Path : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/backend/js/wysiwyg/ |
Current File : /home/admin/domains/happytokorea.com/public_html/backend/js/wysiwyg/wysiwyg.image.js |
/** * Controls: Image plugin * * Depends on jWYSIWYG */ (function ($) { "use strict"; if (undefined === $.wysiwyg) { throw "wysiwyg.image.js depends on $.wysiwyg"; } if (!$.wysiwyg.controls) { $.wysiwyg.controls = {}; } /* * Wysiwyg namespace: public properties and methods */ $.wysiwyg.controls.image = { groupIndex: 6, visible: true, exec: function () { $.wysiwyg.controls.image.init(this); }, tags: ["img"], tooltip: "Insert image", init: function (Wysiwyg) { var self = this, elements, adialog, dialog, formImageHtml, regexp, dialogReplacements, key, translation, img = { alt: "", self: Wysiwyg.dom ? Wysiwyg.dom.getElement("img") : null, // link to element node src: "http://", title: "" }; dialogReplacements = { legend : "Insert Image", preview : "Preview", url : "URL", title : "Title", description : "Description", width : "Width", height : "Height", original : "Original W x H", "float" : "Float", floatNone : "None", floatLeft : "Left", floatRight : "Right", submit : "Insert Image", reset : "Cancel", fileManagerIcon : "Select file from server" }; formImageHtml = '<form class="wysiwyg" id="wysiwyg-addImage"><fieldset>' + '<div class="form-row"><span class="form-row-key">{preview}:</span><div class="form-row-value"><img src="" alt="{preview}" style="margin: 2px; padding:5px; max-width: 100%; overflow:hidden; max-height: 100px; border: 1px solid rgb(192, 192, 192);"/></div></div>' + '<div class="form-row"><label for="name">{url}:</label><div class="form-row-value"><input type="text" name="src" value=""/>'; if ($.wysiwyg.fileManager && $.wysiwyg.fileManager.ready) { // Add the File Manager icon: formImageHtml += '<div class="wysiwyg-fileManager" title="{fileManagerIcon}"/>'; } formImageHtml += '</div></div>' + '<div class="form-row"><label for="name">{title}:</label><div class="form-row-value"><input type="text" name="imgtitle" value=""/></div></div>' + '<div class="form-row"><label for="name">{description}:</label><div class="form-row-value"><input type="text" name="description" value=""/></div></div>' + '<div class="form-row"><label for="name">{width} x {height}:</label><div class="form-row-value"><input type="text" name="width" value="" class="width-small"/> x <input type="text" name="height" value="" class="width-small"/></div></div>' + '<div class="form-row"><label for="name">{original}:</label><div class="form-row-value"><input type="text" name="naturalWidth" value="" class="width-small" disabled="disabled"/> x ' + '<input type="text" name="naturalHeight" value="" class="width-small" disabled="disabled"/></div></div>' + '<div class="form-row"><label for="name">{float}:</label><div class="form-row-value"><select name="float">' + '<option value="">{floatNone}</option>' + '<option value="left">{floatLeft}</option>' + '<option value="right">{floatRight}</option></select></div></div>' + '<div class="form-row form-row-last"><label for="name"></label><div class="form-row-value"><input type="submit" class="button" value="{submit}"/> ' + '<input type="reset" value="{reset}"/></div></div></fieldset></form>'; for (key in dialogReplacements) { if ($.wysiwyg.i18n) { translation = $.wysiwyg.i18n.t(dialogReplacements[key], "dialogs.image"); if (translation === dialogReplacements[key]) { // if not translated search in dialogs translation = $.wysiwyg.i18n.t(dialogReplacements[key], "dialogs"); } dialogReplacements[key] = translation; } regexp = new RegExp("{" + key + "}", "g"); formImageHtml = formImageHtml.replace(regexp, dialogReplacements[key]); } if (img.self) { img.src = img.self.src ? img.self.src : ""; img.alt = img.self.alt ? img.self.alt : ""; img.title = img.self.title ? img.self.title : ""; img.width = img.self.width ? img.self.width : ""; img.height = img.self.height ? img.self.height : ""; img.styleFloat = $(img.self).css("float"); } adialog = new $.wysiwyg.dialog(Wysiwyg, { "title" : dialogReplacements.legend, "content" : formImageHtml }); $(adialog).bind("afterOpen", function (e, dialog) { dialog.find("form#wysiwyg-addImage").submit(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); self.processInsert(dialog.container, Wysiwyg, img); adialog.close(); return false; }); // File Manager (select file): if ($.wysiwyg.fileManager) { $("div.wysiwyg-fileManager").bind("click", function () { $.wysiwyg.fileManager.init(function (selected) { dialog.find("input[name=src]").val(selected); dialog.find("input[name=src]").trigger("change"); }); }); } $("input:reset", dialog).click(function (e) { adialog.close(); return false; }); $("fieldset", dialog).click(function (e) { e.stopPropagation(); }); self.makeForm(dialog, img); }); adialog.open(); $(Wysiwyg.editorDoc).trigger("editorRefresh.wysiwyg"); }, processInsert: function (context, Wysiwyg, img) { var image, url = $('input[name="src"]', context).val(), title = $('input[name="imgtitle"]', context).val(), description = $('input[name="description"]', context).val(), width = $('input[name="width"]', context).val(), height = $('input[name="height"]', context).val(), styleFloat = $('select[name="float"]', context).val(), styles = [], style = "", found, baseUrl; if (Wysiwyg.options.controlImage && Wysiwyg.options.controlImage.forceRelativeUrls) { baseUrl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.hostname + (window.location.port ? ":" + window.location.port : ""); if (0 === url.indexOf(baseUrl)) { url = url.substr(baseUrl.length); } } if (img.self) { // to preserve all img attributes $(img.self).attr("src", url) .attr("title", title) .attr("alt", description) .css("float", styleFloat); if (width.toString().match(/^[0-9]+(px|%)?$/)) { $(img.self).css("width", width); } else { $(img.self).css("width", ""); } if (height.toString().match(/^[0-9]+(px|%)?$/)) { $(img.self).css("height", height); } else { $(img.self).css("height", ""); } Wysiwyg.saveContent(); } else { found = width.toString().match(/^[0-9]+(px|%)?$/); if (found) { if (found[1]) { styles.push("width: " + width + ";"); } else { styles.push("width: " + width + "px;"); } } found = height.toString().match(/^[0-9]+(px|%)?$/); if (found) { if (found[1]) { styles.push("height: " + height + ";"); } else { styles.push("height: " + height + "px;"); } } if (styleFloat.length > 0) { styles.push("float: " + styleFloat + ";"); } if (styles.length > 0) { style = ' style="' + styles.join(" ") + '"'; } image = "<img src='" + url + "' title='" + title + "' alt='" + description + "'" + style + "/>"; Wysiwyg.insertHtml(image); } }, makeForm: function (form, img) { form.find("input[name=src]").val(img.src); form.find("input[name=imgtitle]").val(img.title); form.find("input[name=description]").val(img.alt); form.find('input[name="width"]').val(img.width); form.find('input[name="height"]').val(img.height); form.find('select[name="float"]').val(img.styleFloat); form.find('img').attr("src", img.src); form.find('img').bind("load", function () { if (form.find('img').get(0).naturalWidth) { form.find('input[name="naturalWidth"]').val(form.find('img').get(0).naturalWidth); form.find('input[name="naturalHeight"]').val(form.find('img').get(0).naturalHeight); } else if (form.find('img').attr("naturalWidth")) { form.find('input[name="naturalWidth"]').val(form.find('img').attr("naturalWidth")); form.find('input[name="naturalHeight"]').val(form.find('img').attr("naturalHeight")); } }); form.find("input[name=src]").bind("change", function () { form.find('img').attr("src", this.value); }); return form; } }; $.wysiwyg.insertImage = function (object, url, attributes) { return object.each(function () { var Wysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg"), image, attribute; if (!Wysiwyg) { return this; } if (!url || url.length === 0) { return this; } if ($.browser.msie) { Wysiwyg.ui.focus(); } if (attributes) { Wysiwyg.editorDoc.execCommand("insertImage", false, "#jwysiwyg#"); image = Wysiwyg.getElementByAttributeValue("img", "src", "#jwysiwyg#"); if (image) { image.src = url; for (attribute in attributes) { if (attributes.hasOwnProperty(attribute)) { image.setAttribute(attribute, attributes[attribute]); } } } } else { Wysiwyg.editorDoc.execCommand("insertImage", false, url); } Wysiwyg.saveContent(); $(Wysiwyg.editorDoc).trigger("editorRefresh.wysiwyg"); return this; }); }; })(jQuery);