Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/plugins/content/popin/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/plugins/content/popin/dhtmlwindow.js |
// ------------------------------------------------------------------- // DHTML Window Widget- By Dynamic Drive, available at: http://www.dynamicdrive.com // v1.0: Script created Feb 15th, 07' // v1.01: Feb 21th, 07' (see changelog.txt) // v1.02: March 26th, 07' (see changelog.txt) // v1.03: May 5th, 07' (see changelog.txt) // v1.1: Oct 29th, 07' (see changelog.txt) // ------------------------------------------------------------------- var dhtmlwindow={ imagefiles:['plugins/content/popin/min.gif', 'plugins/content/popin/close.gif', 'plugins/content/popin/restore.gif', 'plugins/content/popin/resize.gif'], //Path to 4 images used by script, in that order ajaxbustcache: true, //Bust caching when fetching a file via Ajax? ajaxloadinghtml: '<b>Loading Page. Please wait...</b>', //HTML to show while window fetches Ajax Content? minimizeorder: 0, zIndexvalue:100, tobjects: [], //object to contain references to dhtml window divs, for cleanup purposes lastactivet: {}, //reference to last active DHTML window init:function(t){ var domwindow=document.createElement("div") //create dhtml window div domwindow.id=t domwindow.className="dhtmlwindow" var domwindowdata='' domwindowdata='<div class="drag-handle">' domwindowdata+='DHTML Window <div class="drag-controls"><img src="'+this.imagefiles[0]+'" title="Minimize" /><img src="'+this.imagefiles[1]+'" title="Close" /></div>' domwindowdata+='</div>' domwindowdata+='<div class="drag-contentarea"></div>' domwindowdata+='<div class="drag-statusarea"><div class="drag-resizearea" style="background: transparent url('+this.imagefiles[3]+') top right no-repeat;"> </div></div>' domwindowdata+='</div>' domwindow.innerHTML=domwindowdata document.getElementById("dhtmlwindowholder").appendChild(domwindow) //this.zIndexvalue=(this.zIndexvalue)? this.zIndexvalue+1 : 100 //z-index value for DHTML window: starts at 0, increments whenever a window has focus var t=document.getElementById(t) var divs=t.getElementsByTagName("div") for (var i=0; i<divs.length; i++){ //go through divs inside dhtml window and extract all those with class="drag-" prefix if (/drag-/.test(divs[i].className)) t[divs[i].className.replace(/drag-/, "")]=divs[i] //take out the "drag-" prefix for shorter access by name } //t.style.zIndex=this.zIndexvalue //set z-index of this dhtml window t.handle._parent=t //store back reference to dhtml window t.resizearea._parent=t //same t.controls._parent=t //same t.onclose=function(){return true} //custom event handler "onclose" t.onmousedown=function(){dhtmlwindow.setfocus(this)} //Increase z-index of window when focus is on it t.handle.onmousedown=dhtmlwindow.setupdrag //set up drag behavior when mouse down on handle div t.resizearea.onmousedown=dhtmlwindow.setupdrag //set up drag behavior when mouse down on resize div t.controls.onclick=dhtmlwindow.enablecontrols t.show=function(){dhtmlwindow.show(this)} //public function for showing dhtml window t.hide=function(){dhtmlwindow.hide(this)} //public function for hiding dhtml window t.close=function(){dhtmlwindow.close(this)} //public function for closing dhtml window (also empties DHTML window content) t.setSize=function(w, h){dhtmlwindow.setSize(this, w, h)} //public function for setting window dimensions t.moveTo=function(x, y){dhtmlwindow.moveTo(this, x, y)} //public function for moving dhtml window (relative to viewpoint) t.isResize=function(bol){dhtmlwindow.isResize(this, bol)} //public function for specifying if window is resizable t.isScrolling=function(bol){dhtmlwindow.isScrolling(this, bol)} //public function for specifying if window content contains scrollbars t.load=function(contenttype, contentsource, title){dhtmlwindow.load(this, contenttype, contentsource, title)} //public function for loading content into window this.tobjects[this.tobjects.length]=t return t //return reference to dhtml window div }, open:function(t, contenttype, contentsource, title, attr, recalonload){ var d=dhtmlwindow //reference dhtml window object function getValue(Name){ var config=new RegExp(Name+"=([^,]+)", "i") //get name/value config pair (ie: width=400px,) return (config.test(attr))? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : 0 //return value portion (int), or 0 (false) if none found } if (document.getElementById(t)==null) //if window doesn't exist yet, create it t=this.init(t) //return reference to dhtml window div else t=document.getElementById(t) this.setfocus(t) t.setSize(getValue(("width")), (getValue("height"))) //Set dimensions of window var xpos=getValue("center")? "middle" : getValue("left") //Get x coord of window var ypos=getValue("center")? "middle" : getValue("top") //Get y coord of window //t.moveTo(xpos, ypos) //Position window if (typeof recalonload!="undefined" && recalonload=="recal" && this.scroll_top==0){ //reposition window when page fully loads with updated window viewpoints? if (window.attachEvent && !window.opera) //In IE, add another 400 milisecs on page load (viewpoint properties may return 0 b4 then) this.addEvent(window, function(){setTimeout(function(){t.moveTo(xpos, ypos)}, 400)}, "load") else this.addEvent(window, function(){t.moveTo(xpos, ypos)}, "load") } t.isResize(getValue("resize")) //Set whether window is resizable t.isScrolling(getValue("scrolling")) //Set whether window should contain scrollbars t.style.visibility="visible" t.style.display="block" t.contentarea.style.display="block" t.moveTo(xpos, ypos) //Position window t.load(contenttype, contentsource, title) if (t.state=="minimized" && t.controls.firstChild.title=="Restore"){ //If window exists and is currently minimized? t.controls.firstChild.setAttribute("src", dhtmlwindow.imagefiles[0]) //Change "restore" icon within window interface to "minimize" icon t.controls.firstChild.setAttribute("title", "Minimize") t.state="fullview" //indicate the state of the window as being "fullview" } return t }, setSize:function(t, w, h){ //set window size (min is 150px wide by 100px tall) t.style.width=Math.max(parseInt(w), 150)+"px" t.contentarea.style.height=Math.max(parseInt(h), 100)+"px" }, moveTo:function(t, x, y){ //move window. Position includes current viewpoint of document this.getviewpoint() //Get current viewpoint numbers t.style.left=(x=="middle")? this.scroll_left+(this.docwidth-t.offsetWidth)/2+"px" : this.scroll_left+parseInt(x)+"px" t.style.top=(y=="middle")? this.scroll_top+(this.docheight-t.offsetHeight)/2+"px" : this.scroll_top+parseInt(y)+"px" }, isResize:function(t, bol){ //show or hide resize inteface (part of the status bar) t.statusarea.style.display=(bol)? "block" : "none" t.resizeBool=(bol)? 1 : 0 }, isScrolling:function(t, bol){ //set whether loaded content contains scrollbars t.contentarea.style.overflow=(bol)? "auto" : "hidden" }, load:function(t, contenttype, contentsource, title){ //loads content into window plus set its title (3 content types: "inline", "iframe", or "ajax") if (t.isClosed){ alert("DHTML Window has been closed, so no window to load contents into. Open/Create the window again.") return } var contenttype=contenttype.toLowerCase() //convert string to lower case if (typeof title!="undefined") t.handle.firstChild.nodeValue=title if (contenttype=="inline") t.contentarea.innerHTML=contentsource else if (contenttype=="div"){ var inlinedivref=document.getElementById(contentsource) t.contentarea.innerHTML=(inlinedivref.defaultHTML || inlinedivref.innerHTML) //Populate window with contents of inline div on page if (!inlinedivref.defaultHTML) inlinedivref.defaultHTML=inlinedivref.innerHTML //save HTML within inline DIV inlinedivref.innerHTML="" //then, remove HTML within inline DIV (to prevent duplicate IDs, NAME attributes etc in contents of DHTML window inlinedivref.style.display="none" //hide that div } else if (contenttype=="iframe"){ t.contentarea.style.overflow="hidden" //disable window scrollbars, as iframe already contains scrollbars if (!t.contentarea.firstChild || t.contentarea.firstChild.tagName!="IFRAME") //If iframe tag doesn't exist already, create it first t.contentarea.innerHTML='<iframe src="" style="margin:0; padding:0; width:100%; height: 100%" name="_iframe-'+t.id+'"></iframe>' window.frames["_iframe-"+t.id].location.replace(contentsource) //set location of iframe window to specified URL } else if (contenttype=="ajax"){ this.ajax_connect(contentsource, t) //populate window with external contents fetched via Ajax } t.contentarea.datatype=contenttype //store contenttype of current window for future reference }, setupdrag:function(e){ var d=dhtmlwindow //reference dhtml window object var t=this._parent //reference dhtml window div d.etarget=this //remember div mouse is currently held down on ("handle" or "resize" div) var e=window.event || e d.initmousex=e.clientX //store x position of mouse onmousedown d.initmousey=e.clientY d.initx=parseInt(t.offsetLeft) //store offset x of window div onmousedown d.inity=parseInt(t.offsetTop) d.width=parseInt(t.offsetWidth) //store width of window div d.contentheight=parseInt(t.contentarea.offsetHeight) //store height of window div's content div if (t.contentarea.datatype=="iframe"){ //if content of this window div is "iframe" t.style.backgroundColor="#F8F8F8" //colorize and hide content div (while window is being dragged) t.contentarea.style.visibility="hidden" } document.onmousemove=d.getdistance //get distance travelled by mouse as it moves document.onmouseup=function(){ if (t.contentarea.datatype=="iframe"){ //restore color and visibility of content div onmouseup t.contentarea.style.backgroundColor="white" t.contentarea.style.visibility="visible" } d.stop() } return false }, getdistance:function(e){ var d=dhtmlwindow var etarget=d.etarget var e=window.event || e d.distancex=e.clientX-d.initmousex //horizontal distance travelled relative to starting point d.distancey=e.clientY-d.initmousey if (etarget.className=="drag-handle") //if target element is "handle" div d.move(etarget._parent, e) else if (etarget.className=="drag-resizearea") //if target element is "resize" div d.resize(etarget._parent, e) return false //cancel default dragging behavior }, getviewpoint:function(){ //get window viewpoint numbers var ie=document.all && !window.opera var domclientWidth=document.documentElement && parseInt(document.documentElement.clientWidth) || 100000 //Preliminary doc width in non IE browsers this.standardbody=(document.compatMode=="CSS1Compat")? document.documentElement : document.body //create reference to common "body" across doctypes this.scroll_top=(ie)? this.standardbody.scrollTop : window.pageYOffset this.scroll_left=(ie)? this.standardbody.scrollLeft : window.pageXOffset this.docwidth=(ie)? this.standardbody.clientWidth : (/Safari/i.test(navigator.userAgent))? window.innerWidth : Math.min(domclientWidth, window.innerWidth-16) this.docheight=(ie)? this.standardbody.clientHeight: window.innerHeight }, rememberattrs:function(t){ //remember certain attributes of the window when it's minimized or closed, such as dimensions, position on page this.getviewpoint() //Get current window viewpoint numbers t.lastx=parseInt((t.style.left || t.offsetLeft))-dhtmlwindow.scroll_left //store last known x coord of window just before minimizing t.lasty=parseInt((t.style.top || t.offsetTop))-dhtmlwindow.scroll_top t.lastwidth=parseInt(t.style.width) //store last known width of window just before minimizing/ closing }, move:function(t, e){ t.style.left=dhtmlwindow.distancex+dhtmlwindow.initx+"px" t.style.top=dhtmlwindow.distancey+dhtmlwindow.inity+"px" }, resize:function(t, e){ t.style.width=Math.max(dhtmlwindow.width+dhtmlwindow.distancex, 150)+"px" t.contentarea.style.height=Math.max(dhtmlwindow.contentheight+dhtmlwindow.distancey, 100)+"px" }, enablecontrols:function(e){ var d=dhtmlwindow var sourceobj=window.event? window.event.srcElement : e.target //Get element within "handle" div mouse is currently on (the controls) if (/Minimize/i.test(sourceobj.getAttribute("title"))) //if this is the "minimize" control d.minimize(sourceobj, this._parent) else if (/Restore/i.test(sourceobj.getAttribute("title"))) //if this is the "restore" control d.restore(sourceobj, this._parent) else if (/Close/i.test(sourceobj.getAttribute("title"))) //if this is the "close" control d.close(this._parent) return false }, minimize:function(button, t){ dhtmlwindow.rememberattrs(t) button.setAttribute("src", dhtmlwindow.imagefiles[2]) button.setAttribute("title", "Restore") t.state="minimized" //indicate the state of the window as being "minimized" t.contentarea.style.display="none" t.statusarea.style.display="none" if (typeof t.minimizeorder=="undefined"){ //stack order of minmized window on screen relative to any other minimized windows dhtmlwindow.minimizeorder++ //increment order t.minimizeorder=dhtmlwindow.minimizeorder } t.style.left="10px" //left coord of minmized window t.style.width="200px" var windowspacing=t.minimizeorder*10 //spacing (gap) between each minmized window(s) t.style.top=dhtmlwindow.scroll_top+dhtmlwindow.docheight-(t.handle.offsetHeight*t.minimizeorder)-windowspacing+"px" }, restore:function(button, t){ dhtmlwindow.getviewpoint() button.setAttribute("src", dhtmlwindow.imagefiles[0]) button.setAttribute("title", "Minimize") t.state="fullview" //indicate the state of the window as being "fullview" t.style.display="block" t.contentarea.style.display="block" if (t.resizeBool) //if this window is resizable, enable the resize icon t.statusarea.style.display="block" t.style.left=parseInt(t.lastx)+dhtmlwindow.scroll_left+"px" //position window to last known x coord just before minimizing t.style.top=parseInt(t.lasty)+dhtmlwindow.scroll_top+"px" t.style.width=parseInt(t.lastwidth)+"px" }, close:function(t){ try{ var closewinbol=t.onclose() } catch(err){ //In non IE browsers, all errors are caught, so just run the below var closewinbol=true } finally{ //In IE, not all errors are caught, so check if variable isn't defined in IE in those cases if (typeof closewinbol=="undefined"){ alert("An error has occured somwhere inside your \"onclose\" event handler") var closewinbol=true } } if (closewinbol){ //if custom event handler function returns true if (t.state!="minimized") //if this window isn't currently minimized dhtmlwindow.rememberattrs(t) //remember window's dimensions/position on the page before closing if (window.frames["_iframe-"+t.id]) //if this is an IFRAME DHTML window window.frames["_iframe-"+t.id].location.replace("about:blank") else t.contentarea.innerHTML="" t.style.display="none" t.isClosed=true //tell script this window is closed (for detection in t.show()) } return closewinbol }, setopacity:function(targetobject, value){ //Sets the opacity of targetobject based on the passed in value setting (0 to 1 and in between) if (!targetobject) return if (targetobject.filters && targetobject.filters[0]){ //IE syntax if (typeof targetobject.filters[0].opacity=="number") //IE6 targetobject.filters[0].opacity=value*100 else //IE 5.5 targetobject.style.filter="alpha(opacity="+value*100+")" } else if (typeof targetobject.style.MozOpacity!="undefined") //Old Mozilla syntax targetobject.style.MozOpacity=value else if (typeof targetobject.style.opacity!="undefined") //Standard opacity syntax targetobject.style.opacity=value }, setfocus:function(t){ //Sets focus to the currently active window this.zIndexvalue++ t.style.zIndex=this.zIndexvalue t.isClosed=false //tell script this window isn't closed (for detection in t.show()) this.setopacity(this.lastactivet.handle, 0.5) //unfocus last active window this.setopacity(t.handle, 1) //focus currently active window this.lastactivet=t //remember last active window }, show:function(t){ if (t.isClosed){ alert("DHTML Window has been closed, so nothing to show. Open/Create the window again.") return } if (t.lastx) //If there exists previously stored information such as last x position on window attributes (meaning it's been minimized or closed) dhtmlwindow.restore(t.controls.firstChild, t) //restore the window using that info else t.style.display="block" this.setfocus(t) t.state="fullview" //indicate the state of the window as being "fullview" }, hide:function(t){ t.style.display="none" }, ajax_connect:function(url, t){ var page_request = false var bustcacheparameter="" if (window.XMLHttpRequest) // if Mozilla, IE7, Safari etc page_request = new XMLHttpRequest() else if (window.ActiveXObject){ // if IE6 or below try { page_request = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){ try{ page_request = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") } catch (e){} } } else return false t.contentarea.innerHTML=this.ajaxloadinghtml page_request.onreadystatechange=function(){dhtmlwindow.ajax_loadpage(page_request, t)} if (this.ajaxbustcache) //if bust caching of external page bustcacheparameter=(url.indexOf("?")!=-1)? "&"+new Date().getTime() : "?"+new Date().getTime() page_request.open('GET', url+bustcacheparameter, true) page_request.send(null) }, ajax_loadpage:function(page_request, t){ if (page_request.readyState == 4 && (page_request.status==200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http")==-1)){ t.contentarea.innerHTML=page_request.responseText } }, stop:function(){ dhtmlwindow.etarget=null //clean up document.onmousemove=null document.onmouseup=null }, addEvent:function(target, functionref, tasktype){ //assign a function to execute to an event handler (ie: onunload) var tasktype=(window.addEventListener)? tasktype : "on"+tasktype if (target.addEventListener) target.addEventListener(tasktype, functionref, false) else if (target.attachEvent) target.attachEvent(tasktype, functionref) }, cleanup:function(){ for (var i=0; i<dhtmlwindow.tobjects.length; i++){ dhtmlwindow.tobjects[i].handle._parent=dhtmlwindow.tobjects[i].resizearea._parent=dhtmlwindow.tobjects[i].controls._parent=null } window.onload=null } } //End dhtmlwindow object document.write('<div id="dhtmlwindowholder"><span style="display:none">.</span></div>') //container that holds all dhtml window divs on page window.onunload=dhtmlwindow.cleanup