Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/promice/plugins/content/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/promice/plugins/content/ckforms.php |
<?php /** * @version $Id: ckforms.php 10714 2009-07-24 09:00:00Z pierrerevest$ * @package CKForms * @subpackage Content * @copyright Copyright (C) 2008 - 2009 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * CKForms! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ // Check to ensure this file is included in Joomla! defined( '_JEXEC' ) or die( 'Restricted access' ); jimport( 'joomla.plugin.plugin' ); /** * CKforms Content Plugin * * @package CKforms * @subpackage Content * @since 1.3.4 */ class plgContentCkForms extends JPlugin { /** * Constructor * * For php4 compatability we must not use the __constructor as a constructor for plugins * because func_get_args ( void ) returns a copy of all passed arguments NOT references. * This causes problems with cross-referencing necessary for the observer design pattern. * * @param object $subject The object to observe * @param object $params The object that holds the plugin parameters * @since 1.3.1 */ function plgContentCkForms( &$subject, $params ) { parent::__construct( $subject, $params ); JPlugin::loadLanguage( 'plg_content_ckforms' ); } /** * CKForms prepare content method * * Method is called by the view * * @param object The article object. Note $article->text is also available * @param object The article params * @param int The 'page' number */ function onPrepareContent( &$article, &$params, $limitstart ) { $regex = '/{ckform\s*(.*?)}/i'; // find all instances of plugin and put in $matches preg_match_all( $regex, $article->text, $matches ); // Number of plugins $count = count( $matches[0] ); $j = 0; if ($count > 0) { foreach ($matches[1] as $i => $textFound) { // Load Selected form $form = $this->loadCkForm($textFound); if ($form == null) { $html = "<span style='color: #FF0000'>CKForms Error Message : <br />Form '" . $textFound . "' not found !!!</span>"; $article->text = str_replace($matches[0][$j], $html, $article->text); return; } $fields = $this->loadCkFormFields($form->id); $_SESSION['ck_send_once'.$form->id] = "1"; $this->formLink = "index.php?option=com_ckforms&view=ckforms&task=send&id=".$form->id; $html = $this->generateCkFormHTML( $form, $fields); $article->text = str_replace($matches[0][$i], $html, $article->text); $j++; } } } /** * CKForms load form data method * * Method is called by onPrepareContent method * * @param object The form name * @return object */ function loadCkForm($name) { $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = "SELECT * FROM #__ckforms where name='".$name."'"; $db->setQuery( $query ); $data = $db->loadObject(); return $data; } /** * CKForms load fields data method * * Method is called by onPrepareContent method * * @param int The form id * @return object */ function loadCkFormFields($id) { $db =& JFactory::getDBO(); $query = ' SELECT * FROM #__ckfields where fid='.$id." and published=1 order by ordering asc" ; $db->setQuery($query); $fields = $db->loadObjectList(); $n=count($fields); for ($i=0; $i < $n; $i++) { $opt = explode("[--]", $fields[$i]->defaultvalue); switch ($fields[$i]->typefield) { case 'text': if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); $fields[$i]->t_initvalueT = $key1[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueT = ''; } if (count($opt) > 1) { $key2 = explode("===", $opt[1]); $fields[$i]->t_maxchar = $key2[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_maxchar = ''; } if (count($opt) > 2) { $key3 = explode("===", $opt[2]); $fields[$i]->t_texttype = $key3[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_texttype = ''; } if (count($opt) > 3) { $key4 = explode("===", $opt[3]); $fields[$i]->t_minchar = $key4[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_minchar = ''; } if (count($opt) > 4) { $key5 = explode("===", $opt[4]); $fields[$i]->d_format = $key5[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->d_format = ''; } if (count($opt) > 5) { $key6 = explode("===", $opt[5]); $fields[$i]->d_daydate = $key6[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->d_daydate = ''; } if (strcmp($fields[$i]->t_initvalueT,'') == 0 && strcmp($fields[$i]->t_texttype,'date') == 0 && strcmp($fields[$i]->d_daydate,'1') == 0) { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueT = date('d/m/Y'); } if (strcmp($fields[$i]->fillwith,'inival') != 0) { $user = & JFactory::getUser(); if (strcmp($fields[$i]->t_texttype,'text') == 0 && strcmp($fields[$i]->fillwith,'usrname') == 0) { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueT = $user->name; } else if (strcmp($fields[$i]->t_texttype,'text') == 0 && strcmp($fields[$i]->fillwith,'usrusername') == 0) { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueT = $user->username; } else if (strcmp($fields[$i]->t_texttype,'email') == 0 && strcmp($fields[$i]->fillwith,'usremail') == 0) { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueT = $user->email; } } break; case 'hidden': if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); $fields[$i]->t_initvalueH = $key1[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueH = ''; } if (count($opt) > 1) { $key2 = explode("===", $opt[1]); $fields[$i]->t_filluid = $key2[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_filluid = ''; } break; case 'textarea': if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); $fields[$i]->t_initvalueTA = $key1[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueTA = ''; } if (count($opt) > 1) { $key2 = explode("===", $opt[1]); $fields[$i]->t_HTMLEditor = $key2[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_HTMLEditor = ''; } if (count($opt) > 2) { $key3 = explode("===", $opt[2]); $fields[$i]->t_columns = $key3[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_columns = ''; } if (count($opt) > 3) { $key4 = explode("===", $opt[3]); $fields[$i]->t_rows = $key4[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_rows = ''; } if (count($opt) > 4) { $key5 = explode("===", $opt[4]); $fields[$i]->t_wrap = $key5[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_wrap = ''; } if (count($opt) > 5) { $key6 = explode("===", $opt[5]); $fields[$i]->t_maxchar = $key6[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_maxchar = ''; } if (count($opt) > 6) { $key7 = explode("===", $opt[6]); $fields[$i]->t_minchar = $key7[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_minchar = ''; } break; case 'checkbox': if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); $fields[$i]->t_initvalueCB = $key1[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_initvalueCB = ''; } if (count($opt) > 0) { $key2 = explode("===", $opt[1]); $fields[$i]->t_checkedCB = $key2[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_checkedCB = ''; } break; case 'radiobutton': if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); $fields[$i]->t_listHRB = $key1[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_listHRB = ''; } if (count($opt) > 1) { $key2 = explode("===", $opt[1]); $fields[$i]->t_displayRB = $key2[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_displayRB = ''; } break; case 'select': if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); $fields[$i]->t_multipleS = $key1[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_multipleS = ''; } if (count($opt) > 1) { $key2 = explode("===", $opt[1]); $fields[$i]->t_heightS = $key2[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_heightS = ''; } if (count($opt) > 2) { $key3 = explode("===", $opt[2]); $fields[$i]->t_listHS = $key3[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_listHS = ''; } break; case 'button': if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); $fields[$i]->t_typeBT = $key1[1]; } else { $fields[$i]->t_typeBT = ''; } break; case 'fieldsep': $fields[$i]->t_noborderFS = '0'; if (count($opt) > 0) { $key1 = explode("===", $opt[0]); if (count($key1) > 1) { $fields[$i]->t_noborderFS = $key1[1]; } } break; } } return $fields; } /** * CKForms generate form HTML method * * Method is called by onPrepareContent method * * @param object The form data * @param array of objects The fields data * @return String */ function generateCkFormHTML( $form, $fields) { global $mainframe; if ($form->published != '1') return ''; $plugin =& JPluginHelper::getPlugin('content', 'ckforms'); $pluginParams = new JParameter( $plugin->params ); $displaytitle = $pluginParams->get( 'displaytitle', '1'); $pageclass_sfx = $pluginParams->get( 'pageclass_sfx', ''); $html = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.JURI::root(true).'/components/com_ckforms/css/calendar.css" type="text/css" />'."\n"; $html = $html.'<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.JURI::root(true).'/components/com_ckforms/css/ckforms.css" type="text/css" />'."\n"; $html = $html.'<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.JURI::root(true).'/components/com_ckforms/css/tips.css" type="text/css" />'."\n"; $html = $html.'<link rel="stylesheet" href="'.JURI::root(true).'/components/com_ckforms/js/theme/classic/formcheck.css" type="text/css" />'."\n"; $html = $html.'<script type="text/javascript" src="'.JURI::root(true).'/media/system/js/mootools.js"></script>'."\n"; $html = $html.'<script type="text/javascript" src="'.JURI::root(true).'/components/com_ckforms/js/calendar.js"></script>'."\n"; $html = $html.'<script type="text/javascript" src="'.JURI::root(true).'/components/com_ckforms/js/formcheck.js"></script>'."\n"; $nbFields=count($fields); if (strcmp ($displaytitle , "1" ) == 0) { $html = $html.'<div class="componentheading'.$pageclass_sfx.'">'.$form->title.'</div>'."\n"; } $mandatory = false; $upload = false; $custominfo = false; $textareaRequired = false; for ($i=0;$i < $nbFields; $i++) { $field = $fields[$i]; if ($field->mandatory == "1") $mandatory = true; if ($field->typefield == "fileupload") $upload = true; if ($field->custominfo != "") $custominfo = true; if ($field->typefield == 'textarea' && $field->mandatory == '1' && $field->t_HTMLEditor == '1') $textareaRequired = true; } $html = $html.'<script type="text/javascript">'."\n"; $html = $html.'window.addEvent(\'domready\', function(){'."\n"; $html = $html.'var myTips = new Tips(\'.ckform_tooltip'.$form->id.'\', {'."\n"; $html = $html.'initialize:function(){'."\n"; $html = $html.' this.fx = new Fx.Style(this.toolTip, \'opacity\', {duration: 250, wait: false}).set(0);'."\n"; $html = $html.'},'."\n"; $html = $html.'onShow: function(toolTip) {'."\n"; $html = $html.' this.fx.start(1);'."\n"; $html = $html.'},'."\n"; $html = $html.'onHide: function(toolTip) {'."\n"; $html = $html.' this.fx.start(0);'."\n"; $html = $html.'}'."\n"; $html = $html.'});'."\n"; if ($textareaRequired == true) { $html = $html.'$(\'ckform'.$form->id.'\').onsubmit = function(event){'."\n"; for ($i=0;$i < $nbFields; $i++) { $field = $fields[$i]; if ($field->typefield == 'textarea' && $field->mandatory == 1 && $field->t_HTMLEditor == 1) { $html = $html.'if ($chk($(\''.$field->name.'\')) && $chk($(\''.$field->name.'Cont\'))) {'."\n"; $html = $html.'$(\''.$field->name.'Cont\').setProperty(\'value\', tinyMCE.get(\''.$field->name.'\').getContent());'."\n"; $html = $html.'}'."\n"; } } $html = $html.'};'."\n"; } $html = $html.'var myForm = new FormCheck(\'ckform'.$form->id.'\', {'."\n"; $html = $html.'fieldErrorClass : \'error\','."\n"; $html = $html.'validateDisabled : true,'."\n"; $html = $html.'display : {'."\n"; $html = $html.' showErrors : 1,'."\n"; $html = $html.' errorsLocation : 3,'."\n"; $html = $html.' indicateErrors : 2,'."\n"; $html = $html.' tipsPosition : \'right\', '."\n"; $html = $html.' addClassErrorToField : true,'."\n"; $html = $html.' scrollToFirst : true'."\n"; $html = $html.'},'."\n"; $html = $html.'alerts : {'."\n"; $html = $html.' required:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'This field is required.' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' number:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Please enter a valid number.' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' email:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Please enter a valid email: <br /><span>E.g. yourname@domain.com</span>' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' url:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Please enter a valid url: <br /><span>E.g. http://www.domain.com</span>' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' confirm:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'This field is different from %0' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' length_str:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'The length is incorrect, it must be between %0 and %1' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' lengthmax:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'The length is incorrect, it must be at max %0' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' lengthmin:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'The length is incorrect, it must be at least %0' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' checkbox:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Please check the box' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' radios:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Please select a radio' )).'\','."\n"; $html = $html.' select:\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Please choose a value' )).'\''."\n"; $html = $html.'}'."\n"; $html = $html.'})'."\n"; $html = $html.'$(document.body).getElements(\'.captcharefresh\').addEvents({'."\n"; $html = $html.'\'click\': function(){'."\n"; $html = $html.' if($chk($(\'captchacode\'))) { '."\n"; $html = $html.' $(\'captchacode\').setProperty(\'src\', \'index.php?option=com_ckforms&task=captcha&sid=\' + Math.random());'."\n"; $html = $html.' }'."\n"; $html = $html.'}'."\n"; $html = $html.'});'."\n"; for ($i=0;$i < $nbFields; $i++) { $field = $fields[$i]; if ($field->typefield == 'text' && $field->t_texttype == 'date') { // Chercher le format de la locale du l'utilisateur $dformat = "d/m/Y"; if ($field->d_format != '0') { if ($field->d_format =='EUR') { $dformat = "d/m/Y"; } else { $dformat = "m/d/Y"; } } $html = $html.'var myCal'.$field->id.' = new Calendar('."\n"; $html = $html.' {'.$field->name.': \''.$dformat.'\'},'."\n"; $html = $html.' { '."\n"; $html = $html.' days: [\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Sunday' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Monday' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Tuesday' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Wednesday' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Thursday' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Friday' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'Saturday' )).'\'], '."\n"; $html = $html.' months: [\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'January' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'February' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'March' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'April' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'May' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'June' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'July' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'August' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'September' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'October' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'November' )).'\',\''.addslashes(JText::_( 'December' )).'\'],'."\n"; $html = $html.' direction: 0,'."\n"; $html = $html.' navigation: 2,'."\n"; $html = $html.' tweak: {x: 6, y: 0}'."\n"; $html = $html.' }'."\n"; $html = $html.' );'."\n"; } } $html = $html.'});'."\n"; $html = $html.'</script>'."\n"; $html = $html.'<table class="contentpaneopen '.$pageclass_sfx.'" id="ckformcontainer">'."\n"; $html = $html.'<tr><td>'."\n"; if (strcmp ( $form->description , "" ) != 0) { $html = $html.'<p>'.$form->description.'</p>'."\n"; } if ($mandatory == true) { $html = $html.'<p class="ck_mandatory">'.JText::_( 'Required' ).' *</p>'."\n"; } $html = $html.'<form action="'.$this->formLink.'" method="post" name="ckform" id="ckform'.$form->id.'" class="ckform '.$form->formCSSclass.'"'; if($upload == true) { $html = $html.' enctype="multipart/form-data"'; } $html = $html.'>'."\n"; $html = $html.'<input name="id" id="id" type="hidden" value="'.$form->id.'" />'."\n"; $html = $html.'<input name="articleid" id="articleid" type="hidden" value="'.JRequest::getVar('id').'" />'."\n"; if($upload == true) { $html = $html.'<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="'.$form->maxfilesize.'" />'."\n"; } for ($i=0;$i < $nbFields; $i++) { $field = $fields[$i]; if ($field->typefield == "hidden") { $html = $html.'<input name="'.$field->name.'" id="'.$field->name.'" type="hidden" value="'; if ($field->t_filluid == "1") { $html = $html.uniqid($field->t_initvalueH,true); } else { $html = $html.$field->t_initvalueH; } $html = $html.'" />'."\n"; } } for ($i=0;$i < $nbFields; $i++) { $field = $fields[$i]; if ($field->typefield != "hidden" && $field->typefield != "button" && $field->typefield != "fieldsep") { $validationclass = "validate["; if ($field->mandatory == "1") { $validationclass = $validationclass."'required',"; } if ($field->typefield == 'text' || $field->typefield == 'textarea') { $min = "0"; if ($field->t_minchar != '') { $min = $field->t_minchar; } $max = "-1"; if ($field->t_maxchar != '') { $max = $field->t_maxchar; } if ($min != '0' || $max != '-1') { if ($field->typefield == 'text' && $field->t_texttype == 'number') { $validationclass = $validationclass."'digit[".$min.",".$max."]',"; } else { $validationclass = $validationclass."'length[".$min.",".$max."]',"; } } } if ($field->typefield == 'text' && $field->t_texttype == 'email') { $validationclass = $validationclass."'email',"; } else if ($field->typefield == 'text' && $field->t_texttype == 'url') { $validationclass = $validationclass."'url',"; } $validationclass = rtrim($validationclass,',')."]"; $html = $html.'<label class="ckCSSlabel'; if ($field->custominfo != "" && $field->typefield == "textarea") { $html = $html.' ckCSSbot5 '; } $html = $html.$field->labelCSSclass.'" id="'.$field->name.'lbl" for="'.$field->name.'"> '.$field->label."\n"; if ($field->mandatory == '1') { $html = $html.' <span class="ck_mandatory">*</span>'."\n"; } if ($field->custominfo != "" && $field->typefield == "textarea") { $html = $html.'<img class="ckform_tooltip'.$form->id.' ckform_tooltipcss" src="'.JURI::root(true).'/components/com_ckforms/'.'img/info.png" />'."\n"; } $html = $html.'</label>'."\n"; switch ($field->typefield) { case 'text': if ($field->t_texttype == 'text' || $field->t_texttype == 'number' || $field->t_texttype == 'email' || $field->t_texttype == 'url') { $html = $html.'<input type="text" name="'.$field->name.'" value="'; if (empty($this->post) ==false) { $html = $html.$this->post[$field->name]; } else { $html = $html.$field->t_initvalueT; } $html = $html.'" class="'.$validationclass.' inputbox ckCSSinput '; if ($field->custominfo != "") { $html = $html.'ckform_tooltip'.$form->id.' ckCSSTip '; } $html = $html.$field->fieldCSSclass.'" '; if ($field->readonly == "1") { $html = $html.' readonly="true"'; } $html = $html.' title="'.$field->custominfo.'" />'."\n"; } else if ($field->t_texttype == 'password' ) { $html = $html.'<input type="password" name="'.$field->name.'" value="'; if (empty($this->post) ==false) { $html = $html.$this->post[$field->name]; } else { $html = $html.$field->t_initvalueT; } $html = $html.'" class="'.$validationclass.' inputbox ckCSSinput '; if ($field->custominfo != "") { $html = $html.'ckCSSTip'; } else { $html = $html.'ckCSSnoTip'; } $html = $html.$field->fieldCSSclass.'" '; if ($field->readonly == "1") { $html = $html.' readonly="true"'; } $html = $html.' />'."\n"; } else if ($field->t_texttype == 'date' ) { $html = $html.'<input type="text" name="'.$field->name.'" id="'.$field->name.'" value="'; if (empty($this->post) == false) { $html = $html.$this->post[$field->name]; } else { $html = $html.$field->t_initvalueT; } $html = $html.'" class="'.$validationclass.' inputbox ckCSSinput '.$field->fieldCSSclass.'" maxlength="10" '; if ($field->readonly == "1") { $html = $html.' readonly="true"'; } $html = $html.' />'."\n"; } break; case 'fileupload': $html = $html.'<input name="'.$field->name.'" type="file" class="'.$validationclass.' ckCSSinput '; if ($field->custominfo != "") { $html = $html.'ckCSSTip'; } else { $html = $html.'ckCSSnoTip'; } $html = $html.$field->fieldCSSclass.'" '; if ($field->readonly == "1") { $html = $html.' readonly="true"'; } $html = $html.' />'."\n"; break; case 'textarea': if ($field->t_HTMLEditor == 1 && $field->readonly != "1") { $html = $html.'<div class="ckCSSclear ckCSSbot10">'."\n"; $html = $html.'<input style="float: right; margin-right: 20px; height: 1px; visibility:hidden;" type="text" class="'.$validationclass.'" name="'.$field->name.'Cont" id="'.$field->name.'Cont" value="" />'."\n"; $INIThtml = $field->t_initvalueTA; if (empty($this->post) ==false) { $INIThtml = $this->post[$field->name]; } $editorDesc = JFactory::getEditor(); $editor_param['smilies'] = '0'; $editor_param['layer'] = '0'; $html = $html.$editorDesc->display($field->name, $INIThtml, '97%', 200, $field->t_columns, $field->t_rows,true,$editor_param); $html = $html.'</div>'."\n"; } else { $html = $html.'<textarea class="'.$validationclass.' ckCSSinput '.$field->fieldCSSclass.'" name="'.$field->name.'" cols="'.$field->t_columns.'" rows="'.$field->t_rows.'" wrap="'.$field->t_wrap.'" '; if ($field->readonly == "1") { $html = $html.' readonly="true"'; } $html = $html.'>'; if (empty($this->post) ==false) { $html = $html.$this->post[$field->name]; } else { $html = $html.$field->t_initvalueTA; } $html = $html.'</textarea>'."\n"; } break; case 'checkbox': if (empty($this->post) ==false && isset($this->post[$field->name])) { $field->t_checkedCB = '1'; } $html = $html.'<input class="'.$validationclass.' ckCSStop10 '.$field->fieldCSSclass.'" name="'.$field->name.'" type="checkbox" value="'.$field->t_initvalueCB.'" '; if ($field->t_checkedCB == '1') { $html = $html.' checked '; } if ($field->readonly == "1") { $html = $html.' readonly="true"'; } $html = $html.' />'."\n"; break; case 'radiobutton': if ($field->t_displayRB == '' || $field->t_displayRB == 'INL') { $opt = explode("[-]", $field->t_listHRB); $k=count($opt); for ($j=0; $j < $k; $j++) { $checked = ""; $val = explode("==", $opt[$j]); $key = explode("||", $val[1]); $ipos = strpos ($key[1],' [default]'); if (empty($this->post) == false && isset($this->post[$field->name]) && $this->post[$field->name] == $key[0]) { $checked = "checked"; } else if ($ipos != false && (empty($this->post) == true || isset($this->post[$field->name]) == false)) { $checked = "checked"; $key[1] = substr($key[1],0,$ipos); } $html = $html.'<input class="'.$validationclass.' ckCSStop10 '.$field->fieldCSSclass.'" name="'.$field->name.'" type="radio" value="'.$key[0].'" '.$checked.' '; if ($field->readonly == "1") { $html = $html.' readonly="true"'; } $html = $html.' /> '.$key[1].' '."\n"; } } else { $opt = explode("[-]", $field->t_listHRB); $k=count($opt); echo '<div class="ckCSSinput '.$field->fieldCSSclass.'">'; for ($j=0; $j < $k; $j++) { $checked = ""; $val = explode("==", $opt[$j]); $key = explode("||", $val[1]); $ipos = strpos ($key[1],' [default]'); if (empty($this->post) == false && isset($this->post[$field->name]) && $this->post[$field->name] == $key[0]) { $checked = "checked"; } else if ($ipos != false && (empty($this->post) == true || isset($this->post[$field->name]) == false)) { $checked = "checked"; $key[1] = substr($key[1],0,$ipos); } if($j!=0){ $html = $html.'<br />'."\n"; } $html = $html.'<input class="'.$validationclass.'" name="'.$field->name.'" type="radio" value="'.$key[0].'" '.$checked.' 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