? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/libraries/joomla/filesystem/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/test3/libraries/joomla/filesystem/file.php

 * @version		$Id: file.php 19177 2010-10-21 03:08:56Z ian $
 * @package		Joomla.Framework
 * @subpackage	FileSystem
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

// Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die();


 * A File handling class
 * @static
 * @package 	Joomla.Framework
 * @subpackage	FileSystem
 * @since		1.5
class JFile
	 * Gets the extension of a file name
	 * @param string $file The file name
	 * @return string The file extension
	 * @since 1.5
	function getExt($file) {
		$chunks = explode('.', $file);
		$chunksCount = count($chunks) - 1;

		if($chunksCount > 0) {
			return $chunks[$chunksCount];
		return false;

	 * Strips the last extension off a file name
	 * @param string $file The file name
	 * @return string The file name without the extension
	 * @since 1.5
	function stripExt($file) {
		return preg_replace('#\.[^.]*$#', '', $file);

	 * Makes file name safe to use
	 * @param string $file The name of the file [not full path]
	 * @return string The sanitised string
	 * @since 1.5
	function makeSafe($file) {
		$regex = array('#(\.){2,}#', '#[^A-Za-z0-9\.\_\- ]#', '#^\.#');
		return preg_replace($regex, '', $file);

	 * Copies a file
	 * @param string $src The path to the source file
	 * @param string $dest The path to the destination file
	 * @param string $path An optional base path to prefix to the file names
	 * @return boolean True on success
	 * @since 1.5
	function copy($src, $dest, $path = null)
		// Initialize variables
		$FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');

		// Prepend a base path if it exists
		if ($path) {
			$src = JPath::clean($path.DS.$src);
			$dest = JPath::clean($path.DS.$dest);

		//Check src path
		if (!is_readable($src)) {
			JError::raiseWarning(21, 'JFile::copy: ' . JText::_('Cannot find or read file') . ": '$src'");
			return false;

		if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
			// Connect the FTP client
			$ftp = & JFTP::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], null, $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);

			// If the parent folder doesn't exist we must create it
			if (!file_exists(dirname($dest))) {

			//Translate the destination path for the FTP account
			$dest = JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $dest), '/');
			if (!$ftp->store($src, $dest)) {
				// FTP connector throws an error
				return false;
			$ret = true;
		} else {
			if (!@ copy($src, $dest)) {
				JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('Copy failed'));
				return false;
			$ret = true;
		return $ret;

	 * Delete a file or array of files
	 * @param mixed $file The file name or an array of file names
	 * @return boolean  True on success
	 * @since 1.5
	function delete($file)
		// Initialize variables
		$FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');

		if (is_array($file)) {
			$files = $file;
		} else {
			$files[] = $file;

		// Do NOT use ftp if it is not enabled
		if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1)
			// Connect the FTP client
			$ftp = & JFTP::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], null, $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);

		foreach ($files as $file)
			$file = JPath::clean($file);

			// Try making the file writeable first. If it's read-only, it can't be deleted
			// on Windows, even if the parent folder is writeable
			@chmod($file, 0777);

			// In case of restricted permissions we zap it one way or the other
			// as long as the owner is either the webserver or the ftp
			if (@unlink($file)) {
				// Do nothing
			} elseif ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
				$file = JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $file), '/');
				if (!$ftp->delete($file)) {
					// FTP connector throws an error
					return false;
			} else {
				$filename	= basename($file);
				JError::raiseWarning('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('Delete failed') . ": '$filename'");
				return false;

		return true;

	 * Moves a file
	 * @param string $src The path to the source file
	 * @param string $dest The path to the destination file
	 * @param string $path An optional base path to prefix to the file names
	 * @return boolean True on success
	 * @since 1.5
	function move($src, $dest, $path = '')
		// Initialize variables
		$FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');

		if ($path) {
			$src = JPath::clean($path.DS.$src);
			$dest = JPath::clean($path.DS.$dest);

		//Check src path
		if (!is_readable($src) && !is_writable($src)) {
			JError::raiseWarning(21, 'JFile::move: ' . JText::_('Cannot find, read or write file') . ": '$src'");
			return false;

		if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
			// Connect the FTP client
			$ftp = & JFTP::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], null, $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);

			//Translate path for the FTP account
			$src	= JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $src), '/');
			$dest	= JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $dest), '/');

			// Use FTP rename to simulate move
			if (!$ftp->rename($src, $dest)) {
				JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('Rename failed'));
				return false;
		} else {
			if (!@ rename($src, $dest)) {
				JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('Rename failed'));
				return false;
		return true;

	 * Read the contents of a file
	 * @param string $filename The full file path
	 * @param boolean $incpath Use include path
	 * @param int $amount Amount of file to read
	 * @param int $chunksize Size of chunks to read
	 * @param int $offset Offset of the file
	 * @return mixed Returns file contents or boolean False if failed
	 * @since 1.5
	function read($filename, $incpath = false, $amount = 0, $chunksize = 8192, $offset = 0)
		// Initialize variables
		$data = null;
		if($amount && $chunksize > $amount) { $chunksize = $amount; }
		if (false === $fh = fopen($filename, 'rb', $incpath)) {
			JError::raiseWarning(21, 'JFile::read: '.JText::_('Unable to open file') . ": '$filename'");
			return false;
		if($offset) fseek($fh, $offset);
		if ($fsize = @ filesize($filename)) {
			if($amount && $fsize > $amount) {
				$data = fread($fh, $amount);
			} else {
				$data = fread($fh, $fsize);
		} else {
			$data = '';
			$x = 0;
			// While its:
			// 1: Not the end of the file AND
			// 2a: No Max Amount set OR
			// 2b: The length of the data is less than the max amount we want
			while (!feof($fh) && (!$amount || strlen($data) < $amount)) {
				$data .= fread($fh, $chunksize);

		return $data;

	 * Write contents to a file
	 * @param string $file The full file path
	 * @param string $buffer The buffer to write
	 * @return boolean True on success
	 * @since 1.5
	function write($file, $buffer)
		// Initialize variables
		$FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');

		// If the destination directory doesn't exist we need to create it
		if (!file_exists(dirname($file))) {

		if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
			// Connect the FTP client
			$ftp = & JFTP::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], null, $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);

			// Translate path for the FTP account and use FTP write buffer to file
			$file = JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $file), '/');
			$ret = $ftp->write($file, $buffer);
		} else {
			$file = JPath::clean($file);
			$ret = file_put_contents($file, $buffer);
		return $ret;

	 * Moves an uploaded file to a destination folder
	 * @param string $src The name of the php (temporary) uploaded file
	 * @param string $dest The path (including filename) to move the uploaded file to
	 * @return boolean True on success
	 * @since 1.5
	function upload($src, $dest)
		// Initialize variables
		$FTPOptions = JClientHelper::getCredentials('ftp');
		$ret		= false;

		// Ensure that the path is valid and clean
		$dest = JPath::clean($dest);

		// Create the destination directory if it does not exist
		$baseDir = dirname($dest);
		if (!file_exists($baseDir)) {

		if ($FTPOptions['enabled'] == 1) {
			// Connect the FTP client
			$ftp = & JFTP::getInstance($FTPOptions['host'], $FTPOptions['port'], null, $FTPOptions['user'], $FTPOptions['pass']);

			//Translate path for the FTP account
			$dest = JPath::clean(str_replace(JPATH_ROOT, $FTPOptions['root'], $dest), '/');

			// Copy the file to the destination directory
			if (is_uploaded_file($src) && $ftp->store($src, $dest))
			            $ret = true;
			} else {
				JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('WARNFS_ERR02'));
		} else {
			if (is_writeable($baseDir) && move_uploaded_file($src, $dest)) { // Short circuit to prevent file permission errors
				if (JPath::setPermissions($dest)) {
					$ret = true;
				} else {
					JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('WARNFS_ERR01'));
			} else {
				JError::raiseWarning(21, JText::_('WARNFS_ERR02'));
		return $ret;

	 * Wrapper for the standard file_exists function
	 * @param string $file File path
	 * @return boolean True if path is a file
	 * @since 1.5
	function exists($file)
		return is_file(JPath::clean($file));

	 * Returns the name, sans any path
	 * param string $file File path
	 * @return string filename
	 * @since 1.5
	function getName($file) {
		$slash = strrpos($file, DS);
		if ($slash !== false) {
			return substr($file, $slash + 1);
		} else {
			return $file;
