Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happy2/plugins/system/jat3/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happy2/plugins/system/jat3/jat3.php |
<?php /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * JA T3v2 System Plugin for J25 & J31 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (C) 2004-2011 J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd. All Rights Reserved. * @license - GNU/GPL, http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html * Author: J.O.O.M Solutions Co., Ltd * Websites: http://www.joomlart.com - http://www.joomlancers.com * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // No direct access defined('_JEXEC') or die; if (!defined('DS')) define ('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); jimport('joomla.plugin.plugin'); jimport('joomla.application.module.helper'); jimport('joomla.html.parameter'); require_once dirname(__FILE__) . DS . 'jat3' . DS . 'core' . DS . 'common.php'; /** * plgSystemJAT3 class * * @package JAT3 */ class plgSystemJAT3 extends JPlugin { public $plugin = null; public $plgParams = null; public $time = 0; /** * Constructor * * @param object &$subject The object to observe * @param array $config An optional associative array of configuration settings. */ public function __construct (&$subject, $config) { parent::__construct($subject, $config); $this->plugin = JPluginHelper::getPlugin('system', 'jat3'); //$this->plgParams = new JParameter($this->plugin->params); // Strict standards: Declaration of JParameter::loadSetupFile() should be compatible with that of JRegistry::loadSetupFile() $this->plgParams = $this->plugin->params; if (!($this->plugin->params instanceof JRegistry)) { $this->plgParams = new JRegistry($this->plugin->params); } } /** * Implement after render event * * @return null */ function onAfterRender () { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); t3import('core.admin.util'); $util = new JAT3_AdminUtil(); if ($app->isAdmin()) { ob_start(); $util->show_button_clearCache(); $content = ob_get_clean(); $buffer = JResponse::getBody(); $buffer = preg_replace('/<\/body>/', $content . "\n</body>", $buffer); JResponse::setBody($buffer); } if ($util->checkPermission()) { if (JAT3_AdminUtil::checkCondition_for_Menu()) { // HTML= Parser lib include_once T3Path::path(T3_CORE) . DS . 'libs' . DS . "html_parser.php"; include_once T3Path::path(T3_CORE) . DS . 'admin' . DS . "util.php"; $_body = JResponse::getBody(); // Replace content $jat3core = new JAT3_AdminUtil(); $_body = $jat3core->replaceContent($_body); if ($_body) { JResponse::setBody($_body); } } } if (! T3Common::detect()) return; if ($util->checkPermission()) { if ($util->checkCondition()) { // Load t3 language file for template admin to avoid to be override by other extensions language $extension = 'plg_' . $this->_type . '_' . $this->_name; $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load(strtolower($extension), JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR, null, true, false); $params = T3Path::path(T3_CORE) . DS . 'admin' . DS . 'index.php'; if (file_exists($params)) { ob_start(); include $params; $content = ob_get_clean(); $buffer = JResponse::getBody(); $buffer = preg_replace('/<\/body>/', $content . "\n</body>", $buffer); JResponse::setBody($buffer); } } return; } if (!$app->isAdmin()) { //Expires date set to very long //JResponse::setHeader( 'Expires', gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', time() + 3600000 ) . ' GMT', true ); //JResponse::setHeader( 'Last-Modified', gmdate( 'D, d M Y H:i:s', time()) . ' GMT', true ); JResponse::setHeader('Expires', '', true); JResponse::setHeader('Cache-Control', 'private', true); //Update cache in case of the whole page is cached $t3template = T3Template::getInstance(); $key = T3Cache::getPageKey(); //if (($data = T3Cache::get ( $key )) && !preg_match('#<jdoc:include\ type="([^"]+)" (.*)\/>#iU', $data)) { if ($key != null && $t3template->nonecache == false) { $time = time(); JResponse::setHeader('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $time) . ' GMT', true); JResponse::setHeader('ETag', md5($key), true); $time = sprintf('%20d', $time); $buffer = $time . JResponse::getBody(); $t3cache = T3Cache::getT3Cache(); $t3cache->store($buffer, $key); } } } /** * Implement after route event * * @return null */ function onAfterRoute () { // Load t3 language file for front-end & template admin. //$this->loadLanguage(null, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); $lang = JFactory::getLanguage(); $lang->load(null, JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); t3import('core.framework'); $app = JFactory::getApplication('administrator'); if ($app->isAdmin()) { t3import('core.admin.util'); // Clean cache if there's something changed backend if (JRequest::getCmd('jat3action') || in_array(JRequest::getCmd('task'), array ('save', 'delete', 'remove', 'apply', 'publish', 'unpublish'))) { if (JRequest::getCmd('jat3action')) { //if template parameter updated => clear cache t3import('core.cache'); T3Cache::clean(2); } else { $params = T3Common::get_template_based_params(); $cache = $params->get('cache'); if ($cache) { //if other update: clear cache if cache is enabled t3import('core.cache'); T3Cache::clean(1); } } } if (JAT3_AdminUtil::checkPermission()) { if (JAT3_AdminUtil::checkCondition_for_Menu()) { JHTML::stylesheet( JURI::root() . T3_CORE . '/element/assets/css/japaramhelper.css'); JHTML::script( JURI::root() . T3_CORE . '/element/assets/js/japaramhelper.js', true); } if (JRequest::getCmd('jat3type') == 'plugin') { $action = JRequest::getCmd('jat3action'); t3import('core.ajax'); $obj = new JAT3_Ajax(); if ($action && method_exists($obj, $action)) { jimport('joomla.filesystem.folder'); jimport('joomla.filesystem.file'); $obj->$action(); } return; } //Load moontools library JHtml::_('behavior.framework'); if (! T3Common::detect()) { return; } JAT3_AdminUtil::loadStyle(); JAT3_AdminUtil::loadScipt(); return; } elseif (JRequest::getCmd('jat3type') == 'plugin') { $result ['error'] = 'Session has expired. Please login before continuing.'; echo json_encode($result); exit(); } return; } if (! $app->isAdmin() && T3Common::detect()) { $action = JRequest::getCmd('jat3action'); // Process request ajax like action - public if ($action) { t3import('core.ajaxsite'); if (method_exists('T3AjaxSite', $action)) { T3AjaxSite::$action (); $app->close(); //exit after finish action } } // Load core library T3Framework::t3_init($this->plgParams); // Init T3Engine // Get list templates $themes = T3Common::get_active_themes(); $path = T3Path::getInstance(); // Path in t3 engine // Active themes path if ($themes && count($themes)) { foreach ( $themes as $theme ) { if ($theme [0] == 'engine') { $path->addPath( $theme [0] . '.' . $theme [1], T3Path::path(T3_BASE . '/base-themes/' . $theme [1]), T3Path::url(T3_BASE . '/base-themes/' . $theme [1]) ); } elseif ($theme [0] == 'template') { $path->addPath($theme [0] . '.' . $theme [1], T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE), T3Path::url(T3_TEMPLATE)); } else { $themepath = T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE).DS.'themes'; // Check if template use newest folder structure or not // If themes folder is exists in template folder, consider as template use newst folder structure if (@is_dir($themepath)) { $path->addPath( $theme[0].'.'.$theme[1], T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE).DS.'themes'.DS.$theme[1], T3Path::url(T3_TEMPLATE) . "/themes/{$theme[1]}" ); } else { // Compatible: if template use older folder structure, try to use it $path->addPath( $theme [0] . '.' . $theme [1], T3Path::path(T3_TEMPLATE) . DS . $theme [0] . DS . 'themes' . DS . $theme [1], T3Path::url(T3_TEMPLATE) . "/{$theme[0]}/themes/{$theme[1]}" ); } } } } // Disable editor if website is access by iphone & handheld $device = T3Common::mobile_device_detect(); if ($device == 'iphone' || $device == 'handheld') { $config = JFactory::getConfig(); $config->set('editor', 'none'); } T3Framework::init_layout(); } } /** * Add JA Extended menu parameter - used for Joomla 1.6 * * @param JForm $form The form to be altered. * @param array $data The associated data for the form * * @return null */ function onContentPrepareForm($form, $data) { if ($form->getName() == 'com_menus.item') { JForm::addFormPath(JPATH_SITE . DS . T3_CORE . DS . 'params'); $form->loadFile('params', false); } } /** * Implement event onRenderModule to include the module chrome provide by T3 * This event is fired by overriding ModuleHelper class * Return false for continueing render module * * @param object &$module A module object. * @param array $attribs An array of attributes for the module (probably from the XML). * * @return bool */ function onRenderModule (&$module, $attribs) { static $chromed = false; // Detect layout path in T3 themes if (T3Common::detect()) { // Remove outline style which added when tp=1 // T3 template provide an advanced tp mode which could show more information than the default if (JRequest::getCmd('t3info')) { $attribs ['style'] = preg_replace('/\s\boutline\b/i', '', $attribs ['style']); } // Chrome for module if (!$chromed) { $chromed = true; // We don't need chrome multi times $chromePath = T3Path::getPath('html'.DS.'modules.php', false); if (file_exists($chromePath)) { include_once $chromePath; } } } return false; } /** * Implement event onGetLayoutPath to return the layout which override by T3 & T3 templates * This event is fired by overriding ModuleHelper class * Return path to layout if found, false if not * * @param string $module The name of the module * @param string $layout The name of the module layout. If alternative * layout, in the form template:filename. * * @return null */ function onGetLayoutPath($module, $layout) { // Detect layout path in T3 themes if (T3Common::detect()) { $tPath = T3Path::getPath('html' . DS . $module . DS . $layout . '.php', false); if ($tPath) return $tPath; } return false; } }