Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happyezystyle/board/Sources/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happyezystyle/board/Sources/RepairBoards.php |
<?php /********************************************************************************** * RepairBoards.php * *********************************************************************************** * SMF: Simple Machines Forum * * Open-Source Project Inspired by Zef Hemel (zef@zefhemel.com) * * =============================================================================== * * Software Version: SMF 2.0 RC1 * * Software by: Simple Machines (http://www.simplemachines.org) * * Copyright 2006-2009 by: Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) * * 2001-2006 by: Lewis Media (http://www.lewismedia.com) * * Support, News, Updates at: http://www.simplemachines.org * *********************************************************************************** * This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under * * the terms of the provided license as published by Simple Machines LLC. * * * * This program is distributed in the hope that it is and will be useful, but * * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES; without even any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY * * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * * * * See the "license.txt" file for details of the Simple Machines license. * * The latest version can always be found at http://www.simplemachines.org. * **********************************************************************************/ if (!defined('SMF')) die('Hacking attempt...'); /* This is here for the "repair any errors" feature in the admin center. It uses just two simple functions: void RepairBoards() - finds or repairs errors in the database to fix possible problems. - requires the admin_forum permission. - uses the raw_data sub template. - calls createSalvageArea() to create a new board, if necesary. - accessed by ?action=admin;area=repairboards. void pauseRepairProcess(array to_fix, string current_step_desc, int max_substep = none, force = false) - show the not_done template to avoid CGI timeouts and similar. - called when 3 or more seconds have passed while searching for errors. - if max_substep is set, $_GET['substep'] / $max_substep is the percent done this step is. array findForumErrors() - checks for errors in steps, until 5 seconds have passed. - keeps track of the errors it did find, so that the actual repair won't have to recheck everything. - returns the array of errors found. void createSalvageArea() - creates a salvage board/category if one doesn't already exist. - uses the forum's default language, and checks based on that name. */ function RepairBoards() { global $txt, $scripturl, $db_connection, $context, $sourcedir; global $salvageCatID, $salvageBoardID, $smcFunc, $errorTests; isAllowedTo('admin_forum'); // Try secure more memory. @ini_set('memory_limit', '128M'); // Print out the top of the webpage. $context['page_title'] = $txt['admin_repair']; $context['sub_template'] = 'rawdata'; $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['current_subsection'] = 'general'; // Load the language file. loadLanguage('ManageMaintenance'); // Make sure the tabs stay nice. $context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array( 'title' => &$txt['maintain_title'], 'help' => '', 'description' => $txt['maintain_info'], 'tabs' => array(), ); // Start displaying errors without fixing them. if (isset($_GET['fixErrors'])) checkSession('get'); // Will want this. loadForumTests(); // Giant if/else. The first displays the forum errors if a variable is not set and asks // if you would like to continue, the other fixes the errors. if (!isset($_GET['fixErrors'])) { $context['repair_errors'] = array(); $to_fix = findForumErrors(); if (!empty($to_fix)) { $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] = $to_fix; $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix2'] = null; if (empty($context['repair_errors'])) $context['repair_errors'][] = '???'; } $context['raw_data'] = ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tborder"> <tr class="titlebg"> <td>' . $txt['errors_list'] . '</td> </tr><tr> <td class="windowbg">'; if (!empty($to_fix)) { $context['raw_data'] .= ' ' . $txt['errors_found'] . ':<br /> ' . implode(' <br />', $context['repair_errors']) . '<br /> <br /> ' . $txt['errors_fix'] . '<br /> <b><a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=repairboards;fixErrors;' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id'] . '">' . $txt['yes'] . '</a> - <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=maintain">' . $txt['no'] . '</a></b>'; } else $context['raw_data'] .= ' ' . $txt['maintain_no_errors'] . '<br /> <br /> <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=routine">' . $txt['maintain_return'] . '</a>'; $context['raw_data'] .= ' </td> </tr> </table>'; } else { $to_fix = isset($_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix']) ? $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] : array(); require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Boards.php'); // Get the MySQL version for future reference. $mysql_version = $smcFunc['db_server_info']($db_connection); // Actually do the fix. findForumErrors(true); // Note that we've changed everything possible ;) updateSettings(array( 'settings_updated' => time(), )); updateStats('message'); updateStats('topic'); updateSettings(array( 'calendar_updated' => time(), )); $context['raw_data'] = ' <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4" class="tborder"> <tr class="titlebg"> <td>' . $txt['errors_fixing'] . '</td> </tr><tr> <td class="windowbg"> ' . $txt['errors_fixed'] . '<br /> <br /> <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=maintain;sa=routine">' . $txt['maintain_return'] . '</a> </td> </tr> </table>'; $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] = null; $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix2'] = null; } } function pauseRepairProcess($to_fix, $current_step_description, $max_substep = 0, $force = false) { global $context, $txt, $time_start, $db_temp_cache, $db_cache; // More time, I need more time! @set_time_limit(600); if (function_exists('apache_reset_timeout')) apache_reset_timeout(); // Errr, wait. How much time has this taken already? if (!$force && time() - array_sum(explode(' ', $time_start)) < 3) return; // Restore the query cache if interested. if (!empty($db_temp_cache)) $db_cache = $db_temp_cache; $context['continue_get_data'] = '?action=admin;area=repairboards' . (isset($_GET['fixErrors']) ? ';fixErrors' : '') . ';step=' . $_GET['step'] . ';substep=' . $_GET['substep'] . ';' . $context['session_var'] . '=' . $context['session_id']; $context['page_title'] = $txt['not_done_title']; $context['continue_post_data'] = ''; $context['continue_countdown'] = '2'; $context['sub_template'] = 'not_done'; // Change these two if more steps are added! if (empty($max_substep)) $context['continue_percent'] = round(($_GET['step'] * 100) / $context['total_steps']); else $context['continue_percent'] = round((($_GET['step'] + ($_GET['substep'] / $max_substep)) * 100) / $context['total_steps']); // Never more than 100%! $context['continue_percent'] = min($context['continue_percent'], 100); // What about substeps? $context['substep_enabled'] = $max_substep != 0; $context['substep_title'] = sprintf($txt['repair_currently_' . (isset($_GET['fixErrors']) ? 'fixing' : 'checking')], (isset($txt['repair_operation_' . $current_step_description]) ? $txt['repair_operation_' . $current_step_description] : $current_step_description)); $context['substep_continue_percent'] = $max_substep == 0 ? 0 : round(($_GET['substep'] * 100) / $max_substep, 1); $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] = $to_fix; $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix2'] = $context['repair_errors']; obExit(); } // Load up all the tests we might want to do ;) function loadForumTests() { global $smcFunc, $errorTests; /* Here this array is defined like so: string check_query: Query to be executed when testing if errors exist. string check_type: Defines how it knows if a problem was found. If set to count looks for the first variable from check_query being > 0. Anything else it looks for some results. If not set assumes you want results. string fix_it_query: When doing fixes if an error was detected this query is executed to "fix" it. string fix_query: The query to execute to get data when doing a fix. If not set check_query is used again. array fix_collect: This array is used if the fix is basically gathering all broken ids and then doing something with it. - string index: The value returned from the main query and passed to the processing function. - process: A function passed an array of ids to execute the fix on. function fix_processing: Function called for each row returned from fix_query to execute whatever fixes are required. function fix_full_processing: As above but does the while loop and everything itself - except the freeing. array force_fix: If this is set then the error types included within this array will also be assumed broken. Note: At the moment only processes these if they occur after the primary error in the array. */ // This great array contains all of our error checks, fixes, etc etc etc. $errorTests = array( // Make a last-ditch-effort check to get rid of topics with zeros.. 'zero_topics' => array( 'check_query' => ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {db_prefix}topics WHERE id_topic = 0', 'check_type' => 'count', 'fix_it_query' => ' UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET id_topic = NULL WHERE id_topic = 0', 'message' => 'repair_zero_ids', ), // ... and same with messages. 'zero_messages' => array( 'check_query' => ' SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {db_prefix}messages WHERE id_msg = 0', 'check_type' => 'count', 'fix_it_query' => ' UPDATE {db_prefix}messages SET id_msg = NULL WHERE id_msg = 0', 'message' => 'repair_zero_ids', ), // Find messages that don't have existing topics. 'missing_topics' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 1000, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}messages' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT m.id_topic, m.id_msg FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = m.id_topic) WHERE m.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND t.id_topic IS NULL ORDER BY m.id_topic, m.id_msg', 'fix_query' => ' SELECT m.id_board, m.id_topic, MIN(m.id_msg) AS myid_first_msg, MAX(m.id_msg) AS myid_last_msg, COUNT(*) - 1 AS my_num_replies FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = m.id_topic) WHERE t.id_topic IS NULL GROUP BY m.id_topic', 'fix_processing' => create_function('$row', ' global $smcFunc, $salvageBoardID; // Only if we don\'t have a reasonable idea of where to put it. if ($row[\'id_board\'] == 0) { createSalvageArea(); $row[\'id_board\'] = (int) $salvageBoardID; } // Make sure that no topics claim the first/last message as theirs. $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', \' UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET id_first_msg = 0 WHERE id_first_msg = {int:id_first_msg}\', array( \'id_first_msg\' => $row[\'myid_first_msg\'], ) ); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', \' UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET id_last_msg = 0 WHERE id_last_msg = {int:id_last_msg}\', array( \'id_last_msg\' => $row[\'myid_last_msg\'], ) ); $memberStartedID = (int) getMsgMemberID($row[\'myid_first_msg\']); $memberUpdatedID = (int) getMsgMemberID($row[\'myid_last_msg\']); $smcFunc[\'db_insert\'](\'\', \'{db_prefix}topics\', array( \'id_board\' => \'int\', \'id_member_started\' => \'int\', \'id_member_updated\' => \'int\', \'id_first_msg\' => \'int\', \'id_last_msg\' => \'int\', \'num_replies\' => \'int\' ), array( $row[\'id_board\'], $memberStartedID, $memberUpdatedID, $row[\'myid_first_msg\'], $row[\'myid_last_msg\'], $row[\'my_num_replies\'] ), array(\'id_topic\') ); $newTopicID = $smcFunc[\'db_insert_id\']("{db_prefix}topics", \'id_topic\'); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}messages SET id_topic = $newTopicID, id_board = $row[id_board] WHERE id_topic = $row[id_topic]", array( ) ); '), 'force_fix' => array('stats_topics'), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_topics', 'id_msg', 'id_topic'), ), // Find topics with no messages. 'missing_messages' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 1000, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT t.id_topic, COUNT(m.id_msg) AS num_msg FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m ON (m.id_topic = t.id_topic) WHERE t.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY t.id_topic HAVING COUNT(m.id_msg) = 0', // Remove all topics that have zero messages in the messages table. 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_topic', 'process' => create_function('$topics', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}topics WHERE id_topic IN ({array_int:topics})", array( \'topics\' => $topics ) ); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_topics WHERE id_topic IN ({array_int:topics})", array( \'topics\' => $topics ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_messages', 'id_topic'), ), 'stats_topics' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 200, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT t.id_topic, t.id_first_msg, t.id_last_msg, CASE WHEN MIN(ma.id_msg) > 0 THEN CASE WHEN MIN(mu.id_msg) > 0 THEN CASE WHEN MIN(mu.id_msg) < MIN(ma.id_msg) THEN MIN(mu.id_msg) ELSE MIN(ma.id_msg) END ELSE MIN(ma.id_msg) END ELSE MIN(mu.id_msg) END AS myid_first_msg, CASE WHEN MAX(ma.id_msg) > 0 THEN MAX(ma.id_msg) ELSE MIN(mu.id_msg) END AS myid_last_msg, t.approved, mf.approved, mf.approved AS firstmsg_approved FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS ma ON (ma.id_topic = t.id_topic AND ma.approved = 1) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS mu ON (mu.id_topic = t.id_topic AND mu.approved = 0) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS mf ON (mf.id_msg = t.id_first_msg) WHERE t.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY t.id_topic, t.id_first_msg, t.id_last_msg, t.approved, mf.approved ORDER BY t.id_topic', 'fix_processing' => create_function('$row', ' global $smcFunc; $row[\'firstmsg_approved\'] = (int) $row[\'firstmsg_approved\']; $row[\'myid_first_msg\'] = (int) $row[\'myid_first_msg\']; $row[\'myid_last_msg\'] = (int) $row[\'myid_last_msg\']; // Not really a problem? if ($row[\'myid_first_msg\'] == $row[\'myid_first_msg\'] && $row[\'myid_first_msg\'] == $row[\'myid_first_msg\'] && $row[\'approved\'] == $row[\'firstmsg_approved\']) return false; $memberStartedID = (int) getMsgMemberID($row[\'myid_first_msg\']); $memberUpdatedID = (int) getMsgMemberID($row[\'myid_last_msg\']); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET id_first_msg = $row[myid_first_msg], id_member_started = $memberStartedID, id_last_msg = $row[myid_last_msg], id_member_updated = $memberUpdatedID, approved = $row[firstmsg_approved] WHERE id_topic = $row[id_topic]", array( ) ); '), 'message_function' => create_function('$row', ' global $txt, $context; // A pretend error? if ($row[\'myid_first_msg\'] == $row[\'myid_first_msg\'] && $row[\'myid_first_msg\'] == $row[\'myid_first_msg\'] && $row[\'approved\'] == $row[\'firstmsg_approved\']) return false; if ($row[\'id_first_msg\'] != $row[\'myid_first_msg\']) $context[\'repair_errors\'][] = sprintf($txt[\'repair_stats_topics_1\'], $row[\'id_topic\'], $row[\'id_first_msg\']); if ($row[\'id_last_msg\'] != $row[\'myid_last_msg\']) $context[\'repair_errors\'][] = sprintf($txt[\'repair_stats_topics_2\'], $row[\'id_topic\'], $row[\'id_last_msg\']); if ($row[\'approved\'] != $row[\'firstmsg_approved\']) $context[\'repair_errors\'][] = sprintf($txt[\'repair_stats_topics_5\'], $row[\'id_topic\']); return true; '), ), // Find topics with incorrect num_replies. 'stats_topics2' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 300, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT t.id_topic, t.num_replies, mf.approved, CASE WHEN COUNT(ma.id_msg) > 0 THEN CASE WHEN mf.approved > 0 THEN COUNT(ma.id_msg) - 1 ELSE COUNT(ma.id_msg) END ELSE 0 END AS my_num_replies FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS ma ON (ma.id_topic = t.id_topic AND ma.approved = 1) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS mf ON (mf.id_msg = t.id_first_msg) WHERE t.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY t.id_topic, t.num_replies, mf.approved ORDER BY t.id_topic', 'fix_processing' => create_function('$row', ' global $smcFunc; $row[\'my_num_replies\'] = (int) $row[\'my_num_replies\']; // Not really a problem? if ($row[\'my_num_replies\'] == $row[\'num_replies\']) return false; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET num_replies = $row[my_num_replies] WHERE id_topic = $row[id_topic]", array( ) ); '), 'message_function' => create_function('$row', ' global $txt, $context; // Just joking? if ($row[\'my_num_replies\'] == $row[\'num_replies\']) return false; if ($row[\'num_replies\'] != $row[\'my_num_replies\']) $context[\'repair_errors\'][] = sprintf($txt[\'repair_stats_topics_3\'], $row[\'id_topic\'], $row[\'num_replies\']); return true; '), ), // Find topics with incorrect unapproved_posts. 'stats_topics3' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 1000, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT t.id_topic, t.unapproved_posts, COUNT(mu.id_msg) AS my_unapproved_posts FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS mu ON (mu.id_topic = t.id_topic AND mu.approved = 0) WHERE t.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY t.id_topic, t.unapproved_posts HAVING unapproved_posts != COUNT(mu.id_msg) ORDER BY t.id_topic', 'fix_processing' => create_function('$row', ' global $smcFunc; $row[\'my_unapproved_posts\'] = (int) $row[\'my_unapproved_posts\']; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET unapproved_posts = $row[my_unapproved_posts] WHERE id_topic = $row[id_topic]", array( ) ); '), 'messages' => array('repair_stats_topics_4', 'id_topic', 'unapproved_posts'), ), // Find topics with nonexistent boards. 'missing_boards' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 1000, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT t.id_topic, t.id_board FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = t.id_board) WHERE b.id_board IS NULL AND t.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} ORDER BY t.id_board, t.id_topic', 'fix_query' => ' SELECT t.id_board, COUNT(*) AS my_num_topics, COUNT(m.id_msg) AS my_num_posts FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = t.id_board) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS m ON (m.id_topic = t.id_topic) WHERE b.id_board IS NULL AND t.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY t.id_board', 'fix_processing' => create_function('$row', ' global $smcFunc, $salvageCatID; createSalvageArea(); $row[\'my_num_topics\'] = (int) $row[\'my_num_topics\']; $row[\'my_num_posts\'] = (int) $row[\'my_num_posts\']; $smcFunc[\'db_insert\'](\'\', \'{db_prefix}boards\', array(\'id_cat\' => \'int\', \'name\' => \'string\', \'description\' => \'string\', \'num_topics\' => \'int\', \'num_posts\' => \'int\', \'member_groups\' => \'string\'), array($salvageCatID, \'Salvaged board\', \'\', $row[\'my_num_topics\'], $row[\'my_num_posts\'], \'1\'), array(\'id_board\') ); $newBoardID = $smcFunc[\'db_insert_id\'](\'{db_prefix}boards\', \'id_board\'); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET id_board = $newBoardID WHERE id_board = $row[id_board]", array( ) ); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}messages SET id_board = $newBoardID WHERE id_board = $row[id_board]", array( ) ); '), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_boards', 'id_topic', 'id_board'), ), // Find boards with nonexistent categories. 'missing_categories' => array( 'check_query' => ' SELECT b.id_board, b.id_cat FROM {db_prefix}boards AS b LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.id_cat = b.id_cat) WHERE c.id_cat IS NULL ORDER BY b.id_cat, b.id_board', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_cat', 'process' => create_function('$cats', ' global $smcFunc, $salvageCatID; createSalvageArea(); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}boards SET id_cat = $salvageCatID WHERE id_cat IN ({array_int:categories})", array( \'categories\' => $cats ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_categories', 'id_board', 'id_cat'), ), // Find messages with nonexistent members. 'missing_posters' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 2000, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_msg) FROM {db_prefix}messages' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT m.id_msg, m.id_member FROM {db_prefix}messages AS m LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = m.id_member) WHERE mem.id_member IS NULL AND m.id_member != 0 AND m.id_msg BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} ORDER BY m.id_msg', // Last step-make sure all non-guest posters still exist. 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_msg', 'process' => create_function('$msgs', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}messages SET id_member = 0 WHERE id_msg IN ({array_int:msgs})", array( \'msgs\' => $msgs ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_posters', 'id_msg', 'id_member'), ), // Find boards with nonexistent parents. 'missing_parents' => array( 'check_query' => ' SELECT b.id_board, b.id_parent FROM {db_prefix}boards AS b LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS p ON (p.id_board = b.id_parent) WHERE b.id_parent != 0 AND (p.id_board IS NULL OR p.id_board = b.id_board) ORDER BY b.id_parent, b.id_board', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_parent', 'process' => create_function('$parents', ' global $smcFunc, $salvageBoardID, $salvageCatID; createSalvageArea(); $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}boards SET id_parent = $salvageBoardID, id_cat = $salvageCatID, child_level = 1 WHERE id_parent IN ({array_int:parents})", array( \'parents\' => $parents ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_parents', 'id_board', 'id_parent'), ), 'missing_polls' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_poll) FROM {db_prefix}topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT t.id_poll, t.id_topic FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}polls AS p ON (p.id_poll = t.id_poll) WHERE t.id_poll != 0 AND t.id_poll BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND p.id_poll IS NULL', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_poll', 'process' => create_function('$polls', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET id_poll = 0 WHERE id_poll IN ({array_int:polls})", array( \'polls\' => $polls ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_polls', 'id_topic', 'id_poll'), ), 'missing_calendar_topics' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 1000, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}calendar' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT cal.id_topic, cal.id_event FROM {db_prefix}calendar AS cal LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = cal.id_topic) WHERE cal.id_topic != 0 AND cal.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND t.id_topic IS NULL ORDER BY cal.id_topic', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_topic', 'process' => create_function('$events', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', \' UPDATE {db_prefix}calendar SET id_topic = 0, id_board = 0 WHERE id_topic IN ({array_int:events})\', array( \'events\' => $events ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_calendar_topics', 'id_event', 'id_topic'), ), 'missing_log_topics' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 150, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lt.id_topic FROM {db_prefix}log_topics AS lt LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = lt.id_topic) WHERE t.id_topic IS NULL AND lt.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH}', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_topic', 'process' => create_function('$topics', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_topics WHERE id_topic IN ({array_int:topics})", array( \'topics\' => $topics ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_topics', 'id_topic'), ), 'missing_log_topics_members' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 150, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lt.id_member FROM {db_prefix}log_topics AS lt LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = lt.id_member) WHERE mem.id_member IS NULL AND lt.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY lt.id_member', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_member', 'process' => create_function('$members', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_topics WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})", array( \'members\' => $members ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_topics_members', 'id_member'), ), 'missing_log_boards' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_boards' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lb.id_board FROM {db_prefix}log_boards AS lb LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = lb.id_board) WHERE b.id_board IS NULL AND lb.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY lb.id_board', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_board', 'process' => create_function('$boards', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_boards WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards})", array( \'boards\' => $boards ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_boards', 'id_board'), ), 'missing_log_boards_members' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_boards' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lb.id_member FROM {db_prefix}log_boards AS lb LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = lb.id_member) WHERE mem.id_member IS NULL AND lb.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY lb.id_member', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_member', 'process' => create_function('$members', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_boards WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})", array( \'members\' => $members ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_boards_members', 'id_member'), ), 'missing_log_mark_read' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lmr.id_board FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read AS lmr LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}boards AS b ON (b.id_board = lmr.id_board) WHERE b.id_board IS NULL AND lmr.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY lmr.id_board', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_board', 'process' => create_function('$boards', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read WHERE id_board IN ({array_int:boards})", array( \'boards\' => $boards ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_mark_read', 'id_board'), ), 'missing_log_mark_read_members' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lmr.id_member FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read AS lmr LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = lmr.id_member) WHERE mem.id_member IS NULL AND lmr.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY lmr.id_member', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_member', 'process' => create_function('$members', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_mark_read WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})", array( \'members\' => $members ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_mark_read_members', 'id_member'), ), 'missing_pms' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_pm) FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT pmr.id_pm FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}personal_messages AS pm ON (pm.id_pm = pmr.id_pm) WHERE pm.id_pm IS NULL AND pmr.id_pm BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} GROUP BY pmr.id_pm', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_pm', 'process' => create_function('$pms', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients WHERE id_pm IN ({array_int:pms})", array( \'pms\' => $pms ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_pms', 'id_pm'), ), 'missing_recipients' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT pmr.id_member FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients AS pmr LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = pmr.id_member) WHERE pmr.id_member != 0 AND pmr.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND mem.id_member IS NULL GROUP BY pmr.id_member', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_member', 'process' => create_function('$members', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}pm_recipients WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})", array( \'members\' => $members ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_recipients', 'id_member'), ), 'missing_senders' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_pm) FROM {db_prefix}personal_messages' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT pm.id_pm, pm.id_member_from FROM {db_prefix}personal_messages AS pm LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = pm.id_member_from) WHERE pm.id_member_from != 0 AND pm.id_pm BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND mem.id_member IS NULL', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_pm', 'process' => create_function('$guestMessages', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " UPDATE {db_prefix}personal_messages SET id_member_from = 0 WHERE id_pm IN ({array_int:guestMessages})", array( \'guestMessages\' => $guestMessages )); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_senders', 'id_pm', 'id_member_from'), ), 'missing_notify_members' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_notify' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT ln.id_member FROM {db_prefix}log_notify AS ln LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = ln.id_member) WHERE ln.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND mem.id_member IS NULL GROUP BY ln.id_member', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_member', 'process' => create_function('$members', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_notify WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})", array( \'members\' => $members ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_notify_members', 'id_member'), ), 'missing_cached_subject' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 100, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}topics' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT t.id_topic, fm.subject FROM {db_prefix}topics AS t INNER JOIN {db_prefix}messages AS fm ON (fm.id_msg = t.id_first_msg) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_search_subjects AS lss ON (lss.id_topic = t.id_topic) WHERE t.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND lss.id_topic IS NULL', 'fix_full_processing' => create_function('$result', ' global $smcFunc; $inserts = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc[\'db_fetch_assoc\']($result)) { foreach (text2words($row[\'subject\']) as $word) $inserts[] = array($word, $row[\'id_topic\']); if (count($inserts) > 500) { $smcFunc[\'db_insert\'](\'ignore\', "{db_prefix}log_search_subjects", array(\'word\' => \'string\', \'id_topic\' => \'int\'), $inserts, array(\'word\', \'id_topic\') ); $inserts = array(); } } if (!empty($inserts)) $smcFunc[\'db_insert\'](\'ignore\', "{db_prefix}log_search_subjects", array(\'word\' => \'string\', \'id_topic\' => \'int\'), $inserts, array(\'word\', \'id_topic\') ); '), 'message_function' => create_function('$row', ' global $txt, $context; if (count(text2words($row[\'subject\'])) != 0) { $context[\'repair_errors\'][] = sprintf($txt[\'repair_missing_cached_subject\'], $row[\'id_topic\']); return true; } return false; '), ), 'missing_topic_for_cache' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 50, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_topic) FROM {db_prefix}log_search_subjects' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lss.id_topic, lss.word FROM {db_prefix}log_search_subjects AS lss LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}topics AS t ON (t.id_topic = lss.id_topic) WHERE lss.id_topic BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND t.id_topic IS NULL', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_topic', 'process' => create_function('$deleteTopics', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_search_subjects WHERE id_topic IN ({array_int:deleteTopics})", array( \'deleteTopics\' => $deleteTopics ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_topic_for_cache', 'word'), ), 'missing_member_vote' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_polls' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lp.id_poll, lp.id_member FROM {db_prefix}log_polls AS lp LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = lp.id_member) WHERE lp.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND lp.id_member > 0 AND mem.id_member IS NULL', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_member', 'process' => create_function('$members', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_polls WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})", array( \'members\' => $members ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_poll_member', 'id_poll', 'id_member'), ), 'missing_log_poll_vote' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_poll) FROM {db_prefix}log_polls' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lp.id_poll, lp.id_member FROM {db_prefix}log_polls AS lp LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}polls AS p ON (p.id_poll = lp.id_poll) WHERE lp.id_poll BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND p.id_poll IS NULL', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_poll', 'process' => create_function('$polls', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_polls WHERE id_poll IN ({array_int:polls})", array( \'polls\' => $polls ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_missing_log_poll_vote', 'id_member', 'id_poll'), ), 'report_missing_comments' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 500, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_report) FROM {db_prefix}log_reported' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lr.id_report, lr.subject FROM {db_prefix}log_reported AS lr LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_reported_comments AS lrc ON (lrc.id_report = lr.id_report) WHERE lr.id_report BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND lrc.id_report IS NULL', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_report', 'process' => create_function('$reports', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_reported WHERE id_report IN ({array_int:reports})", array( \'reports\' => $reports ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_report_missing_comments', 'id_report', 'subject'), ), 'comments_missing_report' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 200, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_report) FROM {db_prefix}log_reported_comments' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lrc.id_report, lrc.membername FROM {db_prefix}log_reported_comments AS lrc LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}log_reported AS lr ON (lr.id_report = lrc.id_report) WHERE lrc.id_report BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND lr.id_report IS NULL', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_report', 'process' => create_function('$reports', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_reported_comments WHERE id_report IN ({array_int:reports})", array( \'reports\' => $reports ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_comments_missing_report', 'id_report', 'membername'), ), 'group_request_missing_member' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 200, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_member) FROM {db_prefix}log_group_requests' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lgr.id_member FROM {db_prefix}log_group_requests AS lgr LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}members AS mem ON (mem.id_member = lgr.id_member) WHERE lgr.id_member BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND mem.id_member IS NULL GROUP BY lgr.id_member', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_member', 'process' => create_function('$members', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', " DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_group_requests WHERE id_member IN ({array_int:members})", array( \'members\' => $members ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_group_request_missing_member', 'id_member'), ), 'group_request_missing_group' => array( 'substeps' => array( 'step_size' => 200, 'step_max' => ' SELECT MAX(id_group) FROM {db_prefix}log_group_requests' ), 'check_query' => ' SELECT lgr.id_group FROM {db_prefix}log_group_requests AS lgr LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}membergroups AS mg ON (mg.id_group = lgr.id_group) WHERE lgr.id_group BETWEEN {STEP_LOW} AND {STEP_HIGH} AND mg.id_group IS NULL GROUP BY lgr.id_group', 'fix_collect' => array( 'index' => 'id_group', 'process' => create_function('$groups', ' global $smcFunc; $smcFunc[\'db_query\'](\'\', \' DELETE FROM {db_prefix}log_group_requests WHERE id_group IN ({array_int:groups})\', array( \'groups\' => $groups ) ); '), ), 'messages' => array('repair_group_request_missing_group', 'id_group'), ), ); } function findForumErrors($do_fix = false) { global $context, $txt, $smcFunc, $errorTests, $db_cache, $db_temp_cache; // This may take some time... @set_time_limit(600); $to_fix = !empty($_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix']) ? $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix'] : array(); $context['repair_errors'] = isset($_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix2']) ? $_SESSION['repairboards_to_fix2'] : array(); $_GET['step'] = empty($_GET['step']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['step']; $_GET['substep'] = empty($_GET['substep']) ? 0 : (int) $_GET['substep']; // Don't allow the cache to get too full. $db_temp_cache = $db_cache; $db_cache = ''; $context['total_steps'] = count($errorTests); // For all the defined error types do the necessary tests. $current_step = -1; $total_queries = 0; foreach ($errorTests as $error_type => $test) { $current_step++; // Already done this? if ($_GET['step'] > $current_step) continue; // If we're fixing it but it ain't broke why try? if ($do_fix && !in_array($error_type, $to_fix)) { $_GET['step']++; continue; } // Has it got substeps? if (isset($test['substeps'])) { $step_size = isset($test['substeps']['step_size']) ? $test['substeps']['step_size'] : 100; $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', $test['substeps']['step_max'], array( ) ); list ($step_max) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); $total_queries++; $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); } // We in theory keep doing this... the substeps. $done = false; while (!$done) { // Make sure there's at least one ID to test. if (isset($test['substeps']) && empty($step_max)) break; // What is the testing query (Changes if we are testing or fixing) if (!$do_fix) $test_query = 'check_query'; else $test_query = isset($test['fix_query']) ? 'fix_query' : 'check_query'; // Do the test... $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', isset($test['substeps']) ? strtr($test[$test_query], array('{STEP_LOW}' => $_GET['substep'], '{STEP_HIGH}' => $_GET['substep'] + $step_size - 1)) : $test[$test_query], array( ) ); $needs_fix = false; // Does it need a fix? if (!empty($test['check_type']) && $test['check_type'] == 'count') list ($needs_fix) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($request); else $needs_fix = $smcFunc['db_num_rows']($request); $total_queries++; if ($needs_fix) { // What about a message to the user? if (!$do_fix) { // Assume need to fix. $found_errors = true; if (isset($test['message'])) $context['repair_errors'][] = $txt[$test['message']]; // One per row! elseif (isset($test['messages'])) { while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) { $variables = $test['messages']; foreach ($variables as $k => $v) { if ($k == 0 && isset($txt[$v])) $variables[$k] = $txt[$v]; elseif ($k > 0 && isset($row[$v])) $variables[$k] = $row[$v]; } $context['repair_errors'][] = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $variables); } } // A function to process? elseif (isset($test['message_function'])) { // Find out if there are actually errors. $found_errors = false; while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $found_errors |= $test['message_function']($row); } // Actually have something to fix? if ($found_errors) $to_fix[] = $error_type; } // We want to fix, we need to fix - so work out what exactly to do! else { // Are we simply getting a collection of ids? if (isset($test['fix_collect'])) { $ids = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $ids[] = $row[$test['fix_collect']['index']]; if (!empty($ids)) { // Fix it! $test['fix_collect']['process']($ids); } } // Simply executing a fix it query? elseif (isset($test['fix_it_query'])) $smcFunc['db_query']('', $test['fix_it_query'], array( ) ); // Do we have some processing to do? elseif (isset($test['fix_processing'])) { while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request)) $test['fix_processing']($row); } // What about the full set of processing? elseif (isset($test['fix_full_processing'])) $test['fix_full_processing']($request); // Do we have other things we need to fix as a result? if (!empty($test['force_fix'])) { foreach ($test['force_fix'] as $item) if (!in_array($item, $to_fix)) $to_fix[] = $item; } } } // Free the result. $smcFunc['db_free_result']($request); // Keep memory down. $db_cache = ''; // Are we done yet? if (isset($test['substeps'])) { $_GET['substep'] += $step_size; // Not done? if ($_GET['substep'] <= $step_max) { pauseRepairProcess($to_fix, $error_type, $step_max); } else $done = true; } else $done = true; // Don't allow more than 1000 queries at a time. if ($total_queries >= 1000) pauseRepairProcess($to_fix, $error_type, $step_max, true); } // Keep going. $_GET['step']++; $_GET['substep'] = 0; $to_fix = array_unique($to_fix); // If we're doing fixes and this needed a fix and we're all done then don't do it again. if ($do_fix) { $key = array_search($error_type, $to_fix); if ($key !== false && isset($to_fix[$key])) unset($to_fix[$key]); } // Are we done? pauseRepairProcess($to_fix, $error_type); } // Restore the cache. $db_cache = $db_temp_cache; return $to_fix; } // Create a salvage area for repair purposes. function createSalvageArea() { global $txt, $language, $salvageBoardID, $salvageCatID, $smcFunc; static $createOnce = false; // Have we already created it? if ($createOnce) return; else $createOnce = true; // Back to the forum's default language. loadLanguage('Admin', $language); // Check to see if a 'Salvage Category' exists, if not => insert one. $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_cat FROM {db_prefix}categories WHERE name = {string:cat_name} LIMIT 1', array( 'cat_name' => $txt['salvaged_category_name'], ) ); if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($result) != 0) list ($salvageCatID) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); if (empty($salveageCatID)) { $smcFunc['db_insert']('', '{db_prefix}categories', array('name' => 'string-255', 'cat_order' => 'int'), array($txt['salvaged_category_name'], -1), array('id_cat') ); if ($smcFunc['db_affected_rows']() <= 0) { loadLanguage('Admin'); fatal_lang_error('salvaged_category_error', false); } $salvageCatID = $smcFunc['db_insert_id']('{db_prefix}categories', 'id_cat'); } // Check to see if a 'Salvage Board' exists, if not => insert one. $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT id_board FROM {db_prefix}boards WHERE id_cat = {int:id_cat} AND name = {string:board_name} LIMIT 1', array( 'id_cat' => $salvageCatID, 'board_name' => $txt['salvaged_board_name'], ) ); if ($smcFunc['db_num_rows']($result) != 0) list ($salvageBoardID) = $smcFunc['db_fetch_row']($result); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); if (empty($salvageBoardID)) { $smcFunc['db_insert']('', '{db_prefix}boards', array('name' => 'string-255', 'description' => 'string-255', 'id_cat' => 'int', 'member_groups' => 'string', 'board_order' => 'int', 'redirect' => 'string'), array($txt['salvaged_board_name'], $txt['salvaged_board_description'], $salvageCatID, '1', -1, ''), array('id_board') ); if ($smcFunc['db_affected_rows']() <= 0) { loadLanguage('Admin'); fatal_lang_error('salvaged_board_error', false); } $salvageBoardID = $smcFunc['db_insert_id']('{db_prefix}boards', 'id_board'); } $smcFunc['db_query']('alter_table_boards', ' ALTER TABLE {db_prefix}boards ORDER BY board_order', array( ) ); // Restore the user's language. loadLanguage('Admin'); } ?>