)."; formater['breakAfterClose'] = ".$this->params->get('CKEditorBreakAfterCloser',1)."; var pre_formater = ".$this->params->get('CKEditorPre',0)."; var dtd = CKEDITOR.dtd; for ( var e in CKEDITOR.tools.extend( {}, dtd.\$nonBodyContent, dtd.\$block, dtd.\$listItem, dtd.\$tableContent ) ) { ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( e, formater); } ev.editor.dataProcessor.writer.setRules( 'pre', { indent: pre_formater }); }); "; return $txt; } }