? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happyezystyle/board/Sources/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happyezystyle/board/Sources/ManageCalendar.php

* ManageCalendar.php                                                              *
* SMF: Simple Machines Forum                                                      *
* Open-Source Project Inspired by Zef Hemel (zef@zefhemel.com)                    *
* =============================================================================== *
* Software Version:           SMF 2.0 RC1                                         *
* Software by:                Simple Machines (http://www.simplemachines.org)     *
* Copyright 2006-2009 by:     Simple Machines LLC (http://www.simplemachines.org) *
*           2001-2006 by:     Lewis Media (http://www.lewismedia.com)             *
* Support, News, Updates at:  http://www.simplemachines.org                       *
* This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it under   *
* the terms of the provided license as published by Simple Machines LLC.          *
*                                                                                 *
* This program is distributed in the hope that it is and will be useful, but      *
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES; without even any implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY    *
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.                                            *
*                                                                                 *
* See the "license.txt" file for details of the Simple Machines license.          *
* The latest version can always be found at http://www.simplemachines.org.        *

if (!defined('SMF'))
	die('Hacking attempt...');

// The main controlling function doesn't have much to do... yet.
function ManageCalendar()
	global $context, $txt, $scripturl, $modSettings;


	// Everything's gonna need this.

	// Default text.
	$context['explain_text'] = &$txt['calendar_desc'];

	// Little short on the ground of functions here... but things can and maybe will change...
	$subActions = array(
		'editholiday' => 'EditHoliday',
		'holidays' => 'ModifyHolidays',
		'settings' => 'ModifyCalendarSettings'

	$_REQUEST['sa'] = isset($_REQUEST['sa']) && isset($subActions[$_REQUEST['sa']]) ? $_REQUEST['sa'] : 'holidays';

	// Set up the two tabs here...
	$context[$context['admin_menu_name']]['tab_data'] = array(
		'title' => &$txt['manage_calendar'],
		'help' => 'calendar',
		'description' => $txt['calendar_settings_desc'],
		'tabs' => array(
			'holidays' => array(
				'description' => $txt['manage_holidays_desc'],
			'settings' => array(
				'description' => $txt['calendar_settings_desc'],


// The function that handles adding, and deleting holiday data
function ModifyHolidays()
	global $sourcedir, $scripturl, $txt, $context;

	// Submitting something...
	if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) && !empty($_REQUEST['holiday']))

		foreach ($_REQUEST['holiday'] AS $id => $value)
			$_REQUEST['holiday'][$id] = (int) $id;

		// Now the IDs are "safe" do the delete...
		require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-Calendar.php');

	$listOptions = array(
		'id' => 'holiday_list',
		'title' => $txt['current_holidays'],
		'items_per_page' => 20,
		'base_href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=managecalendar;sa=holidays',
		'default_sort_col' => 'name',
		'get_items' => array(
			'file' => $sourcedir . '/Subs-Calendar.php',
			'function' => 'list_getHolidays',
		'get_count' => array(
			'file' => $sourcedir . '/Subs-Calendar.php',
			'function' => 'list_getNumHolidays',
		'columns' => array(
			'name' => array(
				'header' => array(
					'value' => $txt['holidays_title'],
				'data' => array(
					'sprintf' => array(
						'format' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=managecalendar;sa=editholiday;holiday=%1$d">%2$s</a>',
						'params' => array(
							'id_holiday' => false,
							'title' => false,
				'sort' => array(
					'default' => 'title',
					'reverse' => 'title DESC',
			'date' => array(
				'header' => array(
					'value' => $txt['date'],
				'data' => array(
					'function' => create_function('$rowData', '
						global $txt;

						// Recurring every year or just a single year?
						$year = $rowData[\'year\'] == \'0004\' ? sprintf(\'(%1$s)\', $txt[\'every_year\']) : $rowData[\'year\'];

						// Construct the date.
						return sprintf(\'%1$d %2$s %3$s\', $rowData[\'day\'], $txt[\'months\'][(int) $rowData[\'month\']], $year);
					'class' => 'windowbg',
				'sort' => array(
					'default' => 'event_date',
					'reverse' => 'event_date DESC',
			'check' => array(
				'header' => array(
					'value' => '<input type="checkbox" onclick="invertAll(this, this.form);" class="check" />',
				'data' => array(
					'sprintf' => array(
						'format' => '<input type="checkbox" name="holiday[%1$d]" class="check" />',
						'params' => array(
							'id_holiday' => false,
					'style' => 'text-align: center',
		'form' => array(
			'href' => $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=managecalendar;sa=holidays',
		'additional_rows' => array(
				'position' => 'below_table_data',
				'value' => '<a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=managecalendar;sa=editholiday" style="float: left;">' . $txt['holidays_add'] . '</a><input type="submit" name="delete" value="' . $txt['quickmod_delete_selected'] . '" />',
				'class' => 'titlebg',
				'style' => 'text-align: right;',

	require_once($sourcedir . '/Subs-List.php');

	$context['page_title'] = $txt['manage_holidays'];

	// Since the list is the only thing to show, use the default list template.
	$context['default_list'] = 'holiday_list';
	$context['sub_template'] = 'show_list';

// This function is used for adding/editing a specific holiday
function EditHoliday()
	global $txt, $context, $scripturl, $smcFunc;


	$context['is_new'] = !isset($_REQUEST['holiday']);
	$context['page_title'] = $context['is_new'] ? $txt['holidays_add'] : $txt['holidays_edit'];
	$context['sub_template'] = 'edit_holiday';

	// Submitting?
	if (isset($_POST[$context['session_var']]) && (isset($_REQUEST['delete']) || $_REQUEST['title'] != ''))

		// Not too long good sir?
		$_REQUEST['title'] = substr($_REQUEST['title'], 0, 30);
		$_REQUEST['holiday'] = (int) $_REQUEST['holiday'];

		if (isset($_REQUEST['delete']))
			$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
				DELETE FROM {db_prefix}calendar_holidays
				WHERE id_holiday = {int:selected_holiday}',
					'selected_holiday' => $_REQUEST['holiday'],
			$date = strftime($_REQUEST['year'] <= 4 ? '0004-%m-%d' : '%Y-%m-%d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $_REQUEST['month'], $_REQUEST['day'], $_REQUEST['year']));
			if (isset($_REQUEST['edit']))
				$smcFunc['db_query']('', '
					UPDATE {db_prefix}calendar_holidays
					SET event_date = {date:holiday_date}, title = {string:holiday_title}
					WHERE id_holiday = {int:selected_holiday}',
						'holiday_date' => $date,
						'selected_holiday' => $_REQUEST['holiday'],
						'holiday_title' => $_REQUEST['title'],
						'event_date' => 'date', 'title' => 'string-30',
						$date, $_REQUEST['title'],

			'calendar_updated' => time(),


	// Default states...
	if ($context['is_new'])
		$context['holiday'] = array(
			'id' => 0,
			'day' => date('d'),
			'month' => date('m'),
			'year' => '0000',
			'title' => ''
	// If it's not new load the data.
		$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
			SELECT id_holiday, YEAR(event_date) AS year, MONTH(event_date) AS month, DAYOFMONTH(event_date) AS day, title
			FROM {db_prefix}calendar_holidays
			WHERE id_holiday = {int:selected_holiday}
			LIMIT 1',
				'selected_holiday' => $_REQUEST['holiday'],
		while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
			$context['holiday'] = array(
				'id' => $row['id_holiday'],
				'day' => $row['day'],
				'month' => $row['month'],
				'year' => $row['year'] <= 4 ? 0 : $row['year'],
				'title' => $row['title']

	// Last day for the drop down?
	$context['holiday']['last_day'] = (int) strftime('%d', mktime(0, 0, 0, $context['holiday']['month'] == 12 ? 1 : $context['holiday']['month'] + 1, 0, $context['holiday']['month'] == 12 ? $context['holiday']['year'] + 1 : $context['holiday']['year']));

function ModifyCalendarSettings($return_config = false)
	global $modSettings, $context, $settings, $txt, $boarddir, $sourcedir, $scripturl, $smcFunc;

	// Load the boards list.
	$boards = array('');
	$request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', '
		SELECT b.id_board, b.name AS board_name, c.name AS cat_name
		FROM {db_prefix}boards AS b
			LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}categories AS c ON (c.id_cat = b.id_cat)',
	while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($request))
		$boards[$row['id_board']] = $row['cat_name'] . ' - ' . $row['board_name'];

	// Look, all the calendar settings - of which there are many!
	$config_vars = array(
			// All the permissions:
			array('permissions', 'calendar_view', 'help' => 'cal_enabled'),
			array('permissions', 'calendar_post'),
			array('permissions', 'calendar_edit_own'),
			array('permissions', 'calendar_edit_any'),
			// Some visual settings.
			array('check', 'cal_daysaslink'),
			array('check', 'cal_showweeknum'),
			// How many days to show on board index, and where to display events etc?
			array('int', 'cal_days_for_index'),
			array('select', 'cal_showholidays', array(0 => $txt['setting_cal_show_never'], 1 => $txt['setting_cal_show_cal'], 3 => $txt['setting_cal_show_index'], 2 => $txt['setting_cal_show_all'])),
			array('select', 'cal_showbdays', array(0 => $txt['setting_cal_show_never'], 1 => $txt['setting_cal_show_cal'], 3 => $txt['setting_cal_show_index'], 2 => $txt['setting_cal_show_all'])),
			array('select', 'cal_showevents', array(0 => $txt['setting_cal_show_never'], 1 => $txt['setting_cal_show_cal'], 3 => $txt['setting_cal_show_index'], 2 => $txt['setting_cal_show_all'])),
			// Linking events etc...
			array('select', 'cal_defaultboard', $boards),
			array('check', 'cal_allow_unlinked'),
			array('check', 'cal_showInTopic'),
			// Dates of calendar...
			array('int', 'cal_minyear'),
			array('int', 'cal_maxyear'),
			// Calendar spanning...
			array('check', 'cal_allowspan'),
			array('int', 'cal_maxspan'),

	if ($return_config)
		return $config_vars;

	// Get the settings template fired up.
	require_once($sourcedir .'/ManageServer.php');

	// Some important context stuff
	$context['page_title'] = $txt['calendar_settings'];
	$context['sub_template'] = 'show_settings';

	// Get the final touches in place.
	$context['post_url'] = $scripturl . '?action=admin;area=managecalendar;save;sa=settings';
	$context['settings_title'] = $txt['calendar_settings'];

	// Saving the settings?
	if (isset($_GET['save']))

		// Update the stats in case.
			'calendar_updated' => time(),


	// Prepare the settings...

