? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/libraries/joomla/cache/storage/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/libraries/joomla/cache/storage/eaccelerator.php

 * @version		$Id: eaccelerator.php 14401 2010-01-26 14:10:00Z louis $
 * @package		Joomla.Framework
 * @subpackage	Cache
 * @copyright	Copyright (C) 2005 - 2010 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved.
 * @license		GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
 * Joomla! is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
 * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
 * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
 * other free or open source software licenses.
 * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.

// Check to ensure this file is within the rest of the framework
defined('JPATH_BASE') or die();

 * eAccelerator cache storage handler
 * @package		Joomla.Framework
 * @subpackage	Cache
 * @since		1.5
class JCacheStorageEaccelerator extends JCacheStorage
	* Constructor
	* @access protected
	* @param array $options optional parameters
	function __construct( $options = array() )

		$config			=& JFactory::getConfig();
		$this->_hash	= $config->getValue('config.secret');

	 * Get cached data by id and group
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	string	$id			The cache data id
	 * @param	string	$group		The cache data group
	 * @param	boolean	$checkTime	True to verify cache time expiration threshold
	 * @return	mixed	Boolean false on failure or a cached data string
	 * @since	1.5
	function get($id, $group, $checkTime)
		$cache_id = $this->_getCacheId($id, $group);
		$cache_content = eaccelerator_get($cache_id);
		if($cache_content === null)
			return false;
		return $cache_content;

	 * Store the data to by id and group
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	string	$id		The cache data id
	 * @param	string	$group	The cache data group
	 * @param	string	$data	The data to store in cache
	 * @return	boolean	True on success, false otherwise
	 * @since	1.5
	function store($id, $group, $data)
		$cache_id = $this->_getCacheId($id, $group);
		eaccelerator_put($cache_id.'_expire', time());
		return eaccelerator_put($cache_id, $data, $this->_lifetime);

	 * Remove a cached data entry by id and group
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	string	$id		The cache data id
	 * @param	string	$group	The cache data group
	 * @return	boolean	True on success, false otherwise
	 * @since	1.5
	function remove($id, $group)
		$cache_id = $this->_getCacheId($id, $group);
		return eaccelerator_rm($cache_id);

	 * Clean cache for a group given a mode.
	 * group mode		: cleans all cache in the group
	 * notgroup mode	: cleans all cache not in the group
	 * @access	public
	 * @param	string	$group	The cache data group
	 * @param	string	$mode	The mode for cleaning cache [group|notgroup]
	 * @return	boolean	True on success, false otherwise
	 * @since	1.5
	function clean($group, $mode)
		return true;

	 * Garbage collect expired cache data
	 * @access public
	 * @return boolean  True on success, false otherwise.
	function gc()
		return eaccelerator_gc();

	 * Test to see if the cache storage is available.
	 * @static
	 * @access public
	 * @return boolean  True on success, false otherwise.
	function test()
		return (extension_loaded('eaccelerator') && function_exists('eaccelerator_get'));

	 * Set expire time on each call since memcache sets it on cache creation.
	 * @access private
	 * @param string  $key   Cache key to expire.
	 * @param integer $lifetime  Lifetime of the data in seconds.
	function _setExpire($key)
		$lifetime	= $this->_lifetime;
		$expire		= eaccelerator_get($key.'_expire');

		// set prune period
		if ($expire + $lifetime < time()) {
		} else {
			eaccelerator_put($key.'_expire',  time());

	 * Get a cache_id string from an id/group pair
	 * @access	private
	 * @param	string	$id		The cache data id
	 * @param	string	$group	The cache data group
	 * @return	string	The cache_id string
	 * @since	1.5
	function _getCacheId($id, $group)
		$name	= md5($this->_application.'-'.$id.'-'.$this->_hash.'-'.$this->_language);
		return 'cache_'.$group.'-'.$name;
