Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/happyezystyle/js/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/happyezystyle/js/dg-picture-zoom.js |
/************************************************************************************************************ Picture Zoom Copyright (C) September 2010 DTHMLGoodies.com, Alf Magne Kalleland This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Dhtmlgoodies.com., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in this script written by Alf Magne Kalleland. Alf Magne Kalleland, 2010 Owner of DHTMLgoodies.com ************************************************************************************************************/ if(!window.DG) { window.DG = {}; }; DG.PictureZoom = new Class({ config: { border : true }, currentZIndex : 100, initialize: function(config){ config = config || {}; if(config.border != undefined){ this.config.border = config.border; } }, images: {}, internal : { isBusy : false, currentWidth : 0, currentHeight : 0, currentZIndex : 1 }, clearImages : function(){ this.images = {}; }, addPicture: function(el){ if(this.images[el]){ return; } if(!this._hasUrlToLargePicture(el)){ return; } this._setImageProperties(el); document.id(el).addEvent('click', this._initZoom.bind(this)); }, _setImageProperties: function(el){ var id = document.id(el).id; var url = this._getUrlToLargePicture(el); var img = new Element('img'); img.setProperty('src', url); img.setProperty('refId', id); img.addClass('dg-picture-zoom-large'); document.id(document.body).adopt(img); var coordinates = document.id(el).getCoordinates(); this.images[id] = { small: { x: coordinates.left, y: coordinates.top, width : coordinates.width, height : coordinates.height }, large: { img: img, width: 0, height: 0, sizeRatio : 0, xRatio : 0, yRatio : 0 } } img.setStyles( { display : 'none', position : 'absolute', 'z-index' : 500, top : coordinates.top, left : coordinates.left }); document.id(img).addEvent('click', this._initZoomOut.bind(this)); }, _getSizeOfLargeImage : function(id) { var obj = this.images[id]; if(obj.large.width) { return { x : obj.large.width, y : obj.large.height } }else{ var size = obj.large.img.measure(function(){ return this.getSize(); }); return size; } }, _setResizeProperties: function(el){ var id = document.id(el).id; var obj = this.images[id]; var size = this._getSizeOfLargeImage(id); obj.large.width = size.x; obj.large.height = size.y; obj.large.sizeRatio = size.x / size.y; obj.large.xRatio = obj.large.yRatio = 0.5; if(obj.large.height/2 > obj.small.y) { obj.large.yRatio *= (obj.small.y / (obj.large.height/2)); } if(obj.large.width/2 > obj.small.x) { obj.large.xRatio *= (obj.small.x / (obj.large.width/2)); } }, _initZoom: function(e){ if(this.internal.isBusy) { return; } this.internal.isBusy = true; var el = e.target; var id = document.id(el).id; this.createBorderContainerForLargePicture(); var coordinates = document.id(el).getCoordinates(); this.images[id].small = { x: coordinates.left, y: coordinates.top, width : coordinates.width, height : coordinates.height } this._setResizeProperties(el); this._setInitialCssProperties(el); var obj = this.images[id]; this.internal.currentWidth = obj.small.width; this.internal.currentHeight = obj.small.height; this._increaseZIndex(id); this._zoom(id, 'out'); }, _zoom : function(id, direction) { var obj = this.images[id]; var multiply = 1; if (direction == 'in') { multiply = -1; } this.hideBorderContainer(id); var coords = { 'small' : document.id(id).getCoordinates(), 'large' : document.id(obj.large.img).getCoordinates() } var ratio = coords.large.width / coords.large.height; if(direction == 'in'){ var from = coords.large; var to = { 'left' : coords.small.left, 'top' : coords.small.top , 'width': coords.small.width, 'height' : Math.round(coords.small.width / ratio ) }; }else{ var from = coords.small; var to = { 'left' : Math.max(8, Math.round(coords.small.left - (obj.large.width /2) + coords.small.height/2) ), 'top' : Math.max(8, Math.round(coords.small.top - (obj.large.height /2) + coords.small.width/2) ), 'width' : obj.large.width, 'height' : obj.large.height } var coords = document.id(document.body).getScrollSize(); coords.x -= 8; coords.y -= 8; if(to.left + to.width > coords.x){ to.left -= ( (to.left + to.width) - coords.x ); to.left = Math.max(8, to.left); } if(to.top + to.height > coords.y){ to.top -= ( (to.top + to.height) - coords.y ); to.top = Math.max(8, to.top); } } obj.large.img.setStyle('z-index', this.getNewZIndex()); var myFx = new Fx.Morph(obj.large.img, { duration : 200, unit : 'px' }); myFx.start({ 'left' : [ from.left , to.left ], 'top' : [ from.top , to.top ], 'width' :[from.width, to.width], 'height' : [from.height, to.height] }); this._zoomComplete.delay(250, this, [id, obj, direction]); }, _zoomComplete : function(id, obj, direction) { if(direction == 'in') { obj.large.img.setStyle('display','none'); }else{ this.createBorderContainerForLargePicture(id); this.positionBorderContainer(id, obj.large.img); } this.internal.isBusy = false; }, positionBorderContainer : function(id, largeImage) { if(!this.config.border){ return; } var arrayKey = 'borderContainer-' + id; var coords = largeImage.getCoordinates(); var borderLeft = this.images[arrayKey].getStyle('border-left-width').replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); var borderTop = this.images[arrayKey].getStyle('border-top-width').replace(/[^0-9]/g,''); this.images[arrayKey].setStyles({ 'display' : '', 'z-index' : this.getNewZIndex(), 'left' : coords.left - borderLeft, 'top' : coords.top - borderTop, 'width' : coords.width, 'height' : coords.height }); largeImage.setStyle('z-index', this.getNewZIndex()); }, createBorderContainerForLargePicture : function(id) { var arrayKey = 'borderContainer-' + id; if(!this.config.border || this.images[arrayKey]){ return; } this.images[arrayKey] = new Element('div'); this.images[arrayKey].setStyles({ 'display' : 'none', 'position': 'absolute', 'z-index' : 100 }); this.images[arrayKey].addClass('dg-picture-zoom-border-container') document.id(document.body).adopt(this.images[arrayKey]); } , getNewZIndex : function() { this.currentZIndex++; return this.currentZIndex; }, hideBorderContainer : function(id) { if(!this.config.border || !this.images['borderContainer-' + id]){ return; } this.images['borderContainer-' + id].setStyle('display','none'); }, _initZoomOut : function(e) { var id = document.id(e.target).getProperty('refId'); if(this.internal.isBusy) { return; } this._increaseZIndex(id); var obj = this.images[id]; var size = obj.large.img.getSize(); this.internal.currentWidth = size.x; this.internal.currentHeight = size.y; this._zoom(id, 'in'); }, _increaseZIndex : function(id) { this.internal.currentZIndex ++; this.images[id].large.img.setStyle('z-index', this.internal.currentZIndex); }, _setInitialCssProperties : function(el) { var id = document.id(el).id; var obj = this.images[id]; obj.large.img.setStyles({ display : '', width : obj.small.width, height : obj.small.height }); var coordinates = document.id(el).getPosition(); obj.small.x = coordinates.x; obj.small.y = coordinates.y; }, _hasUrlToLargePicture : function(el){ var url = this._getUrlToLargePicture(el); return url ? true : false; }, _getUrlToLargePicture: function(el){ if(document.id(el).getProperty('url')){ return document.id(el).getProperty('url'); } var src = document.id(el).getProperty('src'); if(src.indexOf('?url') <0){ return ''; } var url = src.replace(/^.*?url=(.*?)/gi, '$1'); url = url.replace(/(.*?)(&.*$)/gi, '$1'); return url; } });