Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/components/libraries/cmslib/helper/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html_bk/components/libraries/cmslib/helper/url.php |
<?php (defined('_VALID_MOS') OR defined('_JEXEC')) or die('Direct Access to this location is not allowed.'); if(cmsVersion() == _CMS_JOOMLA10 || cmsVersion() == _CMS_MAMBO){ // All Joomla 1.0 Functions if(!function_exists('cmsGetVar')){ function cmsGetVar($var, $default='', $type = 'REQUEST'){ switch($type){ case 'REQUEST': $type = &$_REQUEST; break; case 'GET' : $type = &$_GET; break; case 'POST' : $type = &$_POST; break; case 'FILES' : $type = &$_FILES; break; case 'COOKIE' : $type = &$_COOKIE; break; case 'ENV' : $type = &$_ENV; break; case 'SERVER' : $type = &$_SERVER; break; } return mosGetParam($type, $var, $default); } } if(!function_exists('cmsSefAmpReplace')){ function cmsSefAmpReplace($url, $xhtml = true){ if(!function_exists('sefRelToAbs')){ global $mainframe; include_once($mainframe->getCfg('absolute_path') . '/includes/sef.php'); } if(!$xhtml) return sefRelToAbs($url); else return ampReplace(sefReltoAbs($url)); } } if(!function_exists('cmsFormatDate')){ function cmsFormatDate($date, $format = null, $offset = null){ return mosFormatDate($date, $format, $offset); } } if(!function_exists('cmsGetISO')){ function cmsGetISO(){ $iso = explode( '=', _ISO); return $iso[1]; } } if (!function_exists('cmsRedirect')) { function cmsRedirect($url, $msg){ mosRedirect($url, $msg); } } }else{ // All Joomla 1.5 Functions if(!function_exists('cmsGetVar')){ function cmsGetVar($var, $default='', $type = 'REQUEST'){ return JRequest::getVar($var, $default, $type); } } if(!function_exists('cmsSefAmpReplace')){ function cmsSefAmpReplace($url, $xhtml = true){ if(!$xhtml){ $url = JRoute::_($url, false); } else{ $url = JFilterOutput::ampReplace(JRoute::_($url)); } // JRoute does not return http://absolute.com/ we need to get it from // JURI::base() if(stristr($url, 'http://') === false || stristr($url, 'https://') === false){ /** * Subfolder fix * * If site is on a subfolder, JRoute returns /subfolder/some/sef/url * and JURI::base returns http://site.com/subfolder/ * We need to remove the subfolder. **/ // Get subfolder $subfolder = JURI::base(true); // Gets subfolder if exists $site = rtrim(JURI::base(), '/'); // Gets site absolute path if($subfolder){ // Remove subfolder from $url. $url = str_replace($subfolder, '', $url); } /** * End subfolder fix **/ $url = $site . $url; } return $url; } } if(!function_exists('cmsFormatDate')){ function cmsFormatDate($date, $format = null, $offset = null){ return JHTML::date($date, $format, $offset); } } if(!function_exists('cmsGetISO')){ function cmsGetISO(){ $iso = 'UTF-8'; return $iso; } } if (!function_exists('cmsRedirect')) { function cmsRedirect($url, $msg){ global $mainframe; $mainframe->redirect($url, $msg); } } }