? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/libraries/joomla/user/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/libraries/joomla/user/authentication.php

 * @version		$Id: authentication.php 14401 2010-01-26 14:10:00Z louis $
 * @package		Joomla.Framework
 * @subpackage	User
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

// Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die();


 * This is the status code returned when the authentication is success.

 * Status to indicate cancellation of authentication.

 * This is the status code returned when the authentication failed

 * Authenthication class, provides an interface for the Joomla authentication system
 * @package 	Joomla.Framework
 * @subpackage	User
 * @since		1.5
class JAuthentication extends JObservable
	 * Constructor
	 * @access protected
	function __construct()
		$isLoaded = JPluginHelper::importPlugin('authentication');

		if (!$isLoaded) {
			JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('JAuthentication::__construct: Could not load authentication libraries.'));

	 * Returns a reference to a global authentication object, only creating it
	 * if it doesn't already exist.
	 * This method must be invoked as:
	 * 		<pre>  $auth = &JAuthentication::getInstance();</pre>
	 * @static
	 * @access public
	 * @return object The global JAuthentication object
	 * @since 1.5
	function & getInstance()
		static $instances;

		if (!isset ($instances)) {
			$instances = array ();

		if (empty ($instances[0])) {
			$instances[0] = new JAuthentication();

		return $instances[0];

	 * Finds out if a set of login credentials are valid by asking all obvserving
	 * objects to run their respective authentication routines.
	 * @access public
	 * @param array 	Array holding the user credentials
	 * @return mixed 	Integer userid for valid user if credentials are valid or
	 * 					boolean false if they are not
	 * @since 1.5
	function authenticate($credentials, $options)
		// Initialize variables
		$auth = false;

		// Get plugins
		$plugins = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('authentication');

		// Create authencication response
		$response = new JAuthenticationResponse();

		 * Loop through the plugins and check of the creditials can be used to authenticate
		 * the user
		 * Any errors raised in the plugin should be returned via the JAuthenticationResponse
		 * and handled appropriately.
		foreach ($plugins as $plugin)
			$className = 'plg'.$plugin->type.$plugin->name;
			if (class_exists( $className )) {
				$plugin = new $className($this, (array)$plugin);

			// Try to authenticate
			$plugin->onAuthenticate($credentials, $options, $response);

			// If authentication is successfull break out of the loop
			if($response->status === JAUTHENTICATE_STATUS_SUCCESS)
				if (empty( $response->type )) {
					$response->type = isset( $plugin->_name ) ? $plugin->_name : $plugin->name;
   				if (empty( $response->username )) {
					$response->username = $credentials['username'];

				if (empty( $response->fullname )) {
					$response->fullname = $credentials['username'];

				if (empty( $response->password )) {
					$response->password = $credentials['password'];

		return $response;

 * Authorization response class, provides an object for storing user and error details
 * @package 	Joomla.Framework
 * @subpackage	User
 * @since		1.5
class JAuthenticationResponse extends JObject
	 * Response status (see status codes)
	 * @var type string
	 * @access public

	 * The type of authentication that was successful
	 * @var type string
	 * @access public
	var $type 		= '';

	 *  The error message
	 * @var error_message string
	 * @access public
	var $error_message 	= '';

	 * Any UTF-8 string that the End User wants to use as a username.
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $username 		= '';

	 * Any UTF-8 string that the End User wants to use as a password.
	 * @var password string
	 * @access public
	var $password 		= '';

	 * The email address of the End User as specified in section 3.4.1 of [RFC2822]
	 * @var email string
	 * @access public
	var $email			= '';

	 * UTF-8 string free text representation of the End User's full name.
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $fullname 		= '';

	 * The End User's date of birth as YYYY-MM-DD. Any values whose representation uses
	 * fewer than the specified number of digits should be zero-padded. The length of this
	 * value MUST always be 10. If the End User user does not want to reveal any particular
	 * component of this value, it MUST be set to zero.
	 * For instance, if a End User wants to specify that his date of birth is in 1980, but
	 * not the month or day, the value returned SHALL be "1980-00-00".
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $birthdate	 	= '';

	 * The End User's gender, "M" for male, "F" for female.
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $gender 		= '';

	 * UTF-8 string free text that SHOULD conform to the End User's country's postal system.
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $postcode 		= '';

	 * The End User's country of residence as specified by ISO3166.
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $country 		= '';

	 * End User's preferred language as specified by ISO639.
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $language 		= '';

	 * ASCII string from TimeZone database
	 * @var fullname string
	 * @access public
	var $timezone 		= '';

	 * Constructor
	 * @param string $name The type of the response
	 * @since 1.5
	function __construct() { }
