Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/promice/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/promice/html5lightbox.js |
/** HTML5 Image and Video LightBox Description: A jQuery image and video lightbox plugin - adds awesome HTML5 and jQuery LightBox effect to your web site, supports images, Flash SWF files, YouTube, Vimeo and local videos, works on Windows, Linux, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone and all modern web browsers. Website: http://html5box.com/ Version: 1.9 Author: HTML5Box.com ------------------- Features ------------------------- 1. Support images, Flash, YouTube, Vimeo and local Videos 2. Support mp4, m4v, flv, ogg, ogv and webm video formats 3. Works on Windows, Linux, Mac, iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone and all modern web browsers 4. Switch to HTML5 video player on mobile/tablet 5. Automatically load jQuery from Google cloud if jQuery is not included in the web page 6. Easy installation and configuration ------------- Installation Guide --------------------- http://html5box.com/html5lightbox/index.php#quickinstallation --------------- Version History ----------------------- Version 1.9: 1. Fix the bug under Opera 2. Support all kinds of Youtube video link addresses Version 1.8: 1. Fix the bug in Inetnet Explorer 9 compatibility mode Version 1.7: 1. Add an option "html5player" with default value as true. This option will make the LightBox player HTML5 preferable, and it will only fallback to Flash player when HTML5 is not supported. 2. MP4/M4V video format is supported by HTML5 player of most modern devices and web browsers: iPhone, iPad, Android, Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer 9. But there is one exception, Mozilla Firefox. Firefox only supports WebM and Ogg/Ogv video format. To make HTML player works on Firefox, you need to provide a WebM or Ogg video. You can now use data tag data-webm or data-ogg to provide an alternative video format. An example code is as following: <a class="html5lightbox" href="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v" data-webm="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.webm"><img src="images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.jpg"></a> If WebM or Ogg video is not supported, on Firefox, it will fallback to Flash player. 3. Fix the bug when there are spaces in the file or url address 4. JavaScript API function to show lightbox: The function prototype is: html5Lightbox.showLightbox = function(type, href, title, width, height, webm, ogg) type: 0 - IMAGE, 1 - FLASH, 2 - VIDEO, 3 - YOUTUBE, 4 - VIMEO, 5 - PDF, 6 - MP3, 7 - WEB To show image: html5Lightbox.showLightbox(0, 'images/Toronto_1024.jpg', 'Image lightbox'); To show Video: html5Lightbox.showLightbox(2, 'images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.m4v', 'Video lightbox', 480, 270, 'images/Big_Buck_Bunny_1.webm'); To show YouTube Video: html5Lightbox.showLightbox(3, 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/YE7VzlLtp-4', 'YouTube lightbox'); Version 1.6: 1. Remove loading jQuery from cloud Version 1.5: 1. Add an option "auotplay" with default value as true. This option will enable video automatically playing 2. Remove "Related Videos" at the end of YouTube video playing Version 1.4: 1. Fix the bug under IE7 and IE8 2. Read configuration from web page and easy branding Version 1.3: 1. Fix the bug: navigation buttons display below the YouTube player 2. Fix the bug under IE8 Version 1.2: 1. Change license to GPL2 2. Move the navigation buttons to left and right side of the pop-up box ------------------- License --------------------------- Copyright 2012 HTML5Box.com This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /** * Check jQuery, if not loaded, automatically load from google cloud or from local if loading from cloud failed in 5 seconds */ (function() { var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); var jsSrc = scripts[scripts.length-1].src; var jsFolder = jsSrc.substr(0, jsSrc.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); if ((typeof jQuery == 'undefined') || (parseFloat(/^\d\.\d+/i.exec(jQuery.fn.jquery)) < 1.6)) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var script = document.createElement('script'); script.setAttribute('type', 'text/javascript'); if (script.readyState) { script.onreadystatechange = function() { if (script.readyState == 'loaded' || script.readyState == 'complete') { script.onreadystatechange = null; loadHtml5LightBox(jsFolder); } }; } else { script.onload = function() { loadHtml5LightBox(jsFolder); }; } script.setAttribute('src', jsFolder + "jquery.js"); head.appendChild(script); } else { loadHtml5LightBox(jsFolder); } })(); /** * Call back of check jQuery * @param jsFolder */ function loadHtml5LightBox(jsFolder) { /** * jQuery plugin */ (function($) { $.fn.html5lightbox = function(options) { var inst = this; inst.options = jQuery.extend({ // autoplay autoplay: true, html5player: true, // look overlaybgcolor: "#000000", overlayopacity: 0.9, bgcolor: "#ffffff", bordersize: 8, barheight: 36, // init loadingwidth: 64, loadingheight: 64, // speed resizespeed: 400, fadespeed: 400, // skins skinfolder: "skins/default/", // title titlecss: "{color:#333333; font-size:16px; font-family:Armata,sans-serif,Arial; overflow:hidden; white-space:nowrap;}", // error errorwidth: 280, errorheight: 48, errorcss: "{text-align:center; color:#ff0000; font-size:14px; font-family:Arial, sans-serif;}", // free version version: "1.8", stamp: false, freemark: "html5box.com", freelink: "http://html5box.com/", watermark: "", watermarklink: "" }, options); if ( (typeof html5lightbox_options != 'undefined') && html5lightbox_options ) jQuery.extend(inst.options, html5lightbox_options); // folders inst.options.htmlfolder = window.location.href.substr(0, window.location.href.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); inst.options.jsfolder = jsFolder; if ((inst.options.skinfolder.charAt(0) != "/") && (inst.options.skinfolder.substring(0, 5) != "http:") && (inst.options.skinfolder.substring(0, 6) != "https:")) inst.options.skinfolder = jsFolder + inst.options.skinfolder; // types inst.options.types = ["IMAGE", "FLASH", "VIDEO", "YOUTUBE", "VIMEO", "PDF", "MP3", "WEB"]; // run time // Array(type, href, title, group, width, height) inst.elemArray = new Array(); inst.options.curElem = -1; // environment inst.options.flashInstalled = false; try { if (new ActiveXObject('ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash')) inst.options.flashInstalled = true; } catch(e) { if (navigator.mimeTypes["application/x-shockwave-flash"]) inst.options.flashInstalled = true; } inst.options.html5VideoSupported = (!!document.createElement('video').canPlayType); inst.options.isChrome = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Chrome/i) != null); inst.options.isFirefox = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Firefox/i) != null); inst.options.isOpera = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Opera/i) != null); inst.options.isSafari = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Safari/i) != null); inst.options.isIE9 = $.browser.msie && inst.options.html5VideoSupported; inst.options.isIE678 = $.browser.msie && !inst.options.isIE9; inst.options.isAndroid = (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android/i) != null); inst.options.isIPad = (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i) != null); inst.options.isIPhone = ((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) != null) || (navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) != null)); inst.options.isMobile = (inst.options.isAndroid || inst.options.isIPad || inst.options.isIPhone); inst.options.resizeTimeout = -1; var inst = this; /** * Init plugin */ inst.init = function() { inst.readData(); inst.createMarkup(); }; var ELEM_TYPE = 0, ELEM_HREF = 1, ELEM_TITLE = 2, ELEM_GROUP = 3, ELEM_WIDTH = 4, ELEM_HEIGHT = 5, ELEM_HREF_WEBM = 6, ELEM_HREF_OGG = 7; /** * Read list from HTML codes */ inst.readData = function() { inst.each( function() { if (this.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'a') return; var $this = $(this); var fileType = inst.checkType($this.attr('href')); if (fileType < 0) return; inst.elemArray.push(new Array(fileType, $this.attr('href'), $this.attr('title'), $this.data('group'), $this.data('width'), $this.data('height'), $this.data('webm'), $this.data('ogg'))); }); }; /** * Create HTML markup of Lightbox */ inst.createMarkup = function() { // google font var fontRef = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https' : 'http') + "://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Armata"; var fontLink = document.createElement("link"); fontLink.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"); fontLink.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); fontLink.setAttribute("href", fontRef); document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(fontLink); // css var styleCss = "#html5-text " + inst.options.titlecss; styleCss += ".html5-error " + inst.options.errorcss; $("head").append("<style type='text/css'>" + styleCss + "</style>"); inst.$lightbox = jQuery("<div id='html5-lightbox' style='display:none;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;z-index:999;'>" + "<div id='html5-lightbox-overlay' style='display:block;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;width:100%;height:100%;background-color:" + inst.options.overlaybgcolor + ";opacity:" + inst.options.overlayopacity + ";filter:alpha(opacity=" + Math.round(inst.options.overlayopacity * 100) + ");'></div>" + "<div id='html5-lightbox-box' style='display:block;position:relative;margin:0px auto;overflow:hidden;'>" + "<div id='html5-elem-box' style='display:block;position:relative;margin:0px auto;text-align:center;'>" + "<div id='html5-elem-wrap' style='display:block;position:relative;margin:0px auto;text-align:center;background-color:" + inst.options.bgcolor + ";'>" + "<div id='html5-loading' style='display:none;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;text-align:center;width:100%;height:100%;background:url(\"" + inst.options.skinfolder + "loading.gif\") no-repeat center center;'></div>" + "<div id='html5-error' class='html5-error' style='display:none;position:absolute;padding:" + inst.options.bordersize + "px;text-align:center;width:" + inst.options.errorwidth + "px;height:" + inst.options.errorheight + "px;'>" + "The requested content cannot be loaded.<br />Please try again later." + "</div>" + "<div id='html5-image' style='display:none;position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;padding:" + inst.options.bordersize + "px;text-align:center;'></div>" + "</div>" + "<div id='html5-next' style='display:none;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;right:" + inst.options.bordersize + "px;top:40%;'><img src='" + inst.options.skinfolder + "next.png'></div>" + "<div id='html5-prev' style='display:none;cursor:pointer;position:absolute;left:" + inst.options.bordersize + "px;top:40%;'><img src='" + inst.options.skinfolder + "prev.png'></div>" + "</div>" + "<div id='html5-elem-data-box' style='display:none;position:relative;width:100%;margin:0px auto;height:" + inst.options.barheight + "px;background-color:" + inst.options.bgcolor + ";'>" + "<div id='html5-text' style='display:block;float:left;overflow:hidden;margin-left:" + inst.options.bordersize + "px;'></div>" + "<div id='html5-close' style='display:block;cursor:pointer;float:right;margin-right:" + inst.options.bordersize + "px;'><img src='" + inst.options.skinfolder + "close.png'></div>" + "</div>" + "<div id='html5-watermark' style='display:none;position:absolute;left:" + String(inst.options.bordersize + 2) + "px;top:" + String(inst.options.bordersize + 2) + "px;'></div>" + "</div>" + "</div>"); inst.$lightbox.appendTo("body"); inst.$lightboxBox = $("#html5-lightbox-box", inst.$lightbox); inst.$elem = $("#html5-elem-box", inst.$lightbox); inst.$elemWrap = $("#html5-elem-wrap", inst.$lightbox); inst.$loading = $("#html5-loading", inst.$lightbox); inst.$error = $("#html5-error", inst.$lightbox); inst.$image = $("#html5-image", inst.$lightbox); inst.$elemData = $("#html5-elem-data-box", inst.$lightbox); inst.$text = $("#html5-text", inst.$lightbox); inst.$next = $("#html5-next", inst.$lightbox); inst.$prev = $("#html5-prev", inst.$lightbox); inst.$close = $("#html5-close", inst.$lightbox); inst.$watermark = $("#html5-watermark", inst.$lightbox); if (inst.options.stamp) { inst.$watermark.html("<a href='" + inst.options.freelink + "' style='text-decoration:none;'><div style='display:block;width:120px;height:20px;text-align:center;border-radius:5px;-moz-border-radius:5px;-webkit-border-radius:5px;filter:alpha(opacity=60);opacity:0.6;background-color:#333333;color:#ffffff;font:12px Armata,sans-serif,Arial;'><div style='line-height:20px;'>" + inst.options.freemark + "</div></div></a>"); } else if (inst.options.watermark) { var html = "<img src='" + inst.options.watermark + "' style='border:none;' />"; if (inst.options.watermarklink) html = "<a href='" + inst.options.watermarklink + "' target='_blank'>" + html + "</a>"; inst.$watermark.html(html); } $("#html5-lightbox-overlay", inst.$lightbox).click(inst.finish); inst.$close.click(inst.finish); inst.$next.click(function(){ inst.gotoSlide(-1); }); inst.$prev.click(function(){ inst.gotoSlide(-2); }); $(window).resize(function(){ if (!inst.options.isMobile) { clearTimeout(inst.options.resizeTimeout); inst.options.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(function(){ inst.resizeWindow(); }, 500); } }); $(window).scroll(function(){ inst.scrollBox(); }); $(window).bind('orientationchange', function(e){ if (inst.options.isMobile) inst.resizeWindow(); }); }; /** * Calc next and previous tiem */ inst.calcNextPrevElem = function() { inst.options.nextElem = -1; inst.options.prevElem = -1; var j, curGroup = inst.elemArray[inst.options.curElem][ELEM_GROUP]; if ((curGroup != undefined) && (curGroup != null)) { for (j= inst.options.curElem + 1; j< inst.elemArray.length; j++) { if ( inst.elemArray[j][ELEM_GROUP] == curGroup ) { inst.options.nextElem = j; break; } } if (inst.options.nextElem < 0) { for (j= 0; j< inst.options.curElem; j++) { if ( inst.elemArray[j][ELEM_GROUP] == curGroup ) { inst.options.nextElem = j; break; } } } if (inst.options.nextElem >= 0) { for (j= inst.options.curElem -1; j>= 0; j--) { if ( inst.elemArray[j][ELEM_GROUP] == curGroup ) { inst.options.prevElem = j; break; } } if (inst.options.prevElem < 0) { for (j = inst.elemArray.length -1; j> inst.options.curElem; j--) { if ( inst.elemArray[j][ELEM_GROUP] == curGroup ) { inst.options.prevElem = j; break; } } } } } }; /** * Start image displaying */ inst.clickHandler = function() { if (inst.elemArray.length <= 0) return true; var $this = $(this); // hide elements inst.hideObjects(); // get current elem for (var i= 0; i< inst.elemArray.length; i++) { if ( inst.elemArray[i][ELEM_HREF] == $this.attr("href") ) break; } if (i == inst.elemArray.length) return true; inst.options.curElem = i; inst.options.nextElem = -1; inst.options.prevElem = -1; // calc next and previous elem inst.calcNextPrevElem(); // hide navigation buttons inst.$next.hide(); inst.$prev.hide(); // show overlay inst.reset(); inst.$lightbox.show(); inst.$lightbox.css("top", $(window).scrollTop()); // load loading box var boxW = inst.options.loadingwidth + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxH = inst.options.loadingheight + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxT = Math.round($(window).height() /2 - (boxH + inst.options.barheight)/2); inst.$lightboxBox.css({"margin-top": boxT, "width": boxW, "height": boxH}); inst.$elemWrap.css({"width": boxW, "height": boxH}); inst.loadCurElem(); // disable link return false; }; /** * load elem */ inst.loadElem = function(elem) { // unbind show navgiation buttons inst.$elem.unbind("mouseenter").unbind("mouseleave").unbind("mousemove"); inst.$next.hide(); inst.$prev.hide(); // show loading inst.$loading.show(); // load image and load SWF, video or PDF switch (elem[ELEM_TYPE]) { case 0: var imgLoader = new Image(); $(imgLoader).load(function() { inst.showImage(elem, imgLoader.width, imgLoader.height); }); $(imgLoader).error(function() { inst.showError(); }); imgLoader.src = elem[ELEM_HREF]; break; case 1: inst.showSWF(elem); break; case 2: inst.showVideo(elem); break; case 3: case 4: inst.showYoutubeVimeo(elem); break; case 5: inst.showPDF(elem); break; case 6: inst.showMP3(elem); break; case 7: inst.showWeb(elem); break; } }; /** * Load current elem: ["IMAGE", "FLASH", "VIDEO", "YOUTUBE", "VIMEO", "PDF", "MP3", "WEB"]; */ inst.loadCurElem = function() { inst.loadElem(inst.elemArray[inst.options.curElem]); }; /** * Show error message of current element */ inst.showError = function() { inst.$loading.hide(); inst.resizeLightbox(inst.options.errorwidth, inst.options.errorheight, true, function(){ inst.$error.show(); inst.$elem.fadeIn(inst.options.fadespeed, function(){ // show image data inst.showData(); }); }); }; /** * Calc width of title, leave space for play/pause and close buttons */ inst.calcTextWidth = function(objW) { var textW = objW - 36; if ((inst.options.prevElem > 0) || (inst.options.nextElem > 0)) textW -= 36; return textW; }; /** * Show image, callback of function loadElem */ inst.showImage = function(elem, imgW, imgH) { var elemW, elemH; if (elem[ELEM_WIDTH]) { elemW = elem[ELEM_WIDTH]; } else { elemW = imgW; elem[ELEM_WIDTH] = imgW; } if (elem[ELEM_HEIGHT]) { elemH = elem[ELEM_HEIGHT]; } else { elemH = imgH; elem[ELEM_HEIGHT] = imgH; } var sizeObj = inst.calcElemSize({w: elemW, h: elemH}); // resize container box inst.resizeLightbox(sizeObj.w, sizeObj.h, true, function(){ // show image inst.$text.css({width: inst.calcTextWidth(sizeObj.w)}); inst.$text.html(elem[ELEM_TITLE]); inst.$image.show().css({width: sizeObj.w, height: sizeObj.h}); inst.$image.html("<img src='" + elem[ELEM_HREF] + "' width='" + sizeObj.w + "' height='" + sizeObj.h + "' />"); inst.$elem.fadeIn(inst.options.fadespeed, function(){ // show image data inst.showData(); }); }); }; /** * Show Flash SWF */ inst.showSWF = function(elem) { var dataW = (elem[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? elem[ELEM_WIDTH] : 480; var dataH = (elem[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? elem[ELEM_HEIGHT] : 270; var sizeObj = inst.calcElemSize({w: dataW, h: dataH}); dataW = sizeObj.w; dataH = sizeObj.h; inst.resizeLightbox(dataW, dataH, true, function(){ // show image inst.$text.css({width: inst.calcTextWidth(dataW)}); inst.$text.html(elem[ELEM_TITLE]); inst.$image.html("<div id='html5lightbox-swf' style='display:block;width:" + dataW + "px;height:" + dataH + "px;'></div>").show(); inst.embedFlash($("#html5lightbox-swf"), dataW, dataH, elem[ELEM_HREF], 'window', {width:dataW, height:dataH}); inst.$elem.show(); inst.showData(); }); }; /** * Show video */ inst.showVideo = function(elem) { var dataW = (elem[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? elem[ELEM_WIDTH] : 480; var dataH = (elem[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? elem[ELEM_HEIGHT] : 270; var sizeObj = inst.calcElemSize({w: dataW, h: dataH}); dataW = sizeObj.w; dataH = sizeObj.h; inst.resizeLightbox(dataW, dataH, true, function(){ // show image inst.$text.css({width: inst.calcTextWidth(dataW)}); inst.$text.html(elem[ELEM_TITLE]); inst.$image.html("<div id='html5lightbox-video' style='display:block;width:" + dataW + "px;height:" + dataH + "px;'></div>").show(); var isHTML5 = false; // html5 preferable, mobile or when flash not installed if (inst.options.isMobile) { isHTML5 = true; } else if ( (inst.options.html5player || !inst.options.flashInstalled) && inst.options.html5VideoSupported) { if ((!inst.options.isFirefox && !inst.options.isOpera) || ((inst.options.isFirefox || inst.options.isOpera) && (elem[ELEM_HREF_OGG] || elem[ELEM_HREF_WEBM]))) isHTML5 = true; } if (isHTML5) { var videoSrc = elem[ELEM_HREF]; if (inst.options.isFirefox || inst.options.isOpera || !videoSrc) videoSrc = elem[ELEM_HREF_WEBM] ? elem[ELEM_HREF_WEBM] : elem[ELEM_HREF_OGG]; inst.embedHTML5Video($("#html5lightbox-video"), dataW, dataH, videoSrc, inst.options.autoplay); } else { var videoFile = elem[ELEM_HREF]; if ((videoFile.charAt(0) != "/") && (videoFile.substring(0, 5) != "http:") && (videoFile.substring(0, 6) != "https:")) videoFile = inst.options.htmlfolder + videoFile; inst.embedFlash($("#html5lightbox-video"), dataW, dataH, inst.options.jsfolder + "html5boxplayer.swf", 'transparent', {width:dataW, height:dataH, videofile: videoFile, autoplay: (inst.options.autoplay ? "1" : "0"), errorcss: ".html5box-error" + inst.options.errorcss, id: 0}); } inst.$elem.show(); inst.showData(); }); }; /** * Convert Youtube href to http://www.youtube.com/embed/id * @param href */ inst.prepareYoutubeHref = function(href) { var youtubeId = ''; var regExp = /^.*((youtu.be\/)|(v\/)|(\/u\/\w\/)|(embed\/)|(watch\?))\??v?=?([^#\&\?]*).*/; var match = href.match(regExp); if ( match && match[7] && (match[7].length==11) ) youtubeId = match[7]; return 'http://www.youtube.com/embed/' + youtubeId; }; /** * Show YouTube and Vimeo */ inst.showYoutubeVimeo = function(elem) { var dataW = (elem[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? elem[ELEM_WIDTH] : 480; var dataH = (elem[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? elem[ELEM_HEIGHT] : 270; var sizeObj = inst.calcElemSize({w: dataW, h: dataH}); dataW = sizeObj.w; dataH = sizeObj.h; inst.resizeLightbox(dataW, dataH, true, function(){ // show image inst.$text.css({width: inst.calcTextWidth(dataW)}); inst.$text.html(elem[ELEM_TITLE]); inst.$image.html("<div id='html5lightbox-video' style='display:block;width:" + dataW + "px;height:" + dataH + "px;'></div>").show(); var href = elem[ELEM_HREF]; if (elem[ELEM_TYPE] == 3) href = inst.prepareYoutubeHref(href); if (inst.options.autoplay) { if (href.indexOf("?") < 0) href += "?autoplay=1"; else href += "&autoplay=1"; } if (elem[ELEM_TYPE] == 3) { if (href.indexOf('?') < 0) href += '?wmode=transparent&rel=0'; else href += '&wmode=transparent&rel=0'; if (inst.options.html5player) href += "&html5=1"; } $("#html5lightbox-video").html("<iframe width='" + dataW + "' height='" + dataH + "' src='" + href + "' frameborder='0' webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>"); inst.$elem.show(); inst.showData(); }); }; /** * Show PDF */ inst.showPDF = function(elem) { }; /** * Show MP3 */ inst.showMP3 = function(elem) { }; /** * Show Webpage */ inst.showWeb = function(elem) { var dataW = (elem[ELEM_WIDTH]) ? elem[ELEM_WIDTH] : $(window).width(); var dataH = (elem[ELEM_HEIGHT]) ? elem[ELEM_HEIGHT] : $(window).height(); var sizeObj = inst.calcElemSize({w: dataW, h: dataH}); dataW = sizeObj.w; dataH = sizeObj.h; inst.resizeLightbox(dataW, dataH, true, function(){ // show image inst.$text.css({width: inst.calcTextWidth(dataW)}); inst.$text.html(elem[ELEM_TITLE]); inst.$image.html("<div id='html5lightbox-web' style='display:block;width:" + dataW + "px;height:" + dataH + "px;'></div>").show(); $("#html5lightbox-web").html("<iframe width='" + dataW + "' height='" + dataH + "' src='" + elem[ELEM_HREF] + "' frameborder='0'></iframe>"); inst.$elem.show(); inst.showData(); }); }; /** * Scroll box */ inst.scrollBox = function() { inst.$lightbox.css("top", $(window).scrollTop()); }; /** * Resize the lightbox window */ inst.resizeWindow = function() { var boxT = Math.round($(window).height() /2 - (inst.$lightboxBox.height() + inst.options.barheight)/2); inst.$lightboxBox.animate({"margin-top": boxT}, inst.options.resizespeed); }; /** * Calculate image or elem size according to the window size */ inst.calcElemSize = function(sizeObj) { // resize according to window size var h0 = $(window).height() - inst.options.barheight - 2 * inst.options.bordersize; if (sizeObj.h > h0) { sizeObj.w = Math.round(sizeObj.w * h0 / sizeObj.h); sizeObj.h = h0; } var w0 = $(window).width() - 2 * inst.options.bordersize; if (sizeObj.w > w0) { sizeObj.h = Math.round(sizeObj.h * w0 / sizeObj.w); sizeObj.w = w0; } return sizeObj; }; /** * Resize lightbox to show data */ inst.showData = function() { inst.$elemData.show(); inst.$lightboxBox.animate({height: inst.$lightboxBox.height() + inst.options.barheight}, {queue: true, duration: inst.options.resizespeed}); }; /** * Resize lightbox according to elem width and height */ inst.resizeLightbox = function(elemW, elemH, bAnimate, onFinish) { var speed = (bAnimate) ? inst.options.resizespeed: 0; var boxW = elemW + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxH = elemH + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxT = Math.round($(window).height() /2 - (boxH + inst.options.barheight)/2); if ((boxW == inst.$elemWrap.width()) && (boxH == inst.$elemWrap.height())) speed = 0; // hide loading before resize inst.$loading.hide(); // hide watermark inst.$watermark.hide(); inst.$lightboxBox.animate({"margin-top": boxT}, speed, function(){ inst.$lightboxBox.css({"width": boxW, "height": boxH}); inst.$elemWrap.animate({width: boxW}, speed) .animate({height: boxH}, speed, function() { // show loading inst.$loading.show(); // show watermark inst.$watermark.show(); // show navigation buttons on mouse move and enter inst.$elem.bind("mouseenter mousemove", function(){ if ((inst.options.prevElem >= 0) || (inst.options.nextElem >= 0)) { inst.$next.fadeIn(); inst.$prev.fadeIn(); } }); inst.$elem.bind("mouseleave", function(){ inst.$next.fadeOut(); inst.$prev.fadeOut(); }); onFinish(); }); }); }; /** * Reset lightbox */ inst.reset = function() { if (inst.options.stamp) inst.$watermark.hide(); inst.$image.empty(); inst.$text.empty(); inst.$error.hide(); inst.$loading.hide(); inst.$image.hide(); inst.$elemData.hide(); }; /**************************************************************************** * Helper functions */ /** * Close lightbox */ inst.finish = function() { inst.reset(); inst.$lightbox.hide(); inst.showObjects(); }; /** * Pause auto slideshow */ inst.pauseSlide = function() { }; /** * start auto slideshow */ inst.playSlide = function() { }; /** * goto prev or next slide */ inst.gotoSlide = function(slide) { if (slide == -1) { if (inst.options.nextElem < 0) return; inst.options.curElem = inst.options.nextElem; } else if (slide == -2) { if (inst.options.prevElem < 0) return; inst.options.curElem = inst.options.prevElem; } inst.calcNextPrevElem(); // load elem inst.reset(); inst.loadCurElem(); }; /** * Enable keyboard switch */ inst.enableKeyboard = function() { }; /** * Enable swipe switch on touch devices */ inst.enableSwipe = function() { }; /** * Hide Flash and other objects on the HTML page */ inst.hideObjects = function() { $('select, embed, object').css({'visibility': 'hidden'}); }; /** * Show Flash and other objects */ inst.showObjects = function() { $('select, embed, object').css({'visibility': 'visible'}); }; /** * Embed video with HTML5 video tag */ inst.embedHTML5Video = function($container, w, h, src, autoplay) { $container.html("<div style='position:absolute;display:block;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;'><video width=" + w + " height=" + h + ((autoplay) ? " autoplay" : "") + " controls='controls' src='" + src + "'></div>"); if (inst.options.isAndroid) { var $play = $("<div style='position:absolute;display:block;cursor:pointer;width:" + w + "px;height:" + h + "px;background:url(\"" + inst.options.skinfolder + "playvideo_64.png\") no-repeat center center;'></div>").appendTo($container);; $play.unbind('click').click(function(){ $(this).hide(); $("video", $(this).parent())[0].play(); }); } }; /** * Embed Flash */ inst.embedFlash = function($container, w, h, src, wmode, flashVars) { if (inst.options.flashInstalled) { var htmlOptions = { pluginspage: "http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer", quality: "high", allowFullScreen: "true", allowScriptAccess: "always", type: "application/x-shockwave-flash" }; htmlOptions.width = w; htmlOptions.height = h; htmlOptions.src = src; htmlOptions.flashVars = $.param(flashVars); htmlOptions.wmode = wmode; var htmlString = ""; for (var key in htmlOptions) htmlString += key + "=" + htmlOptions[key] + " "; $container.html("<embed " + htmlString + "/>"); } else { $container.html("<div class='html5lightbox-flash-error' style='display:block; position:relative;text-align:center; width:" + w + "px; left:0px; top:" + Math.round(h /2 - 10) + "px;'><div class='html5-error'><div>The required Adobe Flash Player plugin is not installed</div><br /><div style='display:block;position:relative;text-align:center;width:112px;height:33px;margin:0px auto;'><a href='http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer'><img src='http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif' alt='Get Adobe Flash player' width='112' height='33'></img></a></div></div>"); } }; /** * Check file type */ inst.checkType = function(href) { if (!href) return -1; if (href.match(/\.(jpg|gif|png|bmp|jpeg)(.*)?$/i)) return 0; if (href.match(/[^\.]\.(swf)\s*$/i)) return 1; if ( href.match(/\.(flv|mp4|m4v|ogv|ogg|webm)(.*)?$/i) ) return 2; if ( (href.match(/\:\/\/.*(youtube\.com)/i)) || (href.match(/\:\/\/.*(youtu\.be)/i)) ) return 3; if (href.match(/\:\/\/.*(vimeo\.com)/i)) return 4; if (href.match(/[^\.]\.(pdf)\s*$/i)) return 5; if (href.match(/[^\.]\.(mp3)\s*$/i)) return 6; return 7; }; /********************************************************************** * API functions */ /** * Show LightBox * type: 0 - IMAGE, 1 - FLASH, 2 - VIDEO, 3 - YOUTUBE, 4 - VIMEO, 5 - PDF, 6 - MP3, 7 - WEB */ inst.showLightbox = function(type, href, title, width, height, webm, ogg) { // hide navigation buttons inst.$next.hide(); inst.$prev.hide(); // show overlay inst.reset(); inst.$lightbox.show(); inst.$lightbox.css("top", $(window).scrollTop()); // load loading box var boxW = inst.options.loadingwidth + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxH = inst.options.loadingheight + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxT = Math.round($(window).height() /2 - (boxH + inst.options.barheight)/2); inst.$lightboxBox.css({"margin-top": boxT, "width": boxW, "height": boxH}); inst.$elemWrap.css({"width": boxW, "height": boxH}); inst.loadElem(new Array(type, href, title, null, width, height, webm, ogg)); }; /** * Add items to arrays */ inst.addItem = function(href, title, group, width, height, webm, ogg) { type = inst.checkType(href); inst.elemArray.push(new Array(type, href, title, group, width, height, webm, ogg)); }; /** * show item added by addItem, support group * @param href * @returns {Boolean} */ inst.showItem = function(href) { if (inst.elemArray.length <= 0) return true; // hide elements inst.hideObjects(); // get current elem for (var i= 0; i< inst.elemArray.length; i++) { if ( inst.elemArray[i][ELEM_HREF] == href ) break; } if (i == inst.elemArray.length) return true; inst.options.curElem = i; inst.options.nextElem = -1; inst.options.prevElem = -1; // calc next and previous elem inst.calcNextPrevElem(); // hide navigation buttons inst.$next.hide(); inst.$prev.hide(); // show overlay inst.reset(); inst.$lightbox.show(); inst.$lightbox.css("top", $(window).scrollTop()); // load loading box var boxW = inst.options.loadingwidth + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxH = inst.options.loadingheight + 2* inst.options.bordersize; var boxT = Math.round($(window).height() /2 - (boxH + inst.options.barheight)/2); inst.$lightboxBox.css({"margin-top": boxT, "width": boxW, "height": boxH}); inst.$elemWrap.css({"width": boxW, "height": boxH}); inst.loadCurElem(); return false; }; /********************************************************************** * Do things here */ inst.init(); return inst.unbind('click').click(inst.clickHandler); }; })(jQuery); /** * Apply jQuery plugin for class html5lightbox */ jQuery(document).ready(function(){ if ( typeof html5Lightbox === 'undefined' ) html5Lightbox = jQuery(".html5lightbox").html5lightbox(); }); }