? GR0V Shell

GR0V shell

Linux www.koreapackagetour.com 2.6.32-042stab145.3 #1 SMP Thu Jun 11 14:05:04 MSK 2020 x86_64

Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/libs-bak/xajax/
File Upload :
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/libs-bak/xajax/xajaxCompress.php

// xajaxCompressJavascript() compresses the javascript code for more efficient delivery
// used internally 
// $sJS is a string containing the javascript code to compress
function xajaxCompressJavascript($sJS)
	//remove windows cariage returns
	$sJS = str_replace("\r","",$sJS);
	//array to store replaced literal strings
	$literal_strings = array();
	//explode the string into lines
	$lines = explode("\n",$sJS);
	//loop through all the lines, building a new string at the same time as removing literal strings
	$clean = "";
	$inComment = false;
	$literal = "";
	$inQuote = false;
	$escaped = false;
	$quoteChar = "";
		$line = $lines[$i];
		$inNormalComment = false;
		//loop through line's characters and take out any literal strings, replace them with ___i___ where i is the index of this string
			$c = substr($line,$j,1);
			$d = substr($line,$j,2);
			//look for start of quote
			if(!$inQuote && !$inComment)
				//is this character a quote or a comment
				if(($c=="\"" || $c=="'") && !$inComment && !$inNormalComment)
					$inQuote = true;
					$inComment = false;
					$escaped = false;
					$quoteChar = $c;
					$literal = $c;
				else if($d=="/*" && !$inNormalComment)
					$inQuote = false;
					$inComment = true;
					$escaped = false;
					$quoteChar = $d;
					$literal = $d;	
				else if($d=="//") //ignore string markers that are found inside comments
					$inNormalComment = true;
					$clean .= $c;
					$clean .= $c;
			else //allready in a string so find end quote
				if($c == $quoteChar && !$escaped && !$inComment)
					$inQuote = false;
					$literal .= $c;
					//subsitute in a marker for the string
					$clean .= "___" . count($literal_strings) . "___";
					//push the string onto our array
				else if($inComment && $d=="*/")
					$inComment = false;
					$literal .= $d;
					//subsitute in a marker for the string
					$clean .= "___" . count($literal_strings) . "___";
					//push the string onto our array
				else if($c == "\\" && !$escaped)
					$escaped = true;
					$escaped = false;
				$literal .= $c;
		if($inComment) $literal .= "\n";
		$clean .= "\n";
	//explode the clean string into lines again
	$lines = explode("\n",$clean);
	//now process each line at a time
		$line = $lines[$i];
		//remove comments
		$line = preg_replace("/\/\/(.*)/","",$line);
		//strip leading and trailing whitespace
		$line = trim($line);
		//remove all whitespace with a single space
		$line = preg_replace("/\s+/"," ",$line);
		//remove any whitespace that occurs after/before an operator
		$line = preg_replace("/\s*([!\}\{;,&=\|\-\+\*\/\)\(:])\s*/","\\1",$line);
		$lines[$i] = $line;
	//implode the lines
	$sJS = implode("\n",$lines);
	//make sure there is a max of 1 \n after each line
	$sJS = preg_replace("/[\n]+/","\n",$sJS);
	//strip out line breaks that immediately follow a semi-colon
	$sJS = preg_replace("/;\n/",";",$sJS);
	//curly brackets aren't on their own
	$sJS = preg_replace("/[\n]*\{[\n]*/","{",$sJS);
	//finally loop through and replace all the literal strings:
		$sJS = str_replace("___".$i."___",$literal_strings[$i],$sJS);
	return $sJS;
