Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/happyezystyle/js/external/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/happyezystyle/js/external/mootools-more.js |
//MooTools More, <http://mootools.net/more>. Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Aaron Newton <http://clientcide.com/>, Valerio Proietti <http://mad4milk.net> & the MooTools team <http://mootools.net/developers>, MIT Style License. /* --- script: More.js description: MooTools More license: MIT-style license authors: - Guillermo Rauch - Thomas Aylott - Scott Kyle requires: - core:1.2.4/MooTools provides: [MooTools.More] ... */ MooTools.More = { 'version': '', 'build': '6f6057dc645fdb7547689183b2311063bd653ddf' }; /* --- script: MooTools.Lang.js description: Provides methods for localization. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - core:1.2.4/Events - /MooTools.More provides: [MooTools.Lang] ... */ (function(){ var data = { language: 'en-US', languages: { 'en-US': {} }, cascades: ['en-US'] }; var cascaded; MooTools.lang = new Events(); $extend(MooTools.lang, { setLanguage: function(lang){ if (!data.languages[lang]) return this; data.language = lang; this.load(); this.fireEvent('langChange', lang); return this; }, load: function() { var langs = this.cascade(this.getCurrentLanguage()); cascaded = {}; $each(langs, function(set, setName){ cascaded[setName] = this.lambda(set); }, this); }, getCurrentLanguage: function(){ return data.language; }, addLanguage: function(lang){ data.languages[lang] = data.languages[lang] || {}; return this; }, cascade: function(lang){ var cascades = (data.languages[lang] || {}).cascades || []; cascades.combine(data.cascades); cascades.erase(lang).push(lang); var langs = cascades.map(function(lng){ return data.languages[lng]; }, this); return $merge.apply(this, langs); }, lambda: function(set) { (set || {}).get = function(key, args){ return $lambda(set[key]).apply(this, $splat(args)); }; return set; }, get: function(set, key, args){ if (cascaded && cascaded[set]) return (key ? cascaded[set].get(key, args) : cascaded[set]); }, set: function(lang, set, members){ this.addLanguage(lang); langData = data.languages[lang]; if (!langData[set]) langData[set] = {}; $extend(langData[set], members); if (lang == this.getCurrentLanguage()){ this.load(); this.fireEvent('langChange', lang); } return this; }, list: function(){ return Hash.getKeys(data.languages); } }); })(); /* --- script: Date.js description: Extends the Date native object to include methods useful in managing dates. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton - Nicholas Barthelemy - https://svn.nbarthelemy.com/date-js/ - Harald Kirshner - mail [at] digitarald.de; http://digitarald.de - Scott Kyle - scott [at] appden.com; http://appden.com requires: - core:1.2.4/Array - core:1.2.4/String - core:1.2.4/Number - core:1.2.4/Lang - core:1.2.4/Date.English.US - /MooTools.More provides: [Date] ... */ (function(){ var Date = this.Date; if (!Date.now) Date.now = $time; Date.Methods = { ms: 'Milliseconds', year: 'FullYear', min: 'Minutes', mo: 'Month', sec: 'Seconds', hr: 'Hours' }; ['Date', 'Day', 'FullYear', 'Hours', 'Milliseconds', 'Minutes', 'Month', 'Seconds', 'Time', 'TimezoneOffset', 'Week', 'Timezone', 'GMTOffset', 'DayOfYear', 'LastMonth', 'LastDayOfMonth', 'UTCDate', 'UTCDay', 'UTCFullYear', 'AMPM', 'Ordinal', 'UTCHours', 'UTCMilliseconds', 'UTCMinutes', 'UTCMonth', 'UTCSeconds'].each(function(method){ Date.Methods[method.toLowerCase()] = method; }); var pad = function(what, length){ return new Array(length - String(what).length + 1).join('0') + what; }; Date.implement({ set: function(prop, value){ switch ($type(prop)){ case 'object': for (var p in prop) this.set(p, prop[p]); break; case 'string': prop = prop.toLowerCase(); var m = Date.Methods; if (m[prop]) this['set' + m[prop]](value); } return this; }, get: function(prop){ prop = prop.toLowerCase(); var m = Date.Methods; if (m[prop]) return this['get' + m[prop]](); return null; }, clone: function(){ return new Date(this.get('time')); }, increment: function(interval, times){ interval = interval || 'day'; times = $pick(times, 1); switch (interval){ case 'year': return this.increment('month', times * 12); case 'month': var d = this.get('date'); this.set('date', 1).set('mo', this.get('mo') + times); return this.set('date', d.min(this.get('lastdayofmonth'))); case 'week': return this.increment('day', times * 7); case 'day': return this.set('date', this.get('date') + times); } if (!Date.units[interval]) throw new Error(interval + ' is not a supported interval'); return this.set('time', this.get('time') + times * Date.units[interval]()); }, decrement: function(interval, times){ return this.increment(interval, -1 * $pick(times, 1)); }, isLeapYear: function(){ return Date.isLeapYear(this.get('year')); }, clearTime: function(){ return this.set({hr: 0, min: 0, sec: 0, ms: 0}); }, diff: function(date, resolution){ if ($type(date) == 'string') date = Date.parse(date); return ((date - this) / Date.units[resolution || 'day'](3, 3)).toInt(); // non-leap year, 30-day month }, getLastDayOfMonth: function(){ return Date.daysInMonth(this.get('mo'), this.get('year')); }, getDayOfYear: function(){ return (Date.UTC(this.get('year'), this.get('mo'), this.get('date') + 1) - Date.UTC(this.get('year'), 0, 1)) / Date.units.day(); }, getWeek: function(){ return (this.get('dayofyear') / 7).ceil(); }, getOrdinal: function(day){ return Date.getMsg('ordinal', day || this.get('date')); }, getTimezone: function(){ return this.toString() .replace(/^.*? ([A-Z]{3}).[0-9]{4}.*$/, '$1') .replace(/^.*?\(([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+ ([A-Z])[a-z]+\)$/, '$1$2$3'); }, getGMTOffset: function(){ var off = this.get('timezoneOffset'); return ((off > 0) ? '-' : '+') + pad((off.abs() / 60).floor(), 2) + pad(off % 60, 2); }, setAMPM: function(ampm){ ampm = ampm.toUpperCase(); var hr = this.get('hr'); if (hr > 11 && ampm == 'AM') return this.decrement('hour', 12); else if (hr < 12 && ampm == 'PM') return this.increment('hour', 12); return this; }, getAMPM: function(){ return (this.get('hr') < 12) ? 'AM' : 'PM'; }, parse: function(str){ this.set('time', Date.parse(str)); return this; }, isValid: function(date) { return !!(date || this).valueOf(); }, format: function(f){ if (!this.isValid()) return 'invalid date'; f = f || '%x %X'; f = formats[f.toLowerCase()] || f; // replace short-hand with actual format var d = this; return f.replace(/%([a-z%])/gi, function($0, $1){ switch ($1){ case 'a': return Date.getMsg('days')[d.get('day')].substr(0, 3); case 'A': return Date.getMsg('days')[d.get('day')]; case 'b': return Date.getMsg('months')[d.get('month')].substr(0, 3); case 'B': return Date.getMsg('months')[d.get('month')]; case 'c': return d.toString(); case 'd': return pad(d.get('date'), 2); case 'H': return pad(d.get('hr'), 2); case 'I': return ((d.get('hr') % 12) || 12); case 'j': return pad(d.get('dayofyear'), 3); case 'm': return pad((d.get('mo') + 1), 2); case 'M': return pad(d.get('min'), 2); case 'o': return d.get('ordinal'); case 'p': return Date.getMsg(d.get('ampm')); case 'S': return pad(d.get('seconds'), 2); case 'U': return pad(d.get('week'), 2); case 'w': return d.get('day'); case 'x': return d.format(Date.getMsg('shortDate')); case 'X': return d.format(Date.getMsg('shortTime')); case 'y': return d.get('year').toString().substr(2); case 'Y': return d.get('year'); case 'T': return d.get('GMTOffset'); case 'Z': return d.get('Timezone'); } return $1; } ); }, toISOString: function(){ return this.format('iso8601'); } }); Date.alias('toISOString', 'toJSON'); Date.alias('diff', 'compare'); Date.alias('format', 'strftime'); var formats = { db: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', compact: '%Y%m%dT%H%M%S', iso8601: '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%T', rfc822: '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z', 'short': '%d %b %H:%M', 'long': '%B %d, %Y %H:%M' }; var parsePatterns = []; var nativeParse = Date.parse; var parseWord = function(type, word, num){ var ret = -1; var translated = Date.getMsg(type + 's'); switch ($type(word)){ case 'object': ret = translated[word.get(type)]; break; case 'number': ret = translated[month - 1]; if (!ret) throw new Error('Invalid ' + type + ' index: ' + index); break; case 'string': var match = translated.filter(function(name){ return this.test(name); }, new RegExp('^' + word, 'i')); if (!match.length) throw new Error('Invalid ' + type + ' string'); if (match.length > 1) throw new Error('Ambiguous ' + type); ret = match[0]; } return (num) ? translated.indexOf(ret) : ret; }; Date.extend({ getMsg: function(key, args) { return MooTools.lang.get('Date', key, args); }, units: { ms: $lambda(1), second: $lambda(1000), minute: $lambda(60000), hour: $lambda(3600000), day: $lambda(86400000), week: $lambda(608400000), month: function(month, year){ var d = new Date; return Date.daysInMonth($pick(month, d.get('mo')), $pick(year, d.get('year'))) * 86400000; }, year: function(year){ year = year || new Date().get('year'); return Date.isLeapYear(year) ? 31622400000 : 31536000000; } }, daysInMonth: function(month, year){ return [31, Date.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month]; }, isLeapYear: function(year){ return ((year % 4 === 0) && (year % 100 !== 0)) || (year % 400 === 0); }, parse: function(from){ var t = $type(from); if (t == 'number') return new Date(from); if (t != 'string') return from; from = from.clean(); if (!from.length) return null; var parsed; parsePatterns.some(function(pattern){ var bits = pattern.re.exec(from); return (bits) ? (parsed = pattern.handler(bits)) : false; }); return parsed || new Date(nativeParse(from)); }, parseDay: function(day, num){ return parseWord('day', day, num); }, parseMonth: function(month, num){ return parseWord('month', month, num); }, parseUTC: function(value){ var localDate = new Date(value); var utcSeconds = Date.UTC( localDate.get('year'), localDate.get('mo'), localDate.get('date'), localDate.get('hr'), localDate.get('min'), localDate.get('sec') ); return new Date(utcSeconds); }, orderIndex: function(unit){ return Date.getMsg('dateOrder').indexOf(unit) + 1; }, defineFormat: function(name, format){ formats[name] = format; }, defineFormats: function(formats){ for (var name in formats) Date.defineFormat(name, formats[name]); }, parsePatterns: parsePatterns, // this is deprecated defineParser: function(pattern){ parsePatterns.push((pattern.re && pattern.handler) ? pattern : build(pattern)); }, defineParsers: function(){ Array.flatten(arguments).each(Date.defineParser); }, define2DigitYearStart: function(year){ startYear = year % 100; startCentury = year - startYear; } }); var startCentury = 1900; var startYear = 70; var regexOf = function(type){ return new RegExp('(?:' + Date.getMsg(type).map(function(name){ return name.substr(0, 3); }).join('|') + ')[a-z]*'); }; var replacers = function(key){ switch(key){ case 'x': // iso8601 covers yyyy-mm-dd, so just check if month is first return ((Date.orderIndex('month') == 1) ? '%m[.-/]%d' : '%d[.-/]%m') + '([.-/]%y)?'; case 'X': return '%H([.:]%M)?([.:]%S([.:]%s)?)? ?%p? ?%T?'; } return null; }; var keys = { d: /[0-2]?[0-9]|3[01]/, H: /[01]?[0-9]|2[0-3]/, I: /0?[1-9]|1[0-2]/, M: /[0-5]?\d/, s: /\d+/, o: /[a-z]*/, p: /[ap]\.?m\.?/, y: /\d{2}|\d{4}/, Y: /\d{4}/, T: /Z|[+-]\d{2}(?::?\d{2})?/ }; keys.m = keys.I; keys.S = keys.M; var currentLanguage; var recompile = function(language){ currentLanguage = language; keys.a = keys.A = regexOf('days'); keys.b = keys.B = regexOf('months'); parsePatterns.each(function(pattern, i){ if (pattern.format) parsePatterns[i] = build(pattern.format); }); }; var build = function(format){ if (!currentLanguage) return {format: format}; var parsed = []; var re = (format.source || format) // allow format to be regex .replace(/%([a-z])/gi, function($0, $1){ return replacers($1) || $0; } ).replace(/\((?!\?)/g, '(?:') // make all groups non-capturing .replace(/ (?!\?|\*)/g, ',? ') // be forgiving with spaces and commas .replace(/%([a-z%])/gi, function($0, $1){ var p = keys[$1]; if (!p) return $1; parsed.push($1); return '(' + p.source + ')'; } ).replace(/\[a-z\]/gi, '[a-z\\u00c0-\\uffff]'); // handle unicode words return { format: format, re: new RegExp('^' + re + '$', 'i'), handler: function(bits){ bits = bits.slice(1).associate(parsed); var date = new Date().clearTime(); if ('d' in bits) handle.call(date, 'd', 1); if ('m' in bits || 'b' in bits || 'B' in bits) handle.call(date, 'm', 1); for (var key in bits) handle.call(date, key, bits[key]); return date; } }; }; var handle = function(key, value){ if (!value) return this; switch(key){ case 'a': case 'A': return this.set('day', Date.parseDay(value, true)); case 'b': case 'B': return this.set('mo', Date.parseMonth(value, true)); case 'd': return this.set('date', value); case 'H': case 'I': return this.set('hr', value); case 'm': return this.set('mo', value - 1); case 'M': return this.set('min', value); case 'p': return this.set('ampm', value.replace(/\./g, '')); case 'S': return this.set('sec', value); case 's': return this.set('ms', ('0.' + value) * 1000); case 'w': return this.set('day', value); case 'Y': return this.set('year', value); case 'y': value = +value; if (value < 100) value += startCentury + (value < startYear ? 100 : 0); return this.set('year', value); case 'T': if (value == 'Z') value = '+00'; var offset = value.match(/([+-])(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?/); offset = (offset[1] + '1') * (offset[2] * 60 + (+offset[3] || 0)) + this.getTimezoneOffset(); return this.set('time', this - offset * 60000); } return this; }; Date.defineParsers( '%Y([-./]%m([-./]%d((T| )%X)?)?)?', // "1999-12-31", "1999-12-31 11:59pm", "1999-12-31 23:59:59", ISO8601 '%Y%m%d(T%H(%M%S?)?)?', // "19991231", "19991231T1159", compact '%x( %X)?', // "12/31", "12.31.99", "12-31-1999", "12/31/2008 11:59 PM" '%d%o( %b( %Y)?)?( %X)?', // "31st", "31st December", "31 Dec 1999", "31 Dec 1999 11:59pm" '%b( %d%o)?( %Y)?( %X)?', // Same as above with month and day switched '%Y %b( %d%o( %X)?)?', // Same as above with year coming first '%o %b %d %X %T %Y' // "Thu Oct 22 08:11:23 +0000 2009" ); MooTools.lang.addEvent('langChange', function(language){ if (MooTools.lang.get('Date')) recompile(language); }).fireEvent('langChange', MooTools.lang.getCurrentLanguage()); })(); /* --- script: Element.Forms.js description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful in managing inputs. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - core:1.2.4/Element - /MooTools.More provides: [Element.Forms] ... */ Element.implement({ tidy: function(){ this.set('value', this.get('value').tidy()); }, getTextInRange: function(start, end){ return this.get('value').substring(start, end); }, getSelectedText: function(){ if (this.setSelectionRange) return this.getTextInRange(this.getSelectionStart(), this.getSelectionEnd()); return document.selection.createRange().text; }, getSelectedRange: function() { if ($defined(this.selectionStart)) return {start: this.selectionStart, end: this.selectionEnd}; var pos = {start: 0, end: 0}; var range = this.getDocument().selection.createRange(); if (!range || range.parentElement() != this) return pos; var dup = range.duplicate(); if (this.type == 'text') { pos.start = 0 - dup.moveStart('character', -100000); pos.end = pos.start + range.text.length; } else { var value = this.get('value'); var offset = value.length; dup.moveToElementText(this); dup.setEndPoint('StartToEnd', range); if(dup.text.length) offset -= value.match(/[\n\r]*$/)[0].length; pos.end = offset - dup.text.length; dup.setEndPoint('StartToStart', range); pos.start = offset - dup.text.length; } return pos; }, getSelectionStart: function(){ return this.getSelectedRange().start; }, getSelectionEnd: function(){ return this.getSelectedRange().end; }, setCaretPosition: function(pos){ if (pos == 'end') pos = this.get('value').length; this.selectRange(pos, pos); return this; }, getCaretPosition: function(){ return this.getSelectedRange().start; }, selectRange: function(start, end){ if (this.setSelectionRange) { this.focus(); this.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else { var value = this.get('value'); var diff = value.substr(start, end - start).replace(/\r/g, '').length; start = value.substr(0, start).replace(/\r/g, '').length; var range = this.createTextRange(); range.collapse(true); range.moveEnd('character', start + diff); range.moveStart('character', start); range.select(); } return this; }, insertAtCursor: function(value, select){ var pos = this.getSelectedRange(); var text = this.get('value'); this.set('value', text.substring(0, pos.start) + value + text.substring(pos.end, text.length)); if ($pick(select, true)) this.selectRange(pos.start, pos.start + value.length); else this.setCaretPosition(pos.start + value.length); return this; }, insertAroundCursor: function(options, select){ options = $extend({ before: '', defaultMiddle: '', after: '' }, options); var value = this.getSelectedText() || options.defaultMiddle; var pos = this.getSelectedRange(); var text = this.get('value'); if (pos.start == pos.end){ this.set('value', text.substring(0, pos.start) + options.before + value + options.after + text.substring(pos.end, text.length)); this.selectRange(pos.start + options.before.length, pos.end + options.before.length + value.length); } else { var current = text.substring(pos.start, pos.end); this.set('value', text.substring(0, pos.start) + options.before + current + options.after + text.substring(pos.end, text.length)); var selStart = pos.start + options.before.length; if ($pick(select, true)) this.selectRange(selStart, selStart + current.length); else this.setCaretPosition(selStart + text.length); } return this; } }); /* --- script: Element.Measure.js description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful in measuring dimensions. credits: "Element.measure / .expose methods by Daniel Steigerwald License: MIT-style license. Copyright: Copyright (c) 2008 Daniel Steigerwald, daniel.steigerwald.cz" license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - core:1.2.4/Element.Style - core:1.2.4/Element.Dimensions - /MooTools.More provides: [Element.Measure] ... */ Element.implement({ measure: function(fn){ var vis = function(el) { return !!(!el || el.offsetHeight || el.offsetWidth); }; if (vis(this)) return fn.apply(this); var parent = this.getParent(), restorers = [], toMeasure = []; while (!vis(parent) && parent != document.body) { toMeasure.push(parent.expose()); parent = parent.getParent(); } var restore = this.expose(); var result = fn.apply(this); restore(); toMeasure.each(function(restore){ restore(); }); return result; }, expose: function(){ if (this.getStyle('display') != 'none') return $empty; var before = this.style.cssText; this.setStyles({ display: 'block', position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden' }); return function(){ this.style.cssText = before; }.bind(this); }, getDimensions: function(options){ options = $merge({computeSize: false},options); var dim = {}; var getSize = function(el, options){ return (options.computeSize)?el.getComputedSize(options):el.getSize(); }; var parent = this.getParent('body'); if (parent && this.getStyle('display') == 'none'){ dim = this.measure(function(){ return getSize(this, options); }); } else if (parent){ try { //safari sometimes crashes here, so catch it dim = getSize(this, options); }catch(e){} } else { dim = {x: 0, y: 0}; } return $chk(dim.x) ? $extend(dim, {width: dim.x, height: dim.y}) : $extend(dim, {x: dim.width, y: dim.height}); }, getComputedSize: function(options){ options = $merge({ styles: ['padding','border'], plains: { height: ['top','bottom'], width: ['left','right'] }, mode: 'both' }, options); var size = {width: 0,height: 0}; switch (options.mode){ case 'vertical': delete size.width; delete options.plains.width; break; case 'horizontal': delete size.height; delete options.plains.height; break; } var getStyles = []; //this function might be useful in other places; perhaps it should be outside this function? $each(options.plains, function(plain, key){ plain.each(function(edge){ options.styles.each(function(style){ getStyles.push((style == 'border') ? style + '-' + edge + '-' + 'width' : style + '-' + edge); }); }); }); var styles = {}; getStyles.each(function(style){ styles[style] = this.getComputedStyle(style); }, this); var subtracted = []; $each(options.plains, function(plain, key){ //keys: width, height, plains: ['left', 'right'], ['top','bottom'] var capitalized = key.capitalize(); size['total' + capitalized] = size['computed' + capitalized] = 0; plain.each(function(edge){ //top, left, right, bottom size['computed' + edge.capitalize()] = 0; getStyles.each(function(style, i){ //padding, border, etc. //'padding-left'.test('left') size['totalWidth'] = size['width'] + [padding-left] if (style.test(edge)){ styles[style] = styles[style].toInt() || 0; //styles['padding-left'] = 5; size['total' + capitalized] = size['total' + capitalized] + styles[style]; size['computed' + edge.capitalize()] = size['computed' + edge.capitalize()] + styles[style]; } //if width != width (so, padding-left, for instance), then subtract that from the total if (style.test(edge) && key != style && (style.test('border') || style.test('padding')) && !subtracted.contains(style)){ subtracted.push(style); size['computed' + capitalized] = size['computed' + capitalized]-styles[style]; } }); }); }); ['Width', 'Height'].each(function(value){ var lower = value.toLowerCase(); if(!$chk(size[lower])) return; size[lower] = size[lower] + this['offset' + value] + size['computed' + value]; size['total' + value] = size[lower] + size['total' + value]; delete size['computed' + value]; }, this); return $extend(styles, size); } }); /* --- script: Element.Position.js description: Extends the Element native object to include methods useful positioning elements relative to others. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - core:1.2.4/Element.Dimensions - /Element.Measure provides: [Elements.Position] ... */ (function(){ var original = Element.prototype.position; Element.implement({ position: function(options){ //call original position if the options are x/y values if (options && ($defined(options.x) || $defined(options.y))) return original ? original.apply(this, arguments) : this; $each(options||{}, function(v, k){ if (!$defined(v)) delete options[k]; }); options = $merge({ // minimum: { x: 0, y: 0 }, // maximum: { x: 0, y: 0}, relativeTo: document.body, position: { x: 'center', //left, center, right y: 'center' //top, center, bottom }, edge: false, offset: {x: 0, y: 0}, returnPos: false, relFixedPosition: false, ignoreMargins: false, ignoreScroll: false, allowNegative: false }, options); //compute the offset of the parent positioned element if this element is in one var parentOffset = {x: 0, y: 0}, parentPositioned = false; /* dollar around getOffsetParent should not be necessary, but as it does not return * a mootools extended element in IE, an error occurs on the call to expose. See: * http://mootools.lighthouseapp.com/projects/2706/tickets/333-element-getoffsetparent-inconsistency-between-ie-and-other-browsers */ var offsetParent = this.measure(function(){ return document.id(this.getOffsetParent()); }); if (offsetParent && offsetParent != this.getDocument().body){ parentOffset = offsetParent.measure(function(){ return this.getPosition(); }); parentPositioned = offsetParent != document.id(options.relativeTo); options.offset.x = options.offset.x - parentOffset.x; options.offset.y = options.offset.y - parentOffset.y; } //upperRight, bottomRight, centerRight, upperLeft, bottomLeft, centerLeft //topRight, topLeft, centerTop, centerBottom, center var fixValue = function(option){ if ($type(option) != 'string') return option; option = option.toLowerCase(); var val = {}; if (option.test('left')) val.x = 'left'; else if (option.test('right')) val.x = 'right'; else val.x = 'center'; if (option.test('upper') || option.test('top')) val.y = 'top'; else if (option.test('bottom')) val.y = 'bottom'; else val.y = 'center'; return val; }; options.edge = fixValue(options.edge); options.position = fixValue(options.position); if (!options.edge){ if (options.position.x == 'center' && options.position.y == 'center') options.edge = {x:'center', y:'center'}; else options.edge = {x:'left', y:'top'}; } this.setStyle('position', 'absolute'); var rel = document.id(options.relativeTo) || document.body, calc = rel == document.body ? window.getScroll() : rel.getPosition(), top = calc.y, left = calc.x; var dim = this.getDimensions({computeSize: true, styles:['padding', 'border','margin']}); var pos = {}, prefY = options.offset.y, prefX = options.offset.x, winSize = window.getSize(); switch(options.position.x){ case 'left': pos.x = left + prefX; break; case 'right': pos.x = left + prefX + rel.offsetWidth; break; default: //center pos.x = left + ((rel == document.body ? winSize.x : rel.offsetWidth)/2) + prefX; break; } switch(options.position.y){ case 'top': pos.y = top + prefY; break; case 'bottom': pos.y = top + prefY + rel.offsetHeight; break; default: //center pos.y = top + ((rel == document.body ? winSize.y : rel.offsetHeight)/2) + prefY; break; } if (options.edge){ var edgeOffset = {}; switch(options.edge.x){ case 'left': edgeOffset.x = 0; break; case 'right': edgeOffset.x = -dim.x-dim.computedRight-dim.computedLeft; break; default: //center edgeOffset.x = -(dim.totalWidth/2); break; } switch(options.edge.y){ case 'top': edgeOffset.y = 0; break; case 'bottom': edgeOffset.y = -dim.y-dim.computedTop-dim.computedBottom; break; default: //center edgeOffset.y = -(dim.totalHeight/2); break; } pos.x += edgeOffset.x; pos.y += edgeOffset.y; } pos = { left: ((pos.x >= 0 || parentPositioned || options.allowNegative) ? pos.x : 0).toInt(), top: ((pos.y >= 0 || parentPositioned || options.allowNegative) ? pos.y : 0).toInt() }; var xy = {left: 'x', top: 'y'}; ['minimum', 'maximum'].each(function(minmax) { ['left', 'top'].each(function(lr) { var val = options[minmax] ? options[minmax][xy[lr]] : null; if (val != null && pos[lr] < val) pos[lr] = val; }); }); if (rel.getStyle('position') == 'fixed' || options.relFixedPosition){ var winScroll = window.getScroll(); pos.top+= winScroll.y; pos.left+= winScroll.x; } if (options.ignoreScroll) { var relScroll = rel.getScroll(); pos.top-= relScroll.y; pos.left-= relScroll.x; } if (options.ignoreMargins) { pos.left += ( options.edge.x == 'right' ? dim['margin-right'] : options.edge.x == 'center' ? -dim['margin-left'] + ((dim['margin-right'] + dim['margin-left'])/2) : - dim['margin-left'] ); pos.top += ( options.edge.y == 'bottom' ? dim['margin-bottom'] : options.edge.y == 'center' ? -dim['margin-top'] + ((dim['margin-bottom'] + dim['margin-top'])/2) : - dim['margin-top'] ); } pos.left = Math.ceil(pos.left); pos.top = Math.ceil(pos.top); if (options.returnPos) return pos; else this.setStyles(pos); return this; } }); })(); /* --- script: Date.English.US.js description: Date messages for US English. license: MIT-style license authors: - Aaron Newton requires: - /Lang - /Date provides: [Date.English.US] ... */ MooTools.lang.set('en-US', 'Date', { months: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'], days: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'], //culture's date order: MM/DD/YYYY dateOrder: ['month', 'date', 'year'], shortDate: '%m/%d/%Y', shortTime: '%I:%M%p', AM: 'AM', PM: 'PM', /* Date.Extras */ ordinal: function(dayOfMonth){ //1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. return (dayOfMonth > 3 && dayOfMonth < 21) ? 'th' : ['th', 'st', 'nd', 'rd', 'th'][Math.min(dayOfMonth % 10, 4)]; }, lessThanMinuteAgo: 'less than a minute ago', minuteAgo: 'about a minute ago', minutesAgo: '{delta} minutes ago', hourAgo: 'about an hour ago', hoursAgo: 'about {delta} hours ago', dayAgo: '1 day ago', daysAgo: '{delta} days ago', weekAgo: '1 week ago', weeksAgo: '{delta} weeks ago', monthAgo: '1 month ago', monthsAgo: '{delta} months ago', yearAgo: '1 year ago', yearsAgo: '{delta} years ago', lessThanMinuteUntil: 'less than a minute from now', minuteUntil: 'about a minute from now', minutesUntil: '{delta} minutes from now', hourUntil: 'about an hour from now', hoursUntil: 'about {delta} hours from now', dayUntil: '1 day from now', daysUntil: '{delta} days from now', weekUntil: '1 week from now', weeksUntil: '{delta} weeks from now', monthUntil: '1 month from now', monthsUntil: '{delta} months from now', yearUntil: '1 year from now', yearsUntil: '{delta} years from now' });